WM “(LOU mmmcu - Wednesday lune s, zoos - I: f E ( 1"" made Ill seIiiI-prcemus stones or “a 5“ \hellx“ i ; w 9‘" The Jewellery l\ tnuIlublc In I: . V. 4 7‘: range (ll style\ and It should he 2 e 3 easy to ï¬nd Ll mm: to pleaxe any _' one on the ll\l 1 To complement the gallery's V 4 . core selection of Items. Bob has 1' -» 7 ‘ Introduced new (homes that 5, Include leather hundhagx and “j 1 wallets from Andre ()ullet. These ~ pieces some from Saint Narctsse. 1 Que. and are uvaIlahle In many :5 7 different designs and sizes ‘7 ' “They're great leather products with _ _ _ lots of room and pockets." Bob said. The store '5 getting I“ new products all \ LACOSTE the time. Stop by the Atrium to see the . dozens of new gift ideas every few weeks! '“ if Z Most are homegrown producers too. x I E . g x 4 Bob believes its important to celebrate , L53: sum g‘x‘ï¬gï¬â€˜ggt 3:22:23 m - ' ‘ - Canadian crafters who put their heart V _ ‘ , and soul into their handiwork. {'19: ‘~ - . _ “I truly believe Canadians can R . . - / .;,1 compete with anyone in the world in _I ‘)< ‘ 9’ $>¢§ . - ".2, . ,. terms of quality. originality of design g . E01 ,3 § all “5‘5 ’ V. a and value. “And I‘m happy to have their . é o kw“- : ,. ‘ work on my shelves." r 0 Imagine / _ So take a break from the hectic pace of ; . Make a Mess ‘V 1’ ’6. v . A! V .7 malls and big box stores. if only for a few 3 j- _ I _ \Q'l ‘ ‘3: minutes. to check out the unique selection ' Clean Up ' I, -’ iv, _‘ 2:; ' 3?; at the gallery. You might ï¬nd exactly what f 1/" \\' o 1’ . ’- 5:; ‘ you're looking for. 3 . $ " I, ' i If you want to save money on your J; -, '1. Christmas stopping. and have a stressâ€"free i . ' 3 , V , “my“ Salt Lamps m Pure Christmas. ask about joining The Cobble- ' ; v “(‘1‘ i - Beeswax Candles, Natural lonizers to stone Gallery Christmas Club. , . " Clean the Air and Make Your Cobblestone Gallery is located at 33 Emily Green 5 kid like whlmslcol paintings set Environment Healthier Em St. W.. inside the Atrium. in Waterloo. “ on plates, bowls. tumblers and mots, make Ll them totally unlquel TheCobblestone WWW ' in The Tadpole O , (NHDIIN‘S 3N0." “WWW.†Atrtum ; % â€museum-5w†'- ‘ 519-725-7653 33 ERB ST. w. 519-746-5829 > \ 60,05 mums... x -v~t_.-f'-"' _ t . 5..“ .«/<~ ,-~ . ll- “ ‘Oru’h/P‘f t Y “1‘“ f (we! ‘4’; , ,,4 (;/:,. ' I R ,3. v A... {'9 FIRST ANNIVERSARY ‘ I . I M g; ï¬ï¬‚f“: 321‘} 1.7 . ‘4‘ I, ~" IW/ are, ~,/ \ . I ITEM 10% off It; - «' ‘ 0 rt m VS 2 ITEMS 20% off W i‘ N f V Mug) 7 , 3 or More 30% off ‘L 5?: "+126 5/“! k 5 Regular 8( Sole Merchandise ' ; (ANV‘ Valid until June 30/09 & M0,»; .- ‘v. o ‘ ‘ I ' _ a.“ and» y; S\ . ElmSHlNG TOUCH ES . . â€l ‘ -‘ A snug . (shame JS . moon - mm crystal . . x , , “yup AT WATERtoo TOWN SQUARE 1 UnIon St., Elmira I 519.669.3072 I www.elmtragtftoutlet.com 5,9830%†Hours: Mon-Fri. 9:30-5:30; Sat. 9:30-5:00; Closed Sunda s W"WWMWV’W CO