WM mum cumulcu - Wednesday. «on: 29, 2009 - 49 4 0 . 0 M%9 @ g 2/" 61/] (â€I e 8 ° W S ' h B h 12 .~ avmg ater tarts 111 t e at room a u . i;nv1ronment (Zanada has been collect- bathing. With an average of 6.8 flushes per Technology has the power to effec- '3“ ‘A A H“ mg information about water use since 1983. toilet per day, water usage quickly adds up. lively eliminate waste with just one ’0 § \ m 5w.» ‘ The 2001 Municipal Water Use Database Toilets from the 19405 and 505 use [9 to flush." says Rubens. ‘ _ , has been released to the public. along with 26 litres per flush. This improved by the The Espree also saves 20 per- Garden M'x . TOP Dressrng a report highlighting the survey results. 19805. when toilets were required to use 13 cent more water than modern 6 Screened Top 8â€â€ o Sands Among the many vital statistics is the fact litres per flush. But any toilet built before litres per flush water-saving toilets. C ‘ l' . N . l R. _ R l( that the average residential water use per 1992 and the 6 litres per flush standard is Upgrading a toilet is good for Jrave 5 atura net 0C person in (Janada is inefficient and the environment and good for the now 335 litres per should be replaced pocketbook. In addition to envi- 519'888’1007 day ' Th0 SCCOHd W“ with newer. water ronmental beneï¬ts. homeowners 1?“ 889 Brid e St. w Waterloo lowest rate since â€i _ â€g... saving models. can save money simply by switch- I†' (oomer%o’dge 5 McMurray) 1991 â€" resuming a 3;: .‘ j , Bathroom proda ing. a 'a: ‘ 10~year downward â€Â£2 . i5 ucts manufacturers PICK UP OR DELIVERY trend, This positive 1*" El have tackled toilets trend notwithstand~ _~ head on with the ing, Canadians still ‘ ,: development of ~ rank among the . . extremely low flow mt ea 3 Q highest consumers W toilet solutions. How I t,“ of water in the ‘_ low can they go? W ya, gmv.‘ I world. Bathroom products :3 '5 Where should manufacturer ' homeowners stan to gcuzzi offers its reduce their water pree model, with a BVBHSEIIET [31.- room. formance rating of the dry basement specialists r f\____ _k ‘ Over the course 4.8 litres per flush. ofa day, toilets con- But how well do ' sume the largest these toilets work? . 1 ~ . . - » . . amount of water in Water efficiency .. y . . the home. according to government doesn't necessarily mean reduced perform~ , _ , y y ; research. In fact. the most wasteful con- ance, says Mike Roberts oflacuzzi. ' sume signiï¬cantly more than showering or "Out Propulsion Advanced Flushing 1 ' '1 We do it RIGHT the first time! Frlday 8- Saturday May 8~9 519.822.6037 1.877.751.7862 ‘5â€. "1" 7? were c7 “ ‘ 9 . L . 1‘ .11 is I“ r/ a a. .5 . l ‘ ’ ' ‘1 Gt . ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ / I, ‘ \_/ iv v .2 o . y 1 ,A I i V \J‘ TIL :â€" ‘7 \J t: a _ V' - Jom the fun at the farm! I e a I eW . FREE GlFTtorflm75womononoochdayegé l 3. . FREE HOT DOGS 11 AM - 2 PM â€" View an GXClUSIVe each day courtesy of SEWER m. ‘ . withsabamodobyCOUNIRVHAVOUR w A -a -- it. - line-up Of North using ELMIRA'S OWN TOMA‘I’OES. To“. samples of , 2 Coon Flavour's lama. lo: at with“ too .. =_ ' 7 ‘ " " ' t ' m $7., â€a. do, ’°" fl _ , America s finest c . P39. _ . INDEPENDENT TOURS ," $ Beemem _. '2 . WIndOWS & doors ofthetomatogmnhouu . grams: 7 4: ’ .. . UM“ w . . J ', ‘ g: ' l‘“ (3‘ m '5 n ‘ : El , P e H. v & , m.“. was“ 4 LEPAGE g with“ "or", . . â€u I . , \llllwutk . -, I I . -. ’ I "'1 9- ., ff ‘ - Made in Canada with Pride * 1 1" “. tF-lovolone :23: "‘- 11 q S‘t" l - ‘ . .. . 0 ' ~ l , . .. varlan I 7 ' WINDOW WORK. T :. _- .7 . 7 _ fl ~\.v» 2236$hlr|oy Drtvo.|(ltchonor ;;.. ..~. . ... .. 1;." ; . , . " ' -‘ " 519.570.3930 F515;; , ; 7 "(’11." "a ‘31:. "avg“? T" . ' ' - . ‘ ~