WAthl.lX) 0130mm - Wednesday. Apr“ 15. 2003 - 37 TH E CITY OF ‘ waterloo ' For more information, please contact: City of Waterloo 100 Regina St, South Waterloo, Ontario N21 4A8 P 519886-1550 F 519-747-8760 TTY 1866-7863941 . www.waterloo.ca c°""‘"'°' » PUBLIC NOTICE MARK WHALEY - ‘ a invites you to a . y . DISPOSITION 0F 3', ,. PROPERTY . c H .. â€" , _ TAKE NOTICE THAT: v. : to ' L P WA "’ '5 JV» N FJALL M‘ETINV . 4 l. TheCouncilofthe Corporation ofthe City ofWater- . loo intends to consider entering into an agreement ‘ . t with the Centre for lntemational Governance Inno- v Tuesday, April 2 I , 2009 i ’9 vation (CIGI) to provide for an exchange oflands as (Please note: km week's advertisement 1 ‘1?wa _†h C r I _ l' d - In :t we a“ l e ity w: convey to t e entre or ntemation- me the Inca day ofthe ) al Governance Innovation approximately 137 square metres of land. currently used for tempo- 7-00 to 3:00 Pm. rary parking. to be added to the lands known Lincoln Heights Public School municipally as 57 Erb Street West; and. 270 Quickfall Drive.Waterloo (Library) ii) the Centre for lntemational Governance Innova- ; tion will convey to the City approximately L370 l Let's get together and talk about what is going on in our square metres of land currently used for tempo- . neighbourhood and our city! rary parking, to be added to the lands known municnpally as 7 Caroline Street South. For further intern-noon. contact Linda a: 5|9-747-8788 The proposed land exchange will facilitate the devel- ' °r b7 ""3": mm‘â€â€™â€œâ€œâ€â€â€™â€œ'“ ' opment of the Balsillie School of international ‘ Affairs. Maps showing the current and proposed ownership of the lands are available for viewing in ’ Councillor the Clerk‘s Ofï¬ce. , y 2. If approved, the transaction will be scheduled to . JAN D Allâ€"LY closeonorbefore December31.2009. invites you to a 3. The land will be conveyed to the Centre for lnterna- - P .. y »_ _ ‘ y k ’ ‘ _ y ‘ ' . ,tional Governance innovation in exchange for the >’,"',AT!'LH( "' " “N" H i‘ - ~’ kl “ 1' . if... landtobeconveyedtotheCity. , 1 N W i i "1‘ l I ‘ ' f i V 33, we?" ' 4. An appraisal ofthe subject lands is not required as i PM . - . i ‘ . , 5, "" . the conveyance will be a direct land exchange lather ’ _ :5 than a monetary acquisition/disposition. ' 5. Before disposing of any real property. City Council must declare by lay-law or resolution, it a meeting yr SATURDAY. APRIL I £10512 open to the public, that the real property is surplus . 1 km to 4:00 pm. and authorize the disposition of land. 1 . Atamoï¬ngmboheHmMondanAodlzlzm " 5‘- Michael Church in the Coundl Dumb-rs. Council will hear any por- < 240 Hemlock Avenue.Waterloo » son who wishes to speak to this disposition and (at University Avenue) who has registered as a delegation with the Clay Clerk’s Office (519.747.8743) no later than 9:00 am. . ' Please RSVP your attendance to UndaVandenakleer 0" Monday. Apr" 27. 2009- (5 l 9-747-8788 or lvandenaldooraclty.watorloo.on.ca). om this 159. day of April, 2009. An Information package will be provided to you upon 5",." may“, my Oak registration City of Waterloo 100 Regina Street South : Waterloo, Ontario N2] M8 519.7‘73705 a A For further information. contact: E Jan d‘Ailly at 519â€"8844)!†(email: jdaillyï¬city.wntcrloo.on.u) or C2: ._ Linda Vandenakkct at 519-747-8788 (email: lvandcnakkchcity.watcrloo.on.ca)