u - WAI l in i x J ("ROMâ€); - “climax“ Mm l) in, mm o o i ' ‘ "0' ' Calorie counting could be either helpful or harmful, ki f d ' al( ' d so you can try trac ng your 00 mt e 1nstea Should emotional eaters count calories? (Looming can)» edge regarding the calorie â€le may also skip meals or go too long between meals ties can be a miserable, obsessive and potentially offs-c» content of conflin‘foods; \\ i ll I l l l \( I in aqlexhafiistive effortglo cut exudes. l d be h tive strategy for losing weight; Like many aviors. , l ey o on set unre istic c one goa s an at t em» Calorie counting is especially important for those who counting calories is effective I_\ selves up for failing to stay below this unrealistic mark. have never counted calories before and have little knowl» for some and potentially if this behavior sounds familiar. make a point to eat a dagnaging for meal or snack eviflry mfg-1:") four hoursand cinsidrer ~ G." ‘ , i i ; ot ers. counting vegeta e an it consumption rat er t an ’ f i i For instance. t calories. L ‘ 1. 1 those with disor- Eating a vegetable or fruit (especially vegetable) at every .4 1 K E x P ‘ O R E dered eating pat» meal or snack will leave little room for ï¬lling up on high 4.“ C ‘ 1. ‘ ‘ I i:$:?rdlieitliiiigs- “'22: likogliome message is that calorie counting. or as l _ I / , . n e stog a . may already be prefer to call it, calorie estimating is an important skill and painfully aware can be helpful for those who have never paid much attenâ€" ' of the calories DREW tion to the calories in the foods they eat. / Wh n; 53 urda March 28 103.114 :30 m , they are eating. if you already know the calorie values ofmost food / e t y ' . p . In these cases, HARVEY items or already exhibit bouts of restrictive dieting behav- Where: Doon Campus location calorie counting 7 77 iour. you are far better offtracking how often and how 299 Doon Valley Dr Kitchener ~ " is not the best healthy you eat rather than nit picking every single calorie. " strategy Note. in both of these situations, tracking what you eat Rather tracking meals. snacks and their con- in a journal is critical to your success. Food monitoring is If you have already applied to a program for this tents and their timing is a better. safer and more not the same as calorie counting. hacking what you eat Fall at Conestoga College or are still thinking ‘3 eï¬'ective strategy . ‘ will change andimprove your eating habits whether or not . . . * Dieters who struggle With emotional. com- you count calories. about â€- 10‘“ “5 3‘ our D00“ Campus Open pulsive or binge eating behaviour may already ... House to learn more about the many fullâ€"time be too strict when it comes to the calories they Drew Harvey M.Sc. CKi's rhefounder and director ofThe programmer 7" â€eightiesEtcitaagenzwhywwagzta, Hear from our faculty, our current students and ' V or his blogat Wit/.Dr'efliredcom see the labs and classrooms you will be working in. Also, Explore our ._ 5 , a ' i - 3 W’atcrloo Campus on ' ' _ 7, THE 2 FRESH crmus FRUIT Guelphcampuson ; 7,. . Ruï¬- 20 as. $13.50 . AP“â€"‘ ‘ _ ‘ if FORBlDDEN F 40 LBS. $27.00 W= “‘- ; _ ‘ {.3 (3.2-1; ‘. ; g; , We Can Help - Names .7 â€2;; (fl , ‘5‘ V 0 Pineapple Oranges , V 3‘57}; ' ' "‘ if“ ‘ ‘ ' Honey Tangerine ‘ m5. - I?" f "3! A . 7 . Q TRAM 6 BLAIR some. , i is 7 1.. DENTURE CLINIC °Pummelos i 7‘ " C03: ESBEA ' Al' ‘6? ; 7 28 Young Street E., Waterloo , 0 VoriefyolNuts _ 4 4, re; 5 w ' 7 - 10 m '4 . j (519)884_9298 _ Friday,March20 pm p . . _ , . , , 1' . Saturday, March 21 9am - 5pm - ' _ <_ "‘ ‘ r_ See the 1 Denture 2 ' ' Go to v‘v’\~."t“./ (onestogaconta Specialists M ORANGE BARN and look UndEt ‘College Events for mom details “In,†595,4337 ; ,- 3“; 7 .. :“°'» , ; ' -- ' - ‘5' .. ' w "“ 1* ' 3 ‘ 7v V. ‘3 “â€7450 Win-*7 .5 . I? ’ 3..†21 .- g. . , - . o g“ v .. _ {'57: , ii ., ‘ .» i i (I i if {‘1 > f‘ i ‘ -: ' - , i .; M533)“ 0 7 , a o o _ v a 1 â€$1 > Call a Registered Dietitian for free healthyueatmg tips, as; i ‘ EatRight Ontario 1-877-51 0-510-2 t ' r l f;;-; WM} ontano.ca/eatright g: Ontario “weft-2s; a}, 4“?“ ., -. i p; a h. >I.Q,â€"‘..' .“ »".v. - , r .‘ .. . ' I"‘.v"‘i"_r‘v V"; i - 'v » , . cw; -.:.. .‘ War-5"; ’ ‘ " 5 ;J"~* = - : .-. «“7" I†*~ ~ - ~ .. 2‘ "‘ ~ «55" w :2 ~ ~ 5 j- « = 4’!†“ ’ r 7*“ if ‘ l