Mimumcunomcu-mwliuig I / , THE BUTCHER SHOP ‘ ’ ' 5414/, a...“ m . , uncut much i 5" "‘7‘ :‘ï¬'ik <- ‘ . â€yam veaLbcd.‘ ‘ â€I 4:,“ ' tM,,_‘_ chicken or pork kebabs ' 4“ fl ‘ only $2.99 each ~ , ~- - - ~ w ‘l : n it meow l [a viiâ€"eririâ€"ï¬ï¬mm . " h." " ,. - ' a s. “ “is ,3, ‘ . ,._.â€"_. W; "i .__.,. ‘e %_ .., a r. ’ _ , ’ ‘ ' " ‘ , r ' N'- “34"" 3.; W†' r ‘ A 7 W3.“ ,_, m “I _- , , , ‘ , " ‘ a... .. “an! 1": . l' " I q we . a, ' - " ,. ’4Ef~w ' ._ " " V n V» - - 54,-, - wot?" , I hffli.a,s x13- ‘ , e-~‘\ ‘- » a"? e /2., I "53"â€" ~ A "'4 â€"-:"“v If" ' ,'.. -, ~-- . 8" , - i .. 7: ‘ , R " a v , i7: .“5::.:â€".=:=..â€"â€"â€"â€"_.4=l - .. s x 1/,†[A ‘ ,l ., ; L “at, “4 3 1 t a , / I .â€".__., ‘3‘], It. -' PF , 3 , )'{ ‘\ ’ ,,‘_,_ _- Ir-. 1 “ ‘ . \, ‘4 . x I a, ., - he-.. «or. u w I. ‘ _ a ' ' .. - z . ‘ - _ . a . , -t i 50.. ,. , ' ~ 3; v- , ‘ . _ i : ‘1 q- , >4 i W“. - _ 3 Aâ€: i: “ " “ i ' 2.37:. " («4" W l o bli . , I ater 00 opens ltS new p11 C square __ _ ' â€EM aterloo unveiled its new Bell, a new piece of public art that in fact. the site used to be much ‘ " ; , ‘7‘ =‘&~ï¬~ Wcivic square on Saturday sits near the corner of King Street more than just a parking a lot. said \ ’ and hundreds of people and Mllis Way, IOCal historian Ken McLaughlin. \ . ' Came out to explore the uptown's Frank Schabel sat near the Bell The square, which is located in s; A 3 newest addjrjon and watched as the square began to front of Waterloo Town Square. is ‘ ._ ‘ As the sun shone. visitors ï¬ll with people. starting at noon on near the site ofAbraham Erb's origi- , -. . explored an artisans market featur- Saturday nal 81151 mil]. " , ing handmade products from local He'd been watching the square That mill was a meeting place 7 ’ craftspeople. since construction began last sum- for traders a hundred years ago. just I- _ K “' Families lounged while enjoying mer and chronicling the space's as the new civic square will be a . ->~ . 2, their lunches and were treated to transformation from parking lot to meeting place for Waterloo citizens .__- â€" ‘5, shows by First Nations performers, Civic space. today, McLaughlin said. ‘ . 5"}: 2- ‘ 1‘ , the Tlm'n City Hannonizers and the At regular intervals, Schabel Mayor Brenda Halloran ‘Ttifjgfirgyt, ’ r Waterloo Concen Band. would travel up to the top of the addressed the crowd later in the ‘ ' “ V.:;7-,; g V ‘ Others just basked in the sun- uptown parkade and take a photo‘ afternoon and expressed her relief , rm a, shine. content to watch the com~ graph 0f the progress that the square was ï¬nally opened. ‘ , ‘ 4» ings and goings. He was glad to see the opening “This is actually a pretty emo- « .1 w?) ' . "1 think it's gorgeous.“ sajd john ï¬nally come. tional day for me,†she said. 51“ """ ‘ fl Bolton. who lives in the uptown "This should have been done “It's been a long time coming. ,5 ,Eu "It's a great place to sit on beau» eons ago.“ Schabel said. "This is going to be a meeting ‘ =4! ' . tiful day†“They ï¬nally got rid of that park- place that will become a key pan of â€i | h \ a ‘ A’ Many onlookers studied the ing '01†Waterloo." l 1 , Scenes from the square, from top left: Dianne Peters from the Kitchener~Waterloo Embroidery Guild sells her 3 , 7‘ . wares at the artisan‘s market. Michael Frazer from Keatsway public school performs during the school's historical .-s...- . .- ,9 . ‘ ‘ play; Jana Hajizadeh, l, basks in the sun; Frank Schabel looks at the Waterloo Bell; Lo<hlan Kominar, 2, enjoys V 3.“ r l A. : some lunch while taking in the dafs events; and Davrd«Patterson Cole gets in a few grinds before the square offi- ./ l f in (ially opens. we WALDSYORVMOWYOS m w ‘ . ‘ ""â€"‘“'“' "“""‘ Ded< Sid ' Made Si I mung m . H : ~ 1 s t ‘ ' , v 4 l - , i Docksroqulroroauwwnnppllcwontokupm annoo". HI‘,[JI{S ,1 i . htopuhnpoJakoadaytomettuyouwoodb Surface ; - ~ . " ammuywmmou-omvpmm. Preparation 1 ' 7' ‘ ThoOnFloonomako-wrbcoproplutmdo-ym Machâ€... 583 Kl st) Street N. \u’VtalvllOO ; _. mm.mm«m.mm ,,.,,m,,,,.,,,,,). ? Mid plug-in m with Mm qumy l 3 _ , BoniunlnMooroShlm.ym'llboroodbethodookl ‘ ‘ ‘ , , M Mr W W wwwlwvrsclerzorutiâ€(taunt