WAl “(LOU CHmNICLE -Wednndny. Much I8, 2003- IS The Agenda with Steve Paikin will discuss ‘ ‘N S‘\l“““l b the high-tech economy during Waterloo, visit \ ' ,‘Mpmmm° . . . . H . cu" . President Barack Ubaiiia (Hi the Road slioivs. said Innovation for the region as innovation I fought to keep his (llildfltr anchor and senior editor "llie smart coiiiersatioiis bettiiiies a ilieiiie lor the . [‘(llJ ‘ . made Blackberry Steve Pathâ€. and passionate debates we re etoiioiiiy at large , 1 .\iid Stephen llawking‘s "We've sparking across :\ mder oiiliiie atidieiite 'r m “l "l;l4‘g . appointment as distinguished learned so n the hi h'fé’Cll ()iitario hax e Will be able to lollou anti coiir ‘ I 1 ‘L I researtli chair at the world- much at ‘ ' ’ ' g beeii notable lor tribute to the Ageritlatkimp at l v T I \‘s ‘ v I g I reiioniied l‘erittieter Institute every stop Story [5 one that lioih their depth. “w“,tvoorgi‘agetidacaiiip. . > .2...‘ :_ “‘ Ln] 1 I l I. L . iii Waterloo further attests to and the . ' . ' and their respect [be best content. iiicltid- ' the high degree of innovation high ~tech resonates "I "14â€): ltll toiie.‘ said iiig ideas. \ltlt‘i) t lips. and 5‘; T f" \ 2 PACK = and talent iliat eitists in story is one parts ()fOlIfarlO . l isa de Wilde. questions from participants '9’ . Ontario‘s higli lt'tll sector. that res . f ‘ l'\(l‘s chiel exet will be used on the broadcast ‘ if! > . . 7 ( h. I But as Hiitario moves on‘ates Iii _ ‘Me‘epa'km tiiiveolficer of lhe \geiida With Steve ‘ ,5}; . i Q Q, I towards a more knowledge- many parts “WWII,†‘lg'lmm'm â€(I “And as I‘m l’ailtiii‘ (in the Road the fol T‘ :1 I based t‘ttitltilll) what does of ()iitario certain he‘ll see lowiiigday. l a. ‘ I the stittess of lllgll'lt‘t’ll (cry with hubs not only in the iii Waterloo, when you pror lo participate in the Agenr REâ€" I ires like \\.iter|oo have to Kitcheiier-Waterloo area btit vide engaged citi/eiis With a datiatiip on March 29, or for FAMOUS BRAND NAME "a"; teach us. lit!“ is it laririg iii also iii Ottawa and Brampton platform that encourages free tickets to be part of the Y , t the ( tirreiit global recession, “And across the province, thoughtful consideration of audience for] he Agenda Will] 3 l‘j‘llh l,l{‘ ‘1‘. and what lies ahead for we‘ve discovered that other differing points of \iew. peo- Steve Paikin: (hi the Road go . $-ij . ()iitario s animation econo- communities are paying clos- pie become truly excited to www,tvo.org/agendacariip 1 “‘Sl‘lj‘l - ' ‘ " .7 my? er attention to the high»tech about working together to to register. . ‘ g 95 ,-_ On Sunday, March 29 and sector as a way to diversify buildastroiiger community." Previous stops for The "‘“l’lgn - l I ~:- Monday. March it). l‘VO‘s their own economies." The Agendafamp. taking Agenda with Steve l’aikiri: ()n ‘ The Agenda With Steve Paikiri: TVO‘s Visit to Waterloo place the day before the the [toad have been across ‘ Blue 0' “In†On the Road will he in Water- will feature the AgendaCamp. broadcast, will be a key part the province. ‘ the? #36748 _ I loo for the final stop in its a daylong workshop on Sun» ol'the visit to Waterloo. They included Windsor. in 1f“ | | . . , . . I highly successful. five-city day March 29 at the William The innovative 'lV’O-host October focusing on I" "nil“ If.“ “I" I tour. exploring the changing G. Davis Computer Research ed community forum Will Ontario‘s manufacturing ‘ ‘l "l‘g ‘ ‘ I nature of Ontario's regional Centre on the campus of the bring together community economy; Sault Ste, Marie, in ‘ ‘ i 8‘ g’.’ economies. University ofWaterltxi. leaders, policymakers. mem- November on the province's . Assortet ‘ I the focus in Waterloo will A live broadcast of The bers of the public. program resource sector; Kingston, in _l " EOlOlltSV ‘ ‘ , . I bethitario‘s innovation econ- Agenda with Steve Paikin: 0n guests. Steve Paildn and imitâ€" January on the agriculture ‘ A â€l" i“ 1' M ‘1‘“ “‘1“ oniy, . the Road will follow the next ed bloggers to problem-solve economy; and finally in 666 VIClOtla St. N.. Km it ~ ._ t . - I ‘\\'e ve really been grati- day at 8 pm. from the (.entre around the major economic Thunder Bay, in February. 1 .H5J7pltis :om '~ -. : , . . . I fied by the reaction to these for international Governance challenges and opportunities discussing aboriginal issues. III-“m. “‘ JACOB ‘ ‘ . ‘ i g“ l ‘ l , , .. st' f._, w .. ‘ I . 2.:‘: ~ i . S l s Spot‘ials Match l6-Zl l . 2 l f ’l ;‘ , E“; ' ‘* www.st}acobs.com ‘/ 2‘ “l ., Q“ \. ‘3 _ _ ., . . . . 1 ' it Q Explore St. Jacobs During March Break! J h f . d 3‘ ,5 Mom†' “SQ/lb i 'r NEARBY 8 OPEN DAILY L5. i ‘ ~ , for, SIM Shula-W . . Fresh Farmers Sausage........,... $2.99 / lb. mm BREAK pm, Mon. to Fri. March 16-20 T . O I [ 8mm “â€" K I D h ,4 dStB ta 3’ Chicken Breasts - ,. ..$4.99/lb. ‘ - ‘ I LUNG 0’ Smoked . - oberfest Sausa 3.29/lb. L a .2. NW a. .. 1. ‘- D tuner I? Spend Feature Menu 9° 5 . , w: » - , D9†5’" 9" F 6 R S‘ )3; ‘ at ("mam f“ a mm" “m†Black Forest Ham...,,............,.....$4.99 I lb. â€" t .ï¬ K 3 a fl {1‘ :’ _ Pine Rwr as, ‘ z t a Old c oddar..............._................$8.09 / lb. _ V" _ . v ' â€". _ Children up to 12 years ofage can choose from our ’ T 4'-.\‘ f KL;- i/..,,l/.,‘i . summhn. u . I, - . - , t , . _ '. q. Kids Menu or Buffet With the purchase ofan adult entree. “a“- 7‘ Kh‘_â€"â€" "‘ â€" ‘ " ‘ 's Limtl 0/2 children per adult entrée order . See l‘ '. V , l I Not valid with other .rpeciul oft†and coupons menu on me. A K M ,J _ . Rmese;gâ€"::§bhggm a“ Hm. kin: \tiet‘t \nilli, si. .i \( tins STONE (Rm .ls Recommended 519-664-3731 519-664-2286 0 1396 King St. N., ST. JACOBS 1430 King St N, ST- JACOBS STONE cnocx ' . h BAKERY 3' I l)‘ S†i ; (’4', . i . ‘ . .. e‘ .. ‘ y ‘ G l t ‘ (tillee \ \lulliii l)e‘il . i Sip an imported beer at the bar ‘ N ‘ $2 00 i or linger over an intimate dinner. wket ‘ ' . 3 New menu: Posted at “M'wj'lltll'nhxcnm W w 1" ‘ 4. , . y g .4 . v \ A" :1 at: a. . - r. . ‘ “J '4 . a . ~ ‘“ ‘ '- Open Monday to Sunday. 11 a m . 9 p m Reservations recommended ‘ ml - ‘ - . r H \ Q q ‘7 . V'DAUA'S MARKET GRILL Stone Crock Bikery 519-664-3612 ' 1398 King St. N., ST. JACOBS 519â€"664-2575 lull): King Street. ST JACOBS