not lti not roman rt - mam-Ni... with :3. gum - I‘J . Home Improvements - ENTRY UW wms green challenge I W. SYSTEMS . 534â€"5852 7 . PATIO l-or the seLorid \i-ar iii a row a lhe Winning submissions ' . ‘ ' , ~~ Utinersity (ll Waterloo learn has included My Green Neighbour m FIIR’Sfl- m ~ DOORS won the H) l-rieiitls oi the l.l1\"ll’tJll' Residential lattergy laiï¬cieticy loans ' . » _ l o AWNINGS ment inundation (to (.reen t‘hal tor Canadian lnvestors submitted ' , ' . , . _> ; -. I ‘ , lenge. by the University oi Waterloo‘s ' ‘ , , -.. u . ' - .“m H) l-rienils oi the l n\‘ironment Bianca Sayan. an environment 4 11 . . .2." . 1;. 1 '. * j “Hm announced the Winners oi the sec maior and Megan (Zhan. an . '1 “ . __r ;, ,t - 0nd annual 3100.001) national cont accounting major. 'l'herr faculty †-' w . ' petition last week sponsor was Steven Young from . . J 5' .» . . ‘ ® {5111711, K “revolutionary Participation in this year's con- UW's lanvironment department. , ‘ ' ’ ‘- - ff†'1 I" ‘ ' test more than doubled last year's “it’ll project looked at improv- , W . f S ’1 IOlrlcllIlo SCI.“ Splints lot windows & doors with essays from 18: teams repre- ing residential energy efï¬ciency. It _ ‘ ‘ i m senting 460 students from 52 saves Canadians rriuney in the '3". . . 3‘ B I '_ ‘3!†schools ilCI'UbSIi‘lt‘t‘lllllilry. ltlllgvl’llll. but sortie may need a :1} . , KL‘ , '9 .35852 The four winning teams include loan to afford the initial improve . ‘ 1' ,, , " n’ï¬gs;l'll6 ('3‘) students from lakehead University. merits. ‘“ ~ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ University of Manitoba. University My (ireeri Neighbour is an » ‘ ./ __’: . $523; of New Brunswick and University of online project that matches Gina ~ .,t a 1 ‘ .- ï¬gs.“ ’ Waterloo. Each of the four winning dians in need of a loan for residenr ' ~ . _ 5231131 . teams Will receive at 525000 prize, tial energy efï¬ciency projects With This is Queenie She is a two- arold female bea le WWW wateflOOChl'Ol'IlCle.Ca “Canadian students have plant- individual Canadians seeking a mix She is quiet and shy bmyvihen she is “who“? ' le: the seeds for change by rising to good return on their investment. ‘ able she will become more social. Doggie training e challenge to share their big lhe plan provrdes an tn\€Sl- classes would be a benefit to m her confidence. ideas to improve envtronmental merit vehicle for Canadians. allows Come and meet her at the humane society at 250 sustainability.†said Mary Des- homeowners to beneï¬t ï¬nancially Riverbend Dr. in Kitchener, or call 7455515 I jardins. executive director. TD from their retroï¬t and helps (‘ana~ motocomtnvotwtuovsruluv Friends of the Environment lioun- da reduce overall greenhouse gas mm j dation. “The overwhelming emissions ----------------- response exceeded our expecta- They received their portion of g J". “mm .-,‘ M' tions and we commend Canadian the cash prize at a ceremony at the 5 SPRQ G CHUCK985I" k _, .., .. ,; I... .. M students for their commitment to University of Waterloo on Monday. :3 I g .. c I 4 ' i' ' " ’ making a positive impact on the For more information visit 5 “a...“ . I WEEKLY SPECIALS Mar. 23 - â€if. 27 environment." mwvtdcanadatrustcomlgogreen. 5 faofltiigq ' 1N HINT I P < s a . ° akin diff L ifl»? ' m“ I“ I ROASTING cmcxrus s2 49 WPIRG s m g a erence w a s . « were - In 5 a!“ “‘3; . Vifltl r I _â€"â€"â€"_“__ Continued from page to has exceeded Nader's original 2 “Weâ€, . - . *1" I Store Made Turkey, Honey Garlic or Ball Park In its two and a half years of vision otstudent empowerment for “j \ ' I . I SMOKED SAUSAGES $6 59 kg $2.99 lb operation. both as a storefront the public good. 3 ‘4 A 1'} or | M operation in downtown Kitchener To leam more visit about WPIRG 8 ‘1' /‘ ‘ ‘ _,A _ , s and on campus. the centre received and its work visit vwrwwpirgorg E \J g; t 0' ' : Store Made 56 15k: 2' 79 lb thousands of calls and assisted é .,5 Q ,r‘.‘_‘j\\‘ '. ' I ROADHOUSE BURGERS HZ x601 DOXl 11.99 ea many local Citizens. 3 i â€" . - I \. , t E“â€" . With this auspicious start. E '_ . "J 0\ ' ; I Store Made 57 91kg 33.5910 Wl’lR(. has gone on to research and . s ' ‘ a . I 8 promote the public interest and g _ ‘ , ' I BACON (Bulk 5 lbs A $7 25 kg 3.29 lb foster students‘ service to the wider RT, 2 - ' \ H“ community in a m\riad of ways. FEET "u ' T 1 K) : Bright Brand . . . . , . . Whether through researching and WE CAN HELP 3 / ~\ I MDZZABELLA CHEESE $15 41 kg 8699 to writing don-Its Ill publications. CUSTOM 0mm ‘5’ . sponsoring many lectures, work- 5 FOOTWEAR : ï¬gwmg-‘m I . an ‘1“ . 4‘ I M“ shops and conlererices offered for Complete J, . _ i _ 1 I i .153?†‘“ #3112“ h. . , students and the Wider public. or F003 0".“ a _ I . I .* I I I Urn-Eu: p; a 5 » star.“ , " _‘ ‘l. *l' .td't‘ . . a .7. ‘ ‘4... < :.:::;?:.::::i.:.23...:‘1..:::::;::.:1:.‘.::i 751Vm°"355- := . , L “tutu,“ I: o-nm-usmmmm “um in â€,1“. mm », 59m! ‘05 v E \ -.-----J 3031 lobsmger Line. Heidelberg 519-699-4590 1 pi ant n. protests. Kitchener . z _ . Ion†writingor lllntirillstng.\Nl’lmi 519-579 9223 i } M§7¥€J5%%gA-R§l£gÂ¥iwag‘im Uni-t wed tilt; Thurs in do Sat ‘ 30-5 ' a .1 Man-Fri. 10-6. Sate-5. Sun in www.5temm! . i ’ ’ : hi: . 1‘ «{1}: I 0 O 0 We II give you answers to all your healthy eating questions. 0 O ' . - (all a Registered Dietitian for free. , EatRigl'it Ontario 1-871-510-51 0-2 “one!“ ‘ ’WW g Ontario . ‘ Mhbythemmttolm 3 like . . â€.75.. . . ' ...,r.. 1:.â€- ‘1 t. . ‘ .- 3" ...- ' Alisr- - <i“' We'- ‘1 -» â€new“ ~-’ "":‘ 2. 1* " 351'