I WAI Nil 1 x) quorum - Wednesday, lune a, 2003 - 3| THE CITY OF El waterloo For more information, please con tact‘ City of Waterloo 100 Regina St. South Waterloo, Ontario N2) 4A8 , P 519-886-1550 F 5194418760 TTY 1866-7863941 www.waterloo.ca FORMAL PUBLIC MEETING tation Plan, It IS expected that Council Will deCIde Whether the application should be approved denied or amended concerning 3 Official Plan Amendment, 3 IF Council approves the application, a lay-law to adopt the Ofï¬cial Plan and to . . d Zoning By-law will be passed at a future Council Meeting. -I amen _ Zoning By aw Amendment and weSt "I" FOR further information regarding the above matter. please contact the City of DIStI’ICt Plan Amendment Waterloo Development Services, 2nd Floor, Waterloo City Centre, Waterloo, TAKE NOTICE that the Counctl ofThe Corporation ofthe City of Waterloo Will Ontario, by calling (519) "7.8589 1“ by email at ryan.mounsey aterloo.ca. hold a Formal Public Meeting on Monday. June 22, 2009, no earlier than 6:30pm. m Ryan "WHEY. Development 5mm“ - the Council Chambers. 3rd Floor, Waterloo City Centre. 100 Regina Street South, (519) 7‘7'3589 Waterloo. to conSider the following application to amend the Ofï¬cial Plan and Zon- ryan.mounsey0waterloo.ca ing By-iaW pursuant to Sections 22 and 34 ofthe Planning Act. Copies of the Applicant‘s technical reports (traffic reports and retail reports) and Ofï¬cial Plan Amendment No. 74 with Special Policy Areas and staff P5 Report "i" be ""d‘.a"ai'ab‘°'a‘ â€â€™9 â€â€˜0'“! fl°°' Planning â€"5550" 3‘ Zoning By-law Amendment 2-06-06 with site speciï¬c zoning provisions the CW Centre and on the Owls w .' . The INC Corp. (previously Ira Needles Commercial Joint Venture) amnutb'i‘iaeyitahzti:m':f Izï¬smiiodnnzkdi: :mpgezrgfï¬dall NW Corner of in Needles Boulevard and University Avenue West â€" Ward 1 Plan arid/or Zoning By-law Amendment. if you wish to make a presentation to (Southwest) Council or would like more information about the meeting, please contact: City,ol’ ““9er Rose Clemens. Clerk's Office The Applicant is proposmg a cross border commercial development on a 35.8ha Telephone: 519-747-8549 , (XH.Sacres) ofland which includes 17.7ha (43.7 acres) located within the City of Fax: 519~747-8510 Waterloo and 181 ha (447 acres) of land located Within the City of Kitchener to per- rose.clemens°waterloo.ca mit a comprehensively planned commercial development totaling about 102,000 A written summary of the presentation should be filed with the City om prior square metres ( | 1 million square feet) with approximately 49.000 square metres ‘0 the public meeting. 1525.000 square feet) â€Opes“ in the City ofWaterloo. lF a person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting The Applicant is proposing to amend the Off lClal Plan designation from "Anenal or make written submissions to the Corporation of the City of waged“, befote Commorctal“ and “lndustnal†With a Special Policy Area No. 63 to “Arterial Com- the by-law is passed. the person or public body is not entitled ‘0 appeal we menial With a â€9013' _ I, , decision of Council to the Ontario Municipal Board. in addition. if a person or WIN)“ Aâ€? 1†admin)" "' - / rf public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting, or make writ- amend the 1‘0"!"B_B)"I8W‘ , f‘ » f '- ten submissions to the Corporation of the City of Waterloo before the by-law is 14L“ "9'“ (â€96“ “V0 '4‘ , ,7 v â€a 4 ‘\ passed. the person or public body may not be added as a party to the hearing “(72‘ ( 0mmcrclal Three \ ,/ / \’ ~ of an appeal before the Ontario Municipal Board unless. in the opinion of the ()( 3 ‘2â€?! 82d lnï¬ustna}: - 7. P“ “*4 a ‘ Board. there are reasonable grounds to do so. nc - “ - "»o( ) Wit ‘ .a . c , or Susan Greatrix . , . t ) t / 4 ; Sit; Sptcillc‘l r0\ ision to /\ //‘w/, City Clerk, City of Waterloo ( ommerCial Three C3 3. ‘ .4“. With Spemal Provtsions V) a (‘ity staff howevm arc \ m" and I e Sank um recommending that the \ Rec . . ‘5’!†es In on Official Plan be amended . \ in our continued efforts to improve polimes and procedures that affect community ‘ y y y ' " organizations in the City of Waterloo. the Recreation and Leisure Advisory Committee by adding new policies / , , , , . . / and staff have been working to rcwcw and develop changes to some of Recreation and and by designating the / , , . . . . , c landï¬lA‘MlXL‘d “w ('om- // , Leisure pOIICICS. These proposed changes are around Affiliation, Allocation ofSpacc mug“; and “iiidus‘tnal†/ J, \ t and Financial Resources and are designed to align more efï¬ciently with the current With Special Polichrcas """ \‘ , \ needs of the community and address the opportunity for growth in CXlSilng Ti and 7, Furthci the ‘ ‘\\/\// groups/organizations and the opportunity for new groups to develop. lands “ .n aim, be at“? The Recreation and Leisure Services Advisory Committee would like to invite you or "3th "lamploymcnt a representative of your group/organization to a community consultation on work that lands“ The Zoning liy~ , _ 7 7 7 been initiated to date. lav» MIX I\ being rccom- E: N City ofWaterloo Policy Review Focus Group , "WW I“ be amended hV magmnmuummum RIM Park - P ram Room 207/208 adding a new lone catc- ' > w I" [:j "a", . A mg gm“ in MR“! U“. “100 --- â€Ottoman-m ...... Wednesday June 10 - 7:00-9:00pm - ‘ _ any noun-am â€"â€"â€" ('omnicrctzil ('cntrc With 'T‘" ,, 7 7,, --':-,--.t-:::: on NllL‘ specific provisions mm W A Saturday June 13 - |0200am - l2 noon [\llL‘ specific bylaw ) to address the Employment Lands refreshments provided A \t‘piil'illt‘ application regarding the (‘ity of Kitchener lands Will be conSIdered dur- RSVP required for either an no h‘" than Monday June I to LIL): thitliiy tightening; Development and Technical Schicc ( ommittcc Meeting Lynn Dicks-Eglay " 885-1220x225 o, â€â€˜11 ‘ ‘ â€n â€m ~~‘- e )9 Email ldicksogleyOclty.waterioo.on.ca 1 ins iiiccting shall constitute the formal public meeting requtred under Sections 22 Information on draft policies are an...“ a www.city.waterloo.on.ca or con- and 14 of lhc Planning Act. R S l), IWO, as amended and to provide notification to m Lynn ‘0 "a.“ ""mnu '0' I Wkâ€. ‘0 be â€M to you via m" property «w. ncrs likely to be affected by changes to the West Hill District lmplcmcn- '