wu Him I umomcu‘ -Wediieylay. Much in. zoos - 39 TH E CITY OF water '00 For more information, please contact City of Waterloo 100 Regina St. South Waterloo, Ontario N2) 4A8 P 5198864550 F 519747-8760 TYY 1366-7863941 www.waterloo.ca m w * FORMAL PUBLIC MEETING FORMAL PUBLIC MEETING Concerning a Zoning 3,43“ Amendment Concernl an Ofï¬cial Plan Amendment TAKE NOT 1(‘12 that the Council ot‘The Corporation of the City of Waterloo will And a 20" n9 â€Jaw Amendment hold ‘a Formal Public Meetings on Mgnday: April 6; 1009‘ no earlier than 6:30pm. In TAKE NOTICE that the Council ofThe Corporation ofthe City of Waterloo Will 1h9( UUnCll ( hambers. 3rd “00F “‘3“?er CW)" Centre. 100 R981“ Street South, hold a Formal Public Meeting on Monday, April 6, 2009. no earlier than 6:30pm. in Waterloo. to consider the followmg application to amend the Zoning By-law pursuant the Counctl Chambers. 3rd Floor, Waterloo City Centre. '00 Regina Street South, ‘0 SCCHOH 34 0’ the Planning A“ Waterloo. to consider the following application to amend the Zoning By-Iaw pursuant - Zoning By-llw Amendment “9â€"03 to Sections 22 & 34 ofthe Planning Act. Tanem Developments Limited Ofï¬cial Plan Amendment No. 73 12 University Avenue East - Ward 6. CentrIl-Columbin Zoning Byâ€"law Amendment 1-08â€"08 The Applicant is proposing to amend the City‘s Zoning By-law No. l l08 by adding a Tanem Development: Inc. temporary use to the subject property via Section 39 ofthe Planning Act, the said 247 & 253 King Street North, Ward 6 (Central-Columbia) temporary use being â€Wm"? to be permitted for up to three (3' years. The applicant is proposing to amend the Official Plan to permit an increase in the den- Tanem Dexelopments Limited is seeking this zoning amendment to Meditate their sity from 250 units per hectare to 330 units per ham-Q The applicant .5 further redeiclopmcnt at the northwest corner of King Street North and University Avenue. requesting an amendment to the Zoning By-law from Commercial 51x . 35 «(6.35" to on the lands known municipally as 247 & 253 King Street North, Two ofthe existing Commercial Six _ 25 “€6.25" with site speciï¬c provisions to permit a mixed use retail tenants on the King Street lands are Starbucks and Pizza Pizza, who have long- development containing commercial. ofï¬ce and residential units. [Sm] has“ In order to accommodate the long-term leases while the ng Street . THIS meeting shall constitute the formal public meeting required under Sections l7 & lands are being redexeloped Tanem is proposmg to temporarily relocate Starbucks 34 ofThe Planning Act R S O â€90 as amended It is expected that (‘ounml will i ., .. 3t ‘ J,» _ .i.‘i., , . ‘ Kim/1d PM“ fl: “ L DIVERS"; A; enuelEasttl ‘ d d S 34 death whether the application should be approved denied or amended. S meeting s a constitute t e ‘orma pu [C meeting require un er ‘ection of , - ,- . the Planning Act, R.S.(),, l990. as amended. It is expected that (‘ounCil will decide Itsgsmcil appmes the application. I by low to amend the Zoning By law mil be uhether the application should be apprm‘ed denied or amended. p ‘ . y . . , . . . . FOR further information regarding the above matter. please contact the (‘ity of Water- lF ( ouncil apprmes the application. a by-law to amend the Zoning By-Inw WI“ loo Development Services, 2nd Floor, Waterloo City Centre, Waterloo. ()ntano, by bf passed. . calling (519) 747~8773 or by email at danielle.ingram@waterloo.ca. FOR turthcr intonnation regarding the above matter‘ please contact the City of Danielle In ram Develo merit Services ‘ Waterloo [)eielopmcnt Services. 2nd Floor. Waterloo City Centre, Waterloo. Ontario. (519) 74749173 ‘ p h) Callllng (519, 74T~8543 or b), F‘«â€"-‘¥J:'T’uTV’¥"7> Â¥' A" 7' 7/ T: '5’ ' N d'nielle ingramalw‘tedoo (a cmai at h ; , ' , ‘ ' ' , ‘ icottcrui m) waterlooonca. l . » » ' ‘ l ‘ ‘ t ANY pegonmay attend the Public Meeting arr/or make is s;tten|o;‘x‘erhaljr;presen- Joel Cotter. Development Services l _ ‘ . ‘ , 1 ‘ ‘l EtljnyflA er irasupportfo , 32:1: apposition to eproposHe’ in: flan an 7 oning l5l9l747-8543 l t . , ~'l y a me“ "mi y° 5 “"ï¬â€˜.’ ""5: t "5 “ EM T ' '1‘ l . I . y . . , , g1 * , ' q ‘1 to make a presentation to Council > .. , i . - jcott‘erla c"-““""'°°'°"'“ i . 33 ‘ ' - ‘ . ‘ 56“: or would like more information 7 >~ ‘ It 1 l, . ‘ â€Al â€PM may attend We PUNK l ~ ' ‘ 7 . wick“ ‘4 about the meeting, please contact: in: . 1. ‘ . ‘ Meeting and or make a written or , . * ‘ . , ' « l Rose Clemens Clerk's Office ‘3; . , _ ‘ ‘ ,‘ \erhal representation either in supâ€" \1 ' . a ‘4 . ‘ Tole hone‘ HP-747-8‘49 \ , . . . a . 4 ‘l port of. or in opposition to the pro- 3 g .r ’ ‘ \ an'P5l9-7dP-8‘10 I l , . . ., - ~ ‘ ' ‘3 ' ' ‘ . (‘4 kl . k . e m - ~ . , a ' ‘ \ posed loning By law Amendment. l 9 J ,‘ g 2'? ‘ rose.clemens(a‘ waterlooxn 1 my ‘KNQBE/‘l it you \M>h to make a presentation \, jg, e . Q l , , ‘ ‘. . “i to (’ounCil or would like more ‘: \0‘. ' a A A written “mm“? 0m?" prescn» ) l l information about the meeting. ll ‘94. ‘ \ tattoo should be filed mm the l Is ' ‘ ‘ . please contact: ‘2 - _ City Clerk prior to the public ‘f ’2?" 2 ‘ ,/ a l Rose (‘lemens,(‘lerk‘s Ofï¬ce ‘ { tags] meeting. ‘ \ 7-; ' ‘1}, . Telephone: 519-747-8549 l , . - . IF 3 person or public body does i l ‘ , o,‘ , - â€A, ‘ le1519-747-8510 ;, . . A '_ “A; A. :1 not make oral submissmns at a / ‘3‘. . l l rclemensmleitymaterlooonxa } - A . Wm? meeting 0hr ngake written f . /†z 2 {I . mm WI" A written summary of the presenta- . Wino ..... 1 Elle Cltsjlgl‘wgterleoo LIFFOOEIES O ‘ S ‘ ‘1 non should be ï¬led with the (‘in “if . 7 7 ,. , ., ._ 7 7-3.1:â€; MM“ is asscd. the n m ‘ . , “it 1 Clark Pm" ‘0 th public meeting. , 7 £71929! W W .,. , l public My), ls not entitled to - I . . ‘l‘ A if} [F a person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or appeal the decision ofCouncil to " I make written submissmns to the Corporation ofthe City of Waterloo before the by- an Ontario Municipal Board. in w - WC'M'WS A law is passed the person or public body is not entitled to appeal the decision of addition. if. m of public ._F-. :1 CounCtl to the Ontario Munimpal Board. in addition, ifa person or public body does body does not make oral “hm“. ~~~ _. . 7 ~ â€"w _=:-._._.._ not make oral submissions at a public meeting. or make written submissions to the slant at . public meeting, 0, make ~~fl~ WV _,v____s.____._._d . Corporation ofthe ("Y or Waterloo before "PC W4†'5 m the person or'public written submissmns to the Corporation of the City of Waterloo before the ivy-law is My may "0‘ beaddedasapartytothe bmnsofanawal beforetthntano passedthepersonorpubiic bodymaynotbeaddodasapartytothehearingofm Munictpal Board unless. in the opinion of the Board. there an: reasonable grounds to W “(on the Ontario Municipal Board unless, m [ht opinion ofthe M there do 50' are reasonable grounds to do so. Susan Creams. Clty Clerk, City 0! Waterloo Sm: Grentrlx. City Clerk. City of “totem