l‘, i ll - W’tl l Kl Ht l (.NIIONILLL - Wednesday 141mm 41 Jun l, . it 37.1,» ‘2‘ I, .o . . 1 a - . l’ â€"§§§ Enter - . 3, . I I . .« .. I. a; the ti. 3,“ 5 ‘ l Attention all men and warren who “Iggy . ~ ' '~ , i; ‘ ;‘- have moderate to severe lmee or hip 1; dragon . i 1“ , ' , '. 5 pain due to Mains ta} The Central 2 Y . ' l" ' (1 , Ontario Chinese " t t " l MRI?!" m m m j ‘ Cultural Centre 7 a '. A fl b d, “Np m 7 31,2 held its annual ‘ " ‘ , fl ‘ fl We are active», seeking volunteevs for a clinical research _..: if 5m?†72†1 . kl " study to assess an investigator-at pan med-ca“ non. if; X tear; (e Ed R" t e . . l/ f . i, the investigation! Manon maybeeflecuve in g, ., (Ainw‘ztti’gg a 4 f, "g A f f a " . 11 â€nag"? Mk pain, and may "I†better 935†\ 741 Memorial Recre- ’ ‘. RI“ 2: I f' ; - ' “If; I :‘ mtestrnaltolerabdtty than otherpam medications 513i . ation Complex. I _ ._‘ _ , I. I". . f I}! I 4‘s"? ' Tentatively . I ' " f L I“ I 35 l You may be eligible to participate it you. dfjags‘? approaching the 7, F . i 1.†1x. “7.3 1 at“ lion from the 3 '~ 1 2 ‘ ; ‘ 5-4 . _, ' Are “qu0,“ _ fislkcfï¬ famous Lion ' ‘ ‘~ _ M, . 4 I i," s. . y ’ o Are experiencing moderate to severe knee or he new 334?» Dance was : a» ‘ . »_l 0 Are dissatisfied With your current pain medication £33553 ; threeyearâ€"old M I he», "a ’ 1 4 3 . - Believe you are a candidate for knee or hip replacement Mfg!» Jasmme Berth. « If? I "I his. \ J ';. ‘ I 2 A (â€3-1â€"- smulmAt more â€$1?’ I‘ g, . . - "you would like more miormatton about this study, . x a; ' isâ€: < 51.2.4 “ . pleasecontactustodayat: - . ' H, xi?“ 4 1-877-927-5469 or l-877-9-ASK-IIOW ;\ fg 9&5, - I , 1,4, A}, -.~ 3†- a ' 3 ».i“-' if '- if ’- l ‘ iv . . - . {I MASSAGE THERAPY , Engmeers launch development talks I. . . BYGRHJMACDONAID infrastructure and nation edge," he said, ;l. 51 compllmenlafv Pressure Pall“ WOI‘kShOp M building in developing coun» That's why the conference l~ tries. fair trade and anti- includes leadership sessions I ‘ "at tudents from the Uni- poverty activism and talks by volunteers who ‘ Learn to Improve yOur health "' “rally Sversity of Waterloo are The national conference have worked with develop 1 with Dr. David Reinhart, D_C. / helpilng to organize'the is a (trance (Oaths, groups to meat agencire‘s in Africa. bl I , _ , countrys argestintemation- com me an s are t err neo t e most visr e - Annette Viclra R.M.T. / and Cindy Danylyshen R.M-T- a] development conference. knowledge. said Zach lama. a pans of the conference will I ' . I .- . - Which will be held in Toronto member ofthe UW's EWB. be when the delegates I m d Lomfonable professional setting this week. _ The local chapter has a descend upon'downtown l You will learn techniques in reduce the stress and tension in??? (11:35???) 351x395: £32301: ï¬i'isirlié'gï¬Ã©hfeï¬ï¬‚n' 32527; 3337111133 $35 ; g I†(he fwd." “Handled W’Ih-l Canada will travel for the and speakers for the event. all in EWB's signature orange l e Headaches e LOW Back & Leg Pain e Carpal Tunnel Engineers Without Borders' Topics will include fair toques I . N k Sh Id A P . . S. . F . national conference from trade and international “We want to draw aware- " ec ’ 0“ er and rm aln Inns atigue Jan 21 to 24. which will fea- development. But the goal of ness to issues such as fair '. WHEN' Wednesday January 28m 64,0 _ 7.30 pm ture lectures from business the conference isn't just to trade," lama said. ‘lt will be ‘ ° ' _ T " leaders. political ï¬gures and spread facts. lama said. hard to ignore.†‘ WHERE: 645 LaUI'CIWOOCI DE UNI E. watel'IOO academics. “One of the goals is not The conference also fea- i (a voluntary donation to the the United Way accepted) EWB chapters exist at only to teach (attendees) tunes a lecture by Research in i many Canadian universities. more. but to reach them how Motion co-founder Iim Bal- ‘ They focus on issues such as they can apply their knowl- sillie. . emit. 5]9-883-0968 - LIMITED ENROLLMENT ' : i . - , .: ,, MA( 20 Benjamin 5 Is 92 Years Young! . f, Our Birthday . . ’ “§‘\ . > . 2 e e 1; . 2 l. e . Z , Dinner Specral ~ $22 2 3 , The more you dine, minimum, in, I Tuesday to Sunday, 4:30 pm to 9 pm I ‘ e\ the more you save. speciaiscoggemgguposm ,. WW. aco .com . . \\ ‘ I " - ' . 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Milli]. u ill] â€Us ( nil/mu with: n Alli (his ( innit)â€. 1:3 “2,†.,-',A: f; A i- ' | Purchase an evening entree l I Purchase an evening entfée | 3;- 4.3153 . 7 W â€" , z, i ï¬x. i I wilt. ; Over your next four I or dinner buffet receive I I or dinner buffet, receive I ‘ - - - I discounts on evening dining I discounts on evening dining Fresh Farmers Sausage ...........$2.69 / lb. evening wsrts, you can save . at 5m cm, I a, Sm God, I R and W 5 up to $50 off dining with I “WWW/“WM“ I | â€mmmmw/o'wfld-w- | side Ribs $3.59 / lb. 3 these valuable coupons. I . , , $5“ "" I I . $§Qmfl I Side Bacon................................$4.59lib. . a I . n l “M I I U , -» n; .$1I’Quh l â€- SI I ; ST()NE ( ()(K . I : “hflsï¬f‘fl I I . ¢5315M~ I EFacMrest Ham.......................$4.99/lb. ‘ i ’ . no River - l. - R - | Human- | | FREEWm-t | Medium Choddar.......,.....................$7.69llb. . . . Nata-lidulhwothrrvfler ruminant». othaoflu Restaurant 6 Catering ' Masha-tut l ' which?“ ' â€uni/iii Minot/iii. '/ ,/.m, I» pm : I minimum-ch um I I deHi-chll.m9 I ', A ,,e,,_e_,, ,, geese, a ,, ,‘ lg \lll,\l «Rm l\ IIg who! (Rm l'\ I l\ MEATS&CHEESE l t , ,, MWï¬eWM/ 1395Kin9 StreetNorth I 13960Kg?Sb'eetNonh II l396£§8treetflonh I ,i,.,,\,..._.\,,â€, \,,,,,, \. H. “m ' ST. JACOBS 519-664-2286 Lsr- m sum-mg Lsr- w: 51mm J .., . .. - - â€" - - _ _ - - - - - â€" - \