WAIT-1W) unlomcue 'Wedneaday. lanuuy zi, 20w - as I THE CITY OF @ Waterloo For more information please roman: City of Waterloo , 100 Regina St. South Waterloo, Ontario N214A8 P 519-886-1550 F 519447-8760 TTY 1-856-786-3941 www.waterloo.ea 71.- s _ ,__.___ , NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION and A L ,, f; t (A l I '7 INFORMAL PUBLIC manna"; « u ‘77:". .t/ ‘ I. Council Chambers, City Hall ‘ L L L44 " “L; ,s/i 5‘ L ‘ Waterloo City Centre 7 T ff 1'“ v ï¬le/j l‘ r i too Regina Street South - L i \ ï¬g ‘1f ‘ i if; Monday. February 2. 2009 \ Eu .. J i L/ ‘. , . [it] No earlier than 6:30pm ‘2“ hr t r / is“ ’ Zoning By-law Amendment Application W3 ‘ f fl l i ‘3 i. H We ' V‘ ' Tuner: Development: United ‘ ,H A i \1 l ,3 ' 12 Ultvenlty Avenue East 7» \\\ ivâ€, \ if; / i. ;/\/ \“ Ward 6. City ofWatedoo . ,-./1i i ’ A ‘ The Applicant is proposing to amend the Cityis Zoning By-law No. l l08 by adding a temporary use to the 5 El fl XV / e/ Subject property via Section 39 of the Planning Act, the said temporary use being “restaurant“ to be permit- ‘ ‘l‘ "A“ ll , .~/ / I“ “R wk» \\ ted for up to three (3) years. \ 1L " ,; :1 â€W753 â€EL “at.“ ‘ 'i Tanem Developments Limited is seeking this zoning amendment to facilitate their redevelopment at the 4 ' “V lg T7 I “s a /. it ‘ northwest comer of King Street North and University Avenue, on the lands known municipally as 247 & 253 E// \mï¬' ' far /,4 King Street North. Two of the existing retail tenants on the King Street lands are Starbucks and Pizza Pizza. ‘ “6““ " L _ ‘ ‘ who have long-term leases. In order to accommodate the long’term leases while the King Street lands are uz “. y . , ’ . being redexeloped. Tanem is proposing to temporarily relocate Starbucks and Fina Fina to 12 University 1 ‘ f . ~ m Avenue East. ‘ y it ,2.“ . y ; /;‘â€".T 3 FOR further information regarding the above matters, please contact the City of Waterloo Develop- . ‘ . fl “ ,1 ’ . â€h l ( merit Services, 2nd floor, Waterloo City Centre, Waterloo, Ontario or call Joel Cotter at 519.747.8543. .. .. . , ‘- A l 1 A!» C 11% ‘- «i? ‘ Joel Cotter MCIP RP? " ; Development Services We“ - SUBJECT "0’5ҠA i Telephone: 519.747.8543 . g -"- e: jcotterOwatedoo.ca '3‘? _. __:::"Z . IF you wish to make a presentation to Council, please call 519.747.8549 prior to 10.00 am. on Mon- ' LOCATION MAP day, February 2. 2009. so that the necessary arrangement can be made to place you on the agenda. For more information about the meeting. please contact Rose Clemens. IN addition, a written summary of the presentation Rose Clemens Clerk’s Office should be filed with the City Clerk prior to the public Telephone: 519.747.8549 MW- Fax: 519.747.8510 Susan Greatrix e: rclemonsOcity.waterloo.on.ca City Clerk. City 0' Waterloo MR W ' Councillor ’ invites you to the 3, 7‘ a . X’s/AND a â€" Â¥\.,)\.u"r’?‘~a HALL, hEETlNG L†Minor % Hockey - ‘ Association RN Park We 106 Thursday, january 22, 2009 2001 University Avenue 1 7 - 9 pm n Waterloo. Ontano NZK 4K4 Telephone 7254434 Fax 725-0387 c-mail wmha(a¢go|den.net wwwwaterloohockeyonea ‘ RIM Park - Century Room Waterlho Minor MW in the Manulzfe Financial Svartsplex mm “b" ’ 2001 U ' ' ' mversr Avenue Waterloo Rep. League Coaches ‘ ty I AAA - ANA - MD WMHA is now accepting coaching applications for all m, - AAA - ANA - MD teams, Applications re nibble 3' the otTice. Via e-mail or on our website underVoltlnteefl . mm a“ x - (a) www.waterloohockey.on.ca g :1, “x w in “7-â€. Deadline to submit IS January 31/2009. MM“ 4 "pathetic-d ‘ l