“H l KIM) ( "BUNK If ' hrdiirsdai laiiuan .’i 311}! ' 7 O C K-W Commumty Foundation awards more than $1.8 million in grants to local non-proï¬t groups llie Kilt heiier and Waterloo them to cut already tight budgets. ingthis highly curable form oi‘can surrotinditig the Warhol exhibit lll total. 1504 grants were made ( oiniiiunity loniidation awarded leaying those iti need oftheir serv cer." said (Jhery‘l Perry, founder of and is so honoured to be able to in 2006 to 163 different nonâ€"proï¬t more than 51 H million iii grants ices at risk." said Rosemary Smith. the t" lth. “Reteiying this grant say that the Kitchener and Water? organizations tn our community during 2008 to support local non (.l,()ol the KWClz has made ati extraordinary itiipact loo (.oininunity loutidatioti has "Now is not (lie tittie to retreat proï¬t organizations iti Kitchener llie,KW(l distributed funds to on the Cl't‘A‘iiheclt "em‘ campaign helped support us lll out cultural into a shell We Will continue to Waterloo and area. a diverse number of projects and and will help to save many young strategy," said llayid Marskell, ( "Ml respond to the needs or our com “We understand that non piotit programs including the Canadian men's lives." (it the Children‘s Museum. " l he tummy and our donors." said organizations are experiencing aii lestlcular (Lancer Association. Another grant was made to the impact of the show and partnering Smith " 1 here is still much for increase iii the number of individ " lhrough the KWCF grant, the Children's Museum lot the current with community champions like which we need to be thankful, and iials and families requiring their ( IVA WIll be able to reach [hour Andy Warhol Factory 2009 exhibit. the KW'(Il-' assists us in protnoting we remain cotnriiitted to provtding services. At the same time. reducv sands of young men and facilitate " The museum has been humbled arts education and also benefits support where and when it is tions to their funding will torce positive behaviour Change regard- by the response of the community otir local business economy." needed the tnost " we“ 233 f 5. ii 52: a gaff - J: ‘Sfcfs A am, , °§x.§;§i‘:§§§ _ A. z i . Egg -;§§:=.:: . _.. ,. g 39:9 â€3525 m Wat deal just got even better. 5... was; an a» ,W“ . i “3:52585‘ ,..,__.w§sf“*%i‘m§':- 153i; Q g 55 f =§ §§ ‘ †f, . . ., -~ ' M 5 §E§ii=§f % â€if" ï¬ayï¬s â€K . - E “333955: ,. sit-f ;- s- -\A w _ s. ‘ ~ - ..O , ~« ... . « Oi' 2== i 0 PURCHAgE We FOR up Totem~ a giï¬ \ A & ' 5-41“ -«2 -- < ’ ;3:;Eg::§ k .. as u§§§a§§=- if ’ v“ 05 a §.a £75 if FIRST TWO PAYMENTS ARE ON US. '- 2 “23“ as a Ecgnggrz SELECT MODELS ONLY. ENDS FEBRUARY 2. 2009. $335}: g 5 E3555? . ,. 3 so; 3 . we >' = ' ‘ < =~5:: !: f . .:~;,“ *» -. ~;. ~’.~ i l_-. 4“ ' ‘~ if“ s ¢ .. ' i " »' " ' s ; '£§2’§§i . .~* a is '*«s {NW “ ‘ ~ s," V“, » ‘ "v , g E §§s§§§g§ ‘ ? ,.;"-~'â€â€˜ ’~ 1“? - at? 7 '\ x ' ’ ‘ oeagggvz. ,, , ~ .- - -. - - g «a "~-~~ g “E§.==§;§ ~ - ’ ~ ‘ " a; g '- E. ‘ 2 55255532 7 / ‘ - . o“:§=-. /‘{m\ ~ â€my c s g F§E=§§3§£§ __ a Aux, n.~=~.= :‘ . “I. , ~ =z “953? ‘u .' ‘ ._ A If), f t_ ‘H memm W ' ‘ Mi "’*~ â€"- g 3§§SSEEE§ ~ s ‘ ' ii: “ â€We“? 6 \ “N- » - f- * 5 scams: ' “ . 5, “mi . a i Q†\Q . . gizsslz=8 -~ ‘ as - err“ \«~~-s . ’ , a fur-f; , < =§z â€" ". , , “M," f“ x z £1§9§73§§ ' ‘ ‘ ’ r . /1' cu? A11; 4 $159 l é < 1323253;- 4 v†aha-4a" ,,-1 ~' "4 ‘ U§°§°= E: " ~ i ugisgzgn: tin W l‘=â€"â€"â€"Tâ€"--â€"‘â€"-=d‘ '- g < 353=§E§§ » â€" g 2 z s :§ .s z : 2 555 . 3 = _ z E ’-‘ z 2 552° 5 i 5 3 Iii; ï¬es? < 55 s = 353; 2009 MAZDA3 "‘ E: “a?†< 3; 8555 fig: § 0- 5252532 “W‘MHM_,_‘“ » a = a 5.3 =§ gags " . 3 is ‘ ~ 5: MSRP S16,895 u gooey? ' ‘ i < 3 a " a " ' 3 = ’ " a 5 Price Reduction S2,000 5 £3233; . _;*e_._,_ m i . . g n: s§=i { - 5 Purchase Price S14,895 a 3 wigs so 5 â€if? ii I 3? ï¬g - $5; 2 5535 s as â€it“ ititt tum: an 35-15; milâ€"inlan- -!~_MW~' 352.1333. 3 a “5: §§ -. > u .! 5 he . . é a 32 ' z a l s f", ' ' N g' “ in ‘ ï¬ 4... ~- ,. _ ~ ‘ ~ .. g 5 £322 _ e e . . *@1’ "1m - - ,_ ' ""\A ‘s = r- ; ‘ _. . a I x .‘ f a ; , _. . we ~ é assist fr, * Q? a ~ ' , c ' , __.. " a ii 5 r i i i k" 7)? " \\ A ~..)- 3 . , . g t . ‘ O _ - . _-_ «A _ - "f -â€" t- u I if E r: ' x} i mm modeishovm or mum" GT vs modeisnovm E a 3 3; t f“ a i if E THE ALL-NEW @ IE ’ $534 2009 Mazda Tribute 2009 mums ._.=._.._ 2009 MAZDA6 m g o if}? 53 N “h â€"_â€"â€"* ..| x I MSRP 52335072 use 90,795" MSRP $24,495“ â€"' 5 gig ï¬g Price Reduction $555 Price Reduction s600 Price Reduction s1,800 § g 45:11; _ “ I o O i ' I 0 ‘ Purchase Price 522,795 Purchase Price s20,195 Purchase Price $22,695 8 3 1 51 ii N â€"-â€"____ m H I 151 " i 1 H < MLUE. mam/v E7VG/lVEER/NG. zoom-zoom. FOREVER. 3 , x a! 5 SEE DEALER FOR GREAT LEASE OFFERS. To LOCATE A DEALER NEAR You. VlSIT W“.NAZDA.CA OR CALL 1-000-263-4600. 2 t h is} mm~u¢uw‘t‘0mw â€WW" < "3 n \ i r I"; v v’ i \ i a V v i 4 . . '"TY"" vvv'vu 'YVVY' ‘Y'WYV‘V'V'TV'YW