an - wan-Juno CHRONICLE - Wednesday. lulu-r31 21 2009 u Start the NewYem' Business Proï¬le “ ff ' ht’ 0 mg . Try Earthwinds for all your Yoga needs / I D ' . , . I . “'-' " new}: .. ’ Exit: » ‘\ t‘iusttnvmos % -. \_/ ï¬fe-:4. Cu ' '.‘ . ’ an mecndly . E†‘~ . ": . j , ‘ choice for designer .. . \ â€â€5 “' yoga products - ,. D . .7 42 King St South, Uptown Waterioo _ i. 5 3 ~ «:5. ' 519-746-0737 ‘ . ' . ‘3" t . l to Ontario 5: Stratford ' ‘ 519272-0695 Simple 1’de Green llnlttue jewellery at Eartlrwlntls True jewellery junkies in this area know and their children - often a father teaching his the place to ï¬nd the rarest‘ most beautiful son; or a small group of jewellery craftsmen . ‘. «I u; ‘ ‘3‘“ “v ' collection of pieces and gemstones is Earth working together, A lot of the time. however, ‘1 i“ . i f“. winds in uptown Waterloo. it is only one person buying the components. “I" ‘ ' . -. N TlllEY IS TRAVEL Not just your everyâ€"day selection of trin- choosing the stones for quality and making {a}? a ’ kets...these are unique. stunning jewels that the piece to sell it afterwards...a one-man I t .3 .. ' - are truly one of a kind - all with a special operation." ’ "v - " ‘. 500/0 0“ story to tell. Earthwinds - which operates under a fair- s. 5L e x , I" .9 WINTER SALE And it has been that way for the past 20 trade philosophy -- has made a number of j j E t.__ J o years. since the store's founders completed a connections with independent jewellery _ .> ‘c " I; on Chmlng world tour that took them to Mexico. Thai- craftsmen around the world. ' ‘ E I i ' land, Nepal and Indonesia - in search of “All of our suppliers are still micro pro- t ' ' ,, m . , §l~ - } CO umb 0’ woqlr'Ch undiscovered treasures. ducers." . a†, ‘ a 4 & Royal Robbins “They realized that the an of making jew- Francisco explained. â€that way, we main- ‘ .5 : '. ‘ W, - 7 ,, ellery was based on culture. traditions and a lain the fairness of our trade. the quality of a»; committed love from the artisans to create a our products; and we provide support to help " _ ) HEADS up piece that carry meanings. expressions of with their sustainability." - ‘ t, 500/0 0“ passion and love for nature and culture." This adds richness to the origin of each 1 - HOf P H GI explained Francisco Mansilla, owner of piece - and provides customers with a 11‘; W5 Dis, eves Earthwinds, sense of how far it has 7 , _ 8r Scarves Far from what’s produced in travelled and a bit of A large manufacturing plants ‘ history on where it , '__ h world-wide. ¢ ' has come from. ;’ , ‘ ‘ “The best pieces of 33' { “Our stones " Head I 06 jewellery come from a: _ 5», p come from dif- ' tiny production units ’ ‘ y '3; ‘ ferent parts of MST“! (1011“ FOI In". m all over the plan- ,. ’3, ‘ if the world.“ A .. “N fï¬ Tm Emma - Rani liloâ€"m 3"" Francisco U- . ‘ V ’2‘ F r a n C i 5 c 0 j I ‘ § 0 WOOL-nut - (Iowans said. "mostly [’4’ said. x “no 7. . ' ' MW“ 0‘1"“ family opera~ a“; ‘3 “We buy y . 5| “WWW!!!†lions made up '{f'm' wâ€"a. ' ‘ amber in ‘ “‘- ‘ "mmgmnmogs of the owner £2333 5 Poland from ‘ .4 519664-2563 ,. {DCEANIA CRUISES /:: p" Your "707141, Your Why} / .1: “Q‘ g F' __ ., , _‘) VIKING RIVER CRUISES '. i \\‘N . onursw. W are m \‘ W of “a 0x , ‘ ~ 14W “a, n / \J \l _ Oceania (‘ruiscs . *Viking Riwr ('ruisc ’ fl *4 ' - Largest Promotion liver to (him . / ‘ ‘ "i. ' Unprecedented Price Reduction: on more 3 than 40 Voyages ‘ priced ‘2449 US. pip . :30“ Mediternneggimxayhthova i from cruise only . - ectAsiLSOUth 'ic.. ut merica ‘ 2009 IO departures. offer Price led-c601- i Viking River cm“ | plus special amenities J April thru Nov/09 /( Iâ€"s' /’ I.“ / I ca Rob TODAY hr new at... i Callfor details « / - . . _ tit/H'I'l . /// //////( wl‘) n 8 “"10 / ‘- Bullas ' - ~ ~~ ~~ ' -, _; u who: i wit.m