WAmmmm-Mmy.w29,mws THE CITY OF @ waterloo For more information. please contact: City of Waterloo 100 Regina St. South Waterloo, Ontario NZJ 4A8 P 519-886-1550 F 519-747-8760 TTY 1-866-7863941 www.waterloo.ca FORMAL PUBLIC MEETING (519) 747-8583 or by email at thawkins.city.waterloo.on.ca. The staff report for this matter will be available for pickup beginning Friday May 22, 2009. Concerning an Ofï¬cial Plan Amendment Trevor Hawkins, Development Services (519)747-8583 trevor.hawkins¢waterloo.ca and a Zoning By-law Amendment . , , TAKE NOTICE that the Council ofThe Corporation ofthe City ofWaterloo will ANY W50" may attend the PUNK Meeting and/or make a written or verbal hold a Formal Public Meeting on Monday. June l, 2009. no earlier than 6:30pm‘ in representation either '" â€5’90" Of' or '" opposrtton ‘0 the proposed 0m?†the Council Chambers. 3rd Floor. Waterloo (‘in Centre, 100 Regina Street South. Plan af‘d/m 20m"? By-law amendment. if you “"5" tome“ a presentation to Waterloo. to consider the followmg application to amend the Official Plain and Zon- Counctl or would "he more Information 3mm the meeting, we“ contact ing By-luw pursuant to Sections 22 and 34 ofthe Planning Act Rose Clemens, Clerk‘s Office Official Plan Amendment No. 70 and Zoning By-law Amendment 2-08â€"05 Telephone: 523:2?“9 Fax: 519‘747’8510 rose: emens a oo.r:a ‘ Alle St t Holdin s , y n m g , A written summary of the presentation should be filed with the City Clerk prior 2| Allen St W, 142. I44 and I48 Park S! -erd 7 (Uptown) to the public meeting Till: applicant is proposing to amend the Official Plan to add it Special Policy Area IF bl" d ‘ it i b . - ‘ bl' t‘ kind to amend Zoning Bylaw l 108 from Industrial-25 ‘l-25' to Multiple Residencc~ armrxrggiusutménmtze 3&2305:orthse'z'i‘tsyaofax‘alteiiorgtigge 25 ‘MR»IS' Willi site specri‘ic provisrons in order to perm†the de\elopment ofa [9 the by-law is passed the person or public body is "0‘ entitled to appeal the “or†â€â€â€˜dcm'ul bu'ld'"g‘ decision of Council to the Ontario Municipal Board. In addition, if a person or The Official Plan Amendment seeks to increase the inaXimum pemiitted density from public body does not make oral “Jim-ï¬ssion; at a public meeting. or make writ- 350 units per hectare (80 units for this Site) to 465 units per hectare ( I49 units for this ten submissions to the Corporation of the City of Waterloo before the by-law is site). The site specific zoning prm isions requested by the applicant Include: passed. the person or public body may not be added as a party to the hearing 1, l ‘ may townhouse units be permitted; of an appeal before the Ontario Municipal Board unless, in the opinion of the 5 2, that underground parking be permitted in the from and flankage yards; Board, there are reasonable 'grounds to do 50‘ i 3 that the requrrement for 30% landscaped area include the rooï¬op {top of parking Susan Greatnx. City Clerk. City Of Waterloo structurel space; 4. that the front yard setback (Park St) be reduced to 2 metres for the townhouse NOTICE - 2009 WATERMAIN CLEANING - UPDATE units; Dawson/ion“unmismonydwwmmmmmwammnmmnm 5‘ that the flankage yard setback (Allen St) be reduced to 4.3 metres for the town- A: m MA", in â€Jaï¬mmnummn Moria-y â€" 5:139 house units; NMdBm-nnemwn.Nonm-obfluu~¢ 6. that the rear yard setback be reduced to 0.8 metres; 1:“?me “I. It“? lmm;m:uw 7. that no surface parking (outSide of the parking structure) be required; and mm that the max1mum density be increased from 250 units per hectare to 465 units per mmzmrmm hectare . 00/ m M on In Gay's when mayxmorten THIS "‘86qu shallcon- * _ _ - mmmmnmwmnnmmmmmmi Methcrormai pubic i A ‘5 -mmmmmwm"mmmmwm meeting required under I 04 474/ ‘ “mmmmdmmnâ€"icâ€"w. Irmy, plummet-mun- a In ‘ ~' ‘ y ' \- » t . maniac-mm M1 new.“ wen-mom, mu Sectionszgand 340!“ ~ . x 90 t ' 0L9 . Wm,flmmm.m?dwemmwwbmham:ds The PiannmgAci. , , _. r 3.04% ’ )~ -’ , mw.ma10mwnmum.mmmmmmm R.Sl0r',l990,asamend .~ ‘ ,' 6‘} ‘Q ‘9 thmrwawm-mmwmqmmunmmmu eds ltisexpcctedthat “04% ‘9“ MmMMMbmmmmuwmmbm courilelldCClde . ’ 7 f v ' ; mmuwm. Immmmumnmm whether the application 1 - ‘ , ~ puma-stamasrauumm rmmazon-uiaom Wm shouldbeapproved. ‘ _ ’ % , A ‘ mmham-nhdmirnmlrm,mwmmstflmmtohm denied or amended ‘ ,A \ ' ( , , Your mannequin-minnow [F (‘ounCiI approves the ‘ ‘ ‘ { , I DETAIL!) 3cm applicatmn. a bylaw ‘0 ' ‘ - . ' , ~ " ‘ . i an! .mm adopt the ()fTiCial Plan Q? ’ . {x ‘ u ‘ ‘ ' I:- ' '- ' ‘ amend the Zoning By- ‘ V. ‘ ' U \ “ *9 cw h'AIJ law will be passed at a ‘ » ,3\\ .5 a canal-u In t, 1 l future (‘0uncrl meeting ’P v i 4g’ , )0 "Es. ., 9*; , .e s. . , ,, £%_7;_., .. . o . , a 4’ V. i w some. 1-151.- FOR further informa- . I94, . 9. cm .u ‘ 1. . tion regarding the . A ' *9) ’ ' 6‘ I __ - E 1i 4 above matter. please ‘ . ‘ " « A ' ). . .1- â€, M__ . ML contact the City of ‘ t < , UK CW out “111.11.†‘ Waterloo Developâ€" - I A I" In ‘ "' '1' u i _ __u . “any: I or ram is i ‘ merit Services,2nd 5 - mam i ll maggr T" Ignite“ "4 Centre.Waterloo. ."':"f A 7 M it sees, ,-::=:=3"~: wwmm‘nnmmmmmumwm Ontario. by calling mm a» h er" 7 "“ A‘ g ' 'A"’â€"""" h *3" m