WM iltltmtJimNicu - when“. lune 5. 2003 - 33 TH E CITY OF waterloo For more information, please rontact City of Waterloo 100 Regina St. South Waterloo, Ontario N2] 4A8 P 519-886-1550 F 519747-8760 TTY 1-866-786-3941 www.waterloo.ca FORM 1' PLANNING ACT, R 5.0. 1990 - commercial recreation. With limitations "one: at: THE pAssuiic or 20mm: ' PM “We W“ "mm - establishes streetllne setbacks for Erb Street (3.00 m), Father Din id Bauer Drive BY'LAW BY THE couuc'L OF THE (000 m) and Carollne Street South (0.00 m)! CORPORATION OF THE CITY ‘ establishes no internal yard setbacks for the subject lands; 0F WATERLOO - establishes a 50 metre height regulation for the subject lands; ' TAKE NOTICE that the Corporation ofthe City of Waterloo passed By-Law No. ' “W“Shes Parking â€Sula’ions for the “We“ â€"1“: 09-063. on the 25th day ofMay, 2009. under Section 34 ofthe Flaming Act. R.S.O., - 0.75 spaces per 100 square metres of building floor area for an Educational ‘ 1990. Institution, including residence space AND TAKE NOTICE that any person or agency may appeal to the Ontario Munici- - 90 spaces for the existing building at 57 Erb Street West P31 Board in respect 0“,“? by-law by ï¬ling With the Clerk ofthe Corporation ofthe - for all uses other than an Educational Institution, 2.15 spaces per [00 square City of Waterloo not later than the 23rd day ofJune, 2009, a notice of appeal setting metres of building floor area for non.resjdenï¬a| uses and 1.00 space per onetdtlti’e Obgectlo‘rlstg thgoby-la: and its)? wasâ€??? support. of the objection. actiompa- dwelling for residential uses in y a ee 0 l 5. , ma e paya e to e inistcr 0 Finance, as prescrl d _ - . 4 - - 7 under the Ontario Municipal Board Act. lryou wish to appeal to the Ontario Munici- “a“ “mm" â€mg mummem“ 5‘" °"' '“ scam“ '0'2'2'2‘ 8" 1' 8‘ 1“" 1' . , . , 8.111012. 10.2.3. [ and 10.2.5 ofo-law No. 1108. pal Board. a copy Ofan appeal form ls available from the Ontano MunlCIpal Board . ’ . website a, wuwombgovonca. if you require further information or have any questions, please contact the AN EXPLANATION Ofthe purpose and sheet of the by-law. describing the lands to my °f wand†D"°'°"""â€â€˜ “mm at 5117035“ which the by-law applies is attached. The complete by-law is available for inspection 1°“ Cottier. MOP RP? in my office during regular office hours. mam; Senate: . . _ ‘ o a 00 DATED at the City of Waterloo this 3rd day OfJune. 2009. joel.cotter0waterloo.ca Susan Greatnx. City Clerk K i NOTE: Only individuals. corpo- rations and public bodies may ,3 if) you! s" R appeal a Zoning By-Law to the I an M q LANDLORD INFO MAUON Ontario Municipal Board. A WE . Notice oprpeal may not be , (f; 5’ f SESSION filed by an unincorporated asso- F of a“ elation or group. However, a a†E 4 _ gas Notice oprpeal may be filed in . 7‘ 3:, r , the name ofan indiVldual who is ‘ \‘ ~ \ K x ’4 TOPICS OF DISCUSSION 3 member ofthe association or ‘ ‘ ‘ ..\ ,z-f â€â€˜5 flyinmrom' NOTF . â€7 _--.. a -‘ UW Campus Master Plan - Landlord/Tenant Rights . a . a 6‘ “Lu“ 4 . . . Application m Conjunction: N“ A a" 4% as"; w . Garbage & Recycling . ReSident Rental Unit By-Iaw No. 09-063 amends By- « ’ .. .. ' at . Bits 6t Bites â€" Byâ€"laws 6t Licensmg Rewew law No | 108, being a Zoning $ ((36 '- “9 Codes Bylaw controlling land use % ‘3 development Within the City of 9 JUNE 10 am. Wednsday Waterloo. The purpose ofthe by- ‘1‘) "I ' law is to Elezone7tl(1e Iarlids ksnowri g‘ a o, l 6 : 30 ‘ 9:00 P. m. in â€I: HAUSER HAUS munlClpa y as am lne . tree 1 . ‘ South and 57 Erb gnmwcsno , , . ~ ~~ - .. ~~ ,_ " > "a Meet and Mingle at 6:30 - Speakers begin at 7:00 permit the Balsilllc School of __ “a a My â€an." A EM '2me while WW “fl. International Affairs. an educa- ' ‘ ' ---- . . . . Nona] lnSllIUUt)â€. g'i" ., h J, r" â€"f‘:"-‘â€"::.- Cm/WW/Pohu â€off 0M 0"†div†W Paragraphs 1 to 9 ofthe By-Iaw mm†. WATERLOO MEMORIAL affect certain site spcmfic Inning by-laws ofthe City of Waterloo. being 81-35, 81-79. 94â€"1 12, 99-80 and 0174 The said paragraphs either repeal the entire by-law or RECREAUON COMPLEX delcte certain parts of the related hy»law. 101 FATHER DAVID SAW“ DRIVE Paragraph it) of the By-law: , Mu? yotr local City officials, Police, University Off-Campus Housing, ‘ {EIEHS the use â€I‘ducatlonal Institution [including residence)" on the subject Whirl†of â€w Waterloo R450" Comfy W. Mic: for up-fo- ‘ ' date information on a ti a rental . ‘ retains the Site SPCCIfIC uses permitted through By-law Nos. 81-35. 8119. 94412, M "9 W â€H" and “3'74 “We SPONSORED BY me crrv or WATERLOO . hmusTum Wllh anClllary restaurant and retail uses N¢ighbours Program - (l L‘ , . , retail store. Wllh limitations For further mf , "on pl coma“ - restaurant (including take out, but not drive»ln or drive-thru), With limitations cmm'w Relafions 519'747‘8716 l, .