ll - WAI’ERLLX) CMDNICLE - Wednesday. April 29. £009 *5 I ‘ Waterloo region gets high scores ' af i l llsltilll‘)llllllllt\.l lillllrI|l\||ri1\ for communlty S ety » , V ’ - \' ‘ l' I" ‘1 \“H‘ "M“ Further proofwas released last only the change in the safest location E l l'l.rrIl.rl l as. “its week which indicates Waterloo volume ofadesig~ [H N \ i \\ nationally is (are- ? alfl I Iii llii lll"ll \llllllllill llrlrtlnrh mmmwmmlw namdcrimebmalw . don.0nt.. ' i ‘ ' ‘ ' to population gowth and the current the relative serious \l \ l l â€is The Maciean's "-44 In 1mm: lilll'liirlll‘; lllllliliil‘ economicrecessionJemainsamla- nessagainstother aniclecaiculated \.n| in hill. “it. \...1 sâ€. .. .\ tivety stable community to live and misdemeanors. was; :3 Saskatoon'scrime ‘ work By this new 4 rate at 163 per cent In" I '“â€"‘l w‘†“M“ “MM†StatisticsCanadaagovemment measure.Waterloo , ' ‘i’fl abovethenational lmrlllllnm.lh.r!uln lrml l .Ilr A I uranium organizationthatcompilesnum- regionisarelatively ‘ ~. awrageandIOper IMHHIMWH ( MHIHMW “ .. ‘ bemoneverythinguseï¬iiandnot safelocationby centhigherthan ' ‘ ‘ so useful, released the latest in a comparison to many :. Winnipeg, Waterloo \r Illlllx lilril ( .llr .r\ \llll> senesofreportswhichnotecrime othercentresin 1 H region'scrimerate . , 3 3. .. . ‘ ratesacrussour communityare Canada Across a n- was approximately W‘ ‘ ‘ ’ arnongthelmvestinthenation. totalof27munici~ A 40percentbelow ll. «all t ml ._ . . _ in“; . in â€a“; ,l it x “ hi. “nStatsCandocument. titled palitietheloml theaforemenv . ' . ' Measuring Crime in Canada. introâ€" severity index was ART tioned national '- duces the Crime Severity index -- a the fourth lowest. SINCLAIR average. , "as . ’ new instrument for gauging the London, Windsor lastThursday. r; j severity of police reported ofl'ences. and Hamilton all the Waterloo â€N V r“ '9 ' 7 Traditionally, reported crimes have ranked higher. ironically. the urban Region Crime Prevention Council been aggregat- area with the lowest overall crime held their annual Justice Dinner at ed and m- severity index is Toronto. however Bingemans R ured against the their violent index is relatively high- Ottawa Citizen columnist. Dan . population of er. Gardner, provided his unique per Region Of Waterloo interest. for The Statistics Canada report is spectives on how perceptions on example. a city. similar to research compiled by issues in public policy may not P U B L I c N o I I c E However. the Maclean's magazine. which ranked always reflect reality. The crime new Crime Waterloo Region 68th out of 100 in portfolio is a signiï¬cant case in m Severity index “If“ M National Crime Rank 90ml. AS Gardner noted. SlatlSIlCS NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING indicates not inï¬ According to their formula, indicate dropping crime rates in Canada, but the REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT CHARGES REVIEW 353:2“:1' we The Regional Municipality of Waterloo is currently in the process of reviewing its development Li Club a Illicit. “We less safe than charoe lay-law under the terms of the Development Wm, 1997. A deveIODment charge I on: H: "" W- palgenemuons by-law expires five years after it is enacted by a municipality and the municipality is required to ‘. ' . .5. ‘ __ 3 $5 The Crime complete a background study. hold public meetings and enact a new try-law. . . A. 4,3; 4’ ~ . : ~. i“. V, >_- Prevention The purpose of the Regional Development Charge is the recovery of growth-related capital costs 1‘ ‘ l" 5‘2 f â€is†. . "- .I Council is _ from resadentlal and non-residential development which requires additional capital works Regional . "ï¬g-xi“ ii}; any“ 3 ,~ _~ 5- ' ‘ anotherunique Development Charges fund significant portions of the capital costs associated with transportation. 3.9, " ,4 J5“; ;‘ t 5 WE: , ; '~ . .a local initiative waterand wastewater. ,fg‘.£.€,. , malhï¬pmd' Public input to this review process is encouraged. You are invited to attend the public meeting ‘ " 4'1. ‘3‘ “a“??? l : 2 $31chch which is scheduled to hear representations regarding this matter. This meeting will be held on: I†ï¬t: . . "._ ‘ _‘ . the community y Wednesday, May 20, 6 pm. :5“ 1‘ " ' . ' xi . ~ The genesis of Regional Council Chambers it p ‘ ;»' .. the organization Region of Waterloo ;' if“ , -. ‘ - i . , '1 dates back to 150 Frederick Street. 2nd Floor ., ,' " 5‘ _ r " . 1993 when for- , Kitchener, Ontario N26 4J3 ‘ ‘ ,. _, " ~ . ~‘3 r ._ _ "31¢: merWaterloo r . a; , _ ,.'g"c._,?c-U I . BACKGROUND STUDY ‘...;ï¬â€™Â§.{2 1 7"". Wow}. .ra’...:.. . £1223; madea The draft Regional Development Charges Background Study was tabled at the Administration and g.†"a 3 A"; ’Q‘VL!’ motion,to coun- Finance Committee 01 Council on April 21. 2009. To obtain a copy of the Background Study. please 4\ - a ,3 ., f ' - p ‘ " of c“ farm estab- contact Ramon Lontoc. Financial Assistant. Finance Department. Region of Waterloo at 20 ' ‘. "‘ ~A ' tbCYEAR “Shmmtofa (519) 5754421. or Fax (519) 575-4547. ' crime preven- MICHEETIIG at a banquet on donsteering Regional Council will hold the public meeting to hear representations regarding development Thursday, May 7, 2009 committee l charges as required under the Acton Wednesday. May 20. 2009 at 6:00 pm. in the Regional Council last seP‘em‘ Chambers ‘ at her. Canadian ‘ Business M ~ To register as a delegation for the May 20. 2009 public meeting, please contact the Regional Clerk's The Waterloo 1"" zine releasefjga Officeat (519) 575-4420 not later than 4:30 pm. on Thursday. May to. 2009. TICKETS WILL NOT BE SOLD AT THE DOOR their list ofthe ll you require further inlermation about the Development Charge By-law please contact Calvin Fox ncKET eronMATrou, W Placgsto do Barrett. Director 01 Financial Services and Dovelopmem Financing at (519) 575-4478 or by e-mail at M“ SE CONTACT busmess In BCalvrnOregronwatorlooonca. on, JACK BISHOP AT “9‘741040, ï¬ndtlrI‘Vater- Everyone with an interest is urged to review the draft background study recommendations and on THE Winn-33100 INN A1- 519.3344); 20 mnkfgilfounh attend this meeting The Study recommendations will be flnallzed. taking into consideration 7,, “a†“WPPOMMM, much“, you, "a,†M,†"8'40 can. comments from the pubic and the final recommendations and Regional Development Charge no,“ CLUB OF KIT(.HENER wont I) LIKE TO ' "as the By-Law will be presented for approval to Regional Council on June 10.2009. The new Regional 6‘5““ A snarl“ THANK Y6“ Tr) nation and ï¬m Development Charges By-Law will take effect August 1. 2009. ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ among a" cm“ l Kris Fletcher. Regional Clerk it tremor) REGION â€" in Omaha- In ‘ All comments and information received from individuals. stakeholder groups and agencies rogard- RECORD de‘?"“i"‘_"8 ing this protect are being collected to assist the Region at Waterloo in making a decision. Under the the" WW Municipal Act. personal inlomtation such as name. address. telephone number, and property loca- BL†W A1 ' ' Gunman 35‘5“ tion that may be included in a submission that becomes part of the public record. Questions regard- a... i ‘ ‘31 "995 M39309 ing the collection or this intormatlon should be referred to the people indicated above. ‘9†‘w._""'m_‘°°m _" . . . . . . . . . used ï¬ve Indica- _ Thismmisaocoulbbtupeopbmhdiubinlos.Accessibloparkingismm.ltyouroqulre to†momentumorparuclpmlnthlsmuungmrtoacomknormanonlnmmmm, W W mama... Mannheimabovanotadporwnalustflvwmpnortommooflng. pagers