a - woman 01mm - Wednesday lune 3. 2009 279 Weber St N , Suite 20 Waterloo. Ornnt) Ni’J 3H8 â€$14861wa S|98869JX3 WW WWWWWWW Peter WINKLER Pl ‘BIJSHER . ' r We MELL ITS NICER lHAN THE meme LO BUT « m a EDITOR ext 229 T " “ ' 3â€"“ cdtlonalwwalerloochniniclc ctr THE N TER ‘ \rl)ï¬,\‘é7‘wlil€rltll'hflml(l€ ca ' . W W LACKs FEATURES = ,. l REPORTER ext 203 "' , H g -5 35, . 5555‘ or“ 53323 iiidalltm td‘vtaterlotx thnlL’lC ca ' K - . rill" ‘1 l ‘ $3153.. â€i‘gï¬‚ï¬ )' l: . 5â€"5 A ‘: iâ€; L - t" "'>‘l-"""7‘€ r C ’ - , (in-g MACDONALD 15’? ‘ ', - _: , " . - ' REPORTER CH 2 I 5 5?») i c _ I. a ' V x. -:: e 5 may; 5 .i a gdnuctiunaldldwmerloochmmcle ca 5,55 ‘ ' â€v 5 5 â€" ' ‘ _ :3 ‘\ 3 r. a ‘ 1; {J '5' ‘3? ", ".55 ‘ 7 ‘ " M 7 7‘ fl" Sé’fié’ \5 ‘ 5 " ;,. «’1- I‘ we;- I ’4’; :5" .s ».‘. 1' -3 d d E . V w a“ ’4. fl». ADVERTISING : , . ‘ , - . ..-: (1.5." 5 55.: Gem MATTICE CH 251) "“ e . ‘ â€at ~ .3 " ' â€any 17-, 4;- . .. RETAIL SALES MANAGER a ,3? 35 i7†QC. . ., .~. ~;mm f" . i I: . i.‘ 3’7 mlcstfl waterloochrnntcle ca 6.; 3 , K " I ‘o ’ < ' "' ' "' ' .' 7 SM is Ri;i’RlL\‘liNTATIVl;S 5 Healhcr BOYDt-u 2:2 \, hhtl) do unturltxtchronicle ca - V I Norma (‘YCA t'll 333 ncymtd walerlmx’hrtimcle ca Jenn} MAt‘Nt-ilu exl 22x Ir- 5 lllant'lll(“‘VI‘illL‘rlUtIL'hnlnlL'lt.‘ tut t’l.i\SSll-‘llil) HWWSVSZIU (‘IRCL‘LATION 5|97886-2830cxt. 213 5,5 5. ., ,. . ,. W , , .. 5 7, . Canadian Publications Mail Sales ‘ v t . . , . O 0 O mimmigmmrtum L (.llROMtii; ml [OHM]. Prograln links famflles to schools 4005th vieâ€"77w“ ~~r~7 "7 M7 ~â€"~~-â€"rr Hie . o o . . lnlemalional Standard Semi Nun» There IS so much research potluck meals that are an her ASSN 0832-3410 GrOWIHg palns out mm: coma ( ll I I \ I added bonus of multicultur- Audited Circulation: 3 l .292 - a student's WWW] the link . alism. . an “e- hfgr‘rlfaiiiifycï¬ifliidrï¬n‘ï¬giï¬mï¬iï¬m thomndm. (“I “W mepmgramismnaed l V . , ‘ Last week at Winston through the Hallman Foun- wasonlyamatterofumebeforetheidailsofhw . . . . . - , . Churchill ublic school i dation. United Way and the s‘ ’v weshouldgrowasaatymrldmeetthepiacumlunplm~ p ' . - Am V 30.5 01‘th watched this research trans» ’ Waterloo North Kiwanis "~./ . . . . . . form into action a eight ' - ~ ' Club. who donated money 5 â€"â€"â€"- A case in mint is the converston of the historic Table iii ‘ d al l ‘ red h The Waterloo Chronicle is published and Chair buildin on Allen Street into a new 19 sto fam mgraduated from the an so v0 un ee eac each Wednesday by Melrollnd condot l’ 8 my Family and SchoolsTogether “ ‘1. week Media Group Ltd OWE - r - - _ Residents have rightly voiced their concerns about grogram. “1?wa n a long 0mg}? p lgschogisdgréemd ONTAR'O PRESS COUNCH- how such a massive structure will loom over their neigh- me smog W m a i . ' The Waterloo Otrrxiicle is a member b0 rhoods 'l‘li‘ b ild' will b' ha room that had so much post- there is no doubt that these of The Ontario Press Counctl. which “ ful “pt “are; 11:23 n â€Nin'ï¬; Sdow magic tive energy â€" watching this positive family interactions considers complainu Against mm 0335 0w" Why - - > posi ' ami' -_ her newspapers Any complaint increased traffic is a real concern for the families trying to program come '0 fruition create trve le "3 em" ahout news, 09mm; “mixing a, raise their kids in the area was truly an emotional and . ronments conduct should ï¬rst be taken my. Em the My ofWateiioo is it an no “mg" grow out. inspiring moment. At the beginning of the The program fosters such ‘ new 1:33;? Uamsolglcotnpi’lrients so the push is on to up The Famtly and Schools graduation. we spent some an important relationship can roug l [0 Inc 53 go“ . . lhmm '_ ‘ ‘3th ' Mflm mhw Council. 2 Carlton Street. Suite Some will argue this is another case of Nimbyism and lies who ï¬hesoutf‘t; :21), £303}: ell ngeemigumi wmmmlwoonnelczlr‘i: fam- ‘705-TW0010‘0N -M53 â€3 nearby residents should also grow up and understand coking . I "HI" . . . ' . COPYRIGHT this no longer the small city it once was. They have to gdleocmongefgnm in 0‘2â€,“ $em| c â€13:3? 1 and thee “nth community The Emmi†0’ m" W‘P‘W' "‘5 understand that there are big PM!“ underwag If? the core community. The program guests. ï¬nding their voices Watching the families ï¬wï¬â€˜; a: ‘éolmgzl‘xc "“m ’m lb: :33: :1“: Qgtï¬gflws" â€Stem an e mums" offers support to families to along the way. Each family graduate together was very trial purposes All other right; are â€a ca ‘ - - help children do well at was recognized and celebrat- emotional. Each child saw men-ed and commercial use IS pro mag: $333; $382; 21368;:2321131: 3:: :2 school. at home and in the ed. You could see each child's their community. their l’ul'iluedI To makel IPy(u;;‘0f la; y urban planners want them to do They have settled community. Increased self» face light up with the intro- school and their family "‘8 CH3 you mus IFS I"! "ml . . â€" . - . permission ofthe ownerof the (some in the city centre, close to the amenities of the uptown. 9“â€"P' closer family rela duction. Eachdl'ld seemed through different eyes. You "RN F0' “"9"" '"fmm't'o" ‘°“‘ and are responsible for the vibrancy ofWaterioo‘s core, tionsIhips. enhanfcedscpjarelnt P say. H? this Elmo 'f‘m“ 3:31?“ they wire med 0f lact Bob Vm, Editor, Waterloo ? . . . invo vement int e 00, m pan 0 some mg. 3 am- r amiltesan parents t‘nrnnir-ie, :79 Weber St N . Suite 5° how do we mm "“3".“ We deg“ m run.†a 19 plusa strong support net- ily. this school and commu- This program should be 2,). tummy 0mm N2, 1H3 storey tower to block out their little bit of sunshine and rt all cont ’b t t ni .. in eve school The only â€0me to build more Of the e in the future. Knoprovemenlt; i: :hlldren's tyThe graduation repre‘ thing adding it back is fund :tli'mtt: ... some: 722:3 “itâ€? mm: mm: Wu performance and e We Wm 'n we W “m writer‘t lull name. signature new its rise was. net ham-listedy p g p behaviour at home and together for eight weeks learning that we are all in this n" ""9“" we?“ Aï¬ï¬l 7“ p0“ p W . ‘ A _ schoolr The program is one Families focus on strength» together is a lesson that chil~ F .iï¬wxantwwï¬j “In; (I: †‘ " ' ' - of the most researched fami» ening their parenting and dmn. parents and school ‘ piihlnhcd Van)!“ will not he with ' ‘ " , '- lystrengtheninginterven communication skills. while communities need to be if“ We WM the no" It“. 6")"- tions around. children come to recognize reminded of. The Families “W “' """ '"-‘ mm" """ 0' - ’ Energetic compassionate their family as an integral and Schools Together pm» in . ie i rpmc l . ' , - ~ h, :::,’,,,‘,:,,:',,yp}'u ,0 1.38131}; outreach workers and a part ofthe community. gram achieves this and more. or hy emlil tn edllnn number oflocal volunteers This was especially true M““"°"“‘¢"’°‘5‘"‘" " “f “l W" run the program out of the for our new Canadian fami- Catherine Fife isa mow qud$mï¬lmw§f£0§f mm: ' -. Catholic Family Counselling lies And the program bene- with the new Region {hum mi not ‘ l ' ‘ ’ Centre. ï¬tted from the diversity of District School Board