t _ _ 34 - wnrtnwo CHRONICLE . momma. lanuuy 21. 2003 5 THE CITY OF waterloo For more Infofmallon, please contact - City of Waterloo 100 Regina St. South Waterloo, Ontario N2] 4A8 P 5198864550 F 519-747-8760 TTY 1866â€"7863941 www.waterloo.ca NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION and NOTICE OF PUBLIC """°". W“- "â€'Â¥'-" "5'5"“ INFERNIATION CENTRE Count" Chambers, City Hall may.†at, Centre UNIVERSITY AVENUE cuss ENVIRONMENTAL 100 Regina Street South ASSESSMENT STUDY AND DESIGN . Monday, February 2, 2009 SCHEDULE "C" N0 earlier than 5:309.“ from Bridge Street West to Lexington Road Zoning 83’4“" Amendment APP'k'M“ W2 Trafï¬c studies have concluded that due to growth in the University Avenue area east Centre for International Governance Innovation of Bridge Street, improvements are needed on University Avenue from Bridge Street 7 Caroline Street South and 57 Erb Street West West to Lexington Road. The City of Waterloo has retained [Bl Group to conduct 3 Ward 7 U town Schedule “C“ Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) and Design Study of . ' p the University Avenue corridor study area shown on the map below. in accordance The Applicant. . w . with the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act. The design of any recommended the Centre for Q d; â€was 5‘ road improvements shall be prepared in accordance with the City of Waterloo Stan- lontemational {If M I“ dards, Ministry of the Environment guidelines and Ontario Provincial Standards. 1:02:33: ' 53:: The purpose of this study is to conï¬rm the need for roadway improvements within the in £0 W or study area. evaluate preliminary design options and select a ï¬nal design of possible propos g : . , z @931 5‘ solutions to address the transportation needs Input from the public, and es cially amend the City 5 .- y a â€˜ï¬ pe ‘ Zoning By-law E ‘75†9 area residentslis needed to assist in conducting these evaluations and making study No. 1108 by a.†d of: ER3 recommendations. adding the use R\ a. ?3 I § The ï¬rst oftwo planned Public Information Centres will be held as follows. The pub- “educational \“\ 12., ff . lie is encouraged to attend to learn more about and provide comments on; I) the institution“ \\\,\ $\ é assessment of the existing and forecasted trafl‘ic conditions. 2) identification of prob- (including resi- \\ // lem areas. 3) alternative solutions available to address the problems and 4) how these deuce) to the i alternatives will be evaluated: subject lands. ~ W I ‘3, , DATE: Thursday, February 5. zoos “PE appllcmahon 99 a: Tmuflom 3"“ TIME: Drop In Anytime Between 4:30 PM and 7:30 PM WI 1 l . 7 the Jigs n 9 a; i. PLACE: RIM Park Sportsplex, Room 209, 2001 University Avenue. Waterloo Commercial 6‘ . , ,- is“? Also watch for roadside signs of this Public Information Centre. and Individuals Two “C2“ zonâ€" - i} I. ., A and groups already on the project mailing list will be mailed this Public Infor- ing and the site I“ ’0 w , motion Centre notice. if you require additional information about the study or speciï¬c uses 1'6 2 this upcoming session, please contact either: - currently per~ ’ 9 Ms. Roslyn Lust. P. Eng. Mr. Don Buckley, MOP, RPP, MITE :1"an gage ? a {(1 Senior We! Engineer Senior Associate application will > 3‘ 6“ 0) t City of Waterloo lBl Group remove existing 3L ‘ , To , , A Q 100 Regina Street South, 379 Queen Street South, site Speciï¬c per- ‘ N Waterloo, ON N2J 443 Kitchener. ON N26 1ws 32$â€me "15%: . ,5 :1 worm-n A Phone: (519) 747-3741 Phone: (519) 620-8890 ‘ lands and a dd 1% ..... Fax: (519) 747-8523 . Fax: (519) 745-7547 new site speciï¬c _'====â€"â€" ""â€' â€"---â€"â€"~â€"--â€"- E-meil: rluslr.dty.wmrloo.on.ca E-mail: «mayorugroupmm performance ‘ LOCATION HAP standards . including yard setbacks. parking and building height regulations. among others. The \ , - . A “It. details of the zoning application can be obtained from Ryan Mounsey at the City of M & *' 2 ‘. 3 I . . " Q ‘ Waterloo. This application is being advanced to permit the subject lands to be devel- ‘ .‘ kw" '“ ° 1’" ’ ‘ oped for the [ialsillie School oflnternational Affairs. ‘13,, ~ 4 . . I†if : FORfurtherhtfonnldonngardhgtheaboveMers.pleaseconmdnClty "it i ‘5‘; \ 1 k ,- \ of Waterloo Development Services. 2nd floor. Waterloo City Centre. Waterloo, 0 A. x . _ y \ ’4 “, _ N Ontario on." Ryan Mounsey at 519,747.35â€. I " - g.. ‘5’ u. , ' ,.» x in» f“; MMounseyuarm to? 5N , .- «I ' - - { DMloprnentSorvleos /‘__Q a «I Mï¬,;‘ o: “this Telephone: 519.7475» '5‘ ‘14.“. /' 6 ,, “‘1‘ e 7‘" .‘ v e:rrnounsey0vnudoo.a {a g ~42; _/ _' I \ â€.16 .7 /o“ IF you wish to mire a presentation to Council. please call 519.747.8549 prior to I g. f’ If '7‘; ,3 UK; I} .7 ‘ ix 5 ‘ 10:00 am. on Monday, February; 2009. sothattho necessary arrangements f j c \Q ‘ ~;_ f†_ * " ' “It“ unbomadetoplocoyouonthongonda. Forum-information abouttho p . ‘I/ k‘ Ixx‘. 'â€" Mng.pleasotontactltoso€lomens. i ' n 4 j l " . , f " 3. ‘1 headcount, Dahome- , fï¬â€˜uï¬-gx, f “5313‘ Mfr ‘. Telephone: 519.74n549 X Us} __‘ ,- 'j‘ g . "4;, J \ . Fax: 519.747.3510 ‘ ‘ _- . is " : ., . c‘. git \ A ‘ ‘* _. . e: Wmflooon.“ J‘ " k ‘3: - ““1 )\. (â€A 1" 5t _, , i“ in addition, a written summary of the presentation should be filed with the - ‘ in ~ ' %::7,1‘\Aj~3.gf’,~‘ {it}? ;, mam priortothopublk meeting. ‘ , â€We?“ ‘. ‘ / Susan Greatrix 3’" ‘51 ‘ ‘f, j thdeI. CltyolWlterloo ' ‘-\" _ I...“ no. . . _.