4 - “A! l MUN LNRONILU: . Wednesday. May .‘T‘, 400‘.) Regional police annual report 0 o .ufll) I shows cr1me up 111 2008 ‘ O I (l l 2 , . . ., ‘ _ ’ , . . BVMHJNDA Datum \shuh intludes things like inaruuana grim operations * ' "’ ' "' 'l - -‘ _ iflyitghlgfujji .. t'arless driving and being led to an int iease in that lllltl‘tlldlt‘tl in .i ptihlit plate. tum rune \\.I\ up across the said Beckett in 2mm. those In it-t ent years polit e ‘ hoard in \i‘v'aterloo offences rose 13: per cent ha\e dedit art-d significant Region List \ear. hut "Now, every time you pull resources to tackling proper G R-AN D OPENING police say much ol that tan he somebody over. every time ty oilent'es In the region and attributed to better reporting you stop soinelmdv. you ere» set up .i spetial investigative , and iiit'n'asujotï¬eer (rattling. ate an oct urrent'e report. group. the Break and l ntei l'otal l‘fllllllt‘dl offences which is captured mm and lnlorceinent learn iltl l I . ATUR DAY N E GT†1 2PM rose 12 per cent over 2007 in coded," he said. to help solv e \illiit' of these every category. according to Work on initiatives like crimes. the Waterloo Regional l’roiect Safe Semester also llie clearant e rate tot Police's annual report. contributed. hesaid, hreak and enters dipped in released Wednesday, Increased emphasis on to 18 per cent in Jtitlti troin . "We believe that what training and focused tlth‘slf 36 per cent the year before you are seeing is a more gations may have (on. Beckett it‘s too early to ‘ accurate representation of tributed to rises in other mark it as a trend and said . the actual work loads and areas as well. police believe. the Bllli'l‘ team has targeted ‘ . ' what is happening in the The biggest jumps were their resources on "proliï¬t l . I. " 4 region." said lnsp. Steve in violent crime and drug offenders," rather than - 7 “ ‘ ‘ Beckett. offences, which rose 14.6 per chase down every suspect . “ i t g In late 2008. regional cent and [5.4 per cent and that might account tor ‘ l police changed over to a respectively over 2007. some ofthe decline. ' _ _ ‘ - . new computer system that Beckett said officers have In the Waterloo division. - records and tracks offences received training geared the violent crime category - ~ ‘ \ 6 and calls. toward early intervention in saw the biggest yearitoryear 3 - Under the old system. potentially violent situa» increase. There were 328 ‘ § . things like provincial tions. He said officers are tnore reports of assault. sex» - l ' . offences and multiple now. "laying charges very ual assault and other violent -. E\? .‘ offences in the same investi- early on in simple assaults crime in 2008 compared to - E“\1 l gation weren‘t always report- and threats and intimida~ 2007. i 3 ed in year-end numbers or tion. whereas in the past, In total. there were 11.40! ‘ f3 a 4 f A a f ‘ reported uniformly (me they may have waited until criminaloffences reported I , . I j:\';3"_ area where the change was things elevated." to Division it in 2008, an I { 3 . ,v:'f.;§:f'.y‘:.ï¬w‘i 1;: particularly evident was when it comes to drugs. increase of 934 over the year E ._ ‘ l at}. " w“ ‘ provincial statue violations. regionrwide crackdowris on before, . ii _ t if? ‘ ' »..- cit;â€" I I t t‘ I ;. "I" s:- ..- " . , . 59:31“??? 3. ‘ “fey - _ v ,, . a, - l ' r a“ ‘ 44.5»;7015 g i g E f i . w . w , f - ‘5 32.4 ii . l l " ' '1 _' . ‘ > . W ».. l: 5; i ...0»'« “â€"“L/‘\% ‘4' a 3 -t a - I ' ‘ I" ~ “ = . _ .I . M ; . u I" l V ' ’ .th k ‘ l_ L. l t k. V I l l W. . _,,â€"â€"~â€"n Le . 5+ . «5-, . (t ,t itsiiack...lt’sB|gger...itsnetter . i. _§_"‘"§"“" “ L" " â€it? "‘5' ‘ "M ' ., ‘ i 9 . - : __ __.-_ .-___ . Sussman s of Arthur I .- _ FRIDA! MAY 29 ' SATURDAY MAI 30 - S!!!†MAY 31 . . _ . 9:30am-8:00pm . 9:30am-5:30pm ll:00:m«5:00pm \Httl‘.\(l(ll't'.\\' ' \Hlll' l ilesl\lt' ‘ ,m..m - . malts. . . y - 1 l l‘iitlfli‘flw t:‘*~1‘~tf~ â€.0 . ' & 5 , . . l >llt““;:“l“rv"-‘... ..“r“‘~' ‘l i . .l . _ . “Nos‘ . t . l .l l" .. ' g. . [in-“cc EAT 5A ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ' " 9'» GR . < 3; I 29 M " ‘ ’ l . 1‘ so“ \ It ‘W WMMMWMD’MNWWIUD..W , f w I» it ‘ ~' *5 M F litli‘sl.ir..v'. \ 6) mo .;..t.i , Sussmailsof Arthur ' "1“†‘ I 35‘- www.mssnnnso Ir uncom WWW 144PARK CA llH-cuigt \littt ll\\\ti - \itliiii - Hptii‘lhis \\\ul\7 I I i