, mirror x) CHmNK‘lE - Wednesday. tummy it zoos - a : . i v - : ) v ‘ ~ ' s I \ ‘ 1 _ 11! “its ll) llll.(,llR()Nl(.l.l. Ar th . L . all out later. when we go to the polls. $1,800.000 settlement and that ; ts pa y e prlce Waterloo needs 3 After all, shouldn't council hold other staff would be in the same , , . _ . bailout? some sort ofaccountability towards position fora parity adjustment? A merican “if?“ Stella Adler oncesaid. Life beats down the ï¬nancial direaion weare head: The outside workers' union was ï¬nd “mm†the sum and art reminds you â€12“ you have , in ?1 am worried about how in h without a ntract at the end of one. With the trend Of ballot!“ rapidâ€" mgre debt this council will inculi.C October arc; council should have M a studio instructor, I used to share m“ quote With my 3" ly becoming the norm. i got 19 known that this was comin u and students before Wilfrid laurier University cancelled its ï¬ne arts thinking that 5m“ the “W M Clyde clung“; would involve the ritv issgiep ain program two years ago. Sadly, in this fast-paced. commerce- Waterloo has (he largt’sbl debt PU Waterloo lfthey try to juszafy the sen]??? ' | obsessed world, it's the ans that pay the price once again as the capita Of any mu “lC'l’i’l'W 1†merit. why, in View of these potenâ€" Waterloo Community Arts Centre has had to lay off four sup- Sari‘lmrw' W? ShOUId apply fl†a Council gets failing “in problems did council go for the port staff this month. According to a press release. this decision out. . . ' . ' ' 1 see now that local unions are grade on Openness Cadillac settlement _ retroactive made by the board of directors ls due to the need to reduce < - - 4 for two ars â€" when cunent dat- overhead expenses. “ jumping on the bandwagon and . ye General manager Lauren ludge said in the release "This has asking for comparable raises since is is being written to express m8 would have been reasonable been ve difï¬cult d 'siont tak l h th ' 4 w 1 "l bold] . ranted a I be t the inc - and mmnSlble? a W e“ . 0. a â€e e mmm‘m'w ater oo counct y g my concerns a u reas , d d wh _ h . _ , , . And then on a different concern un erstan s y restructuring ts necessary t at we have to two-year retro increase to employ ing lack of responstble leadership by ‘ _ . _ 1' ~ - 4 » 4 . 4 . , , for our Citizens what is ha nin ive Within our means â€" and take comfort in knowmg that as a ees. including senior management. our mayor and councillors, which is , , - ' PFC 8 l f h' 4 be - - - . . . 4 . . _ mm the Cl lawsuit where legal resu to t is. we Will able to continue functioning as Water- Without actually knowmg where this resulting in a very womsome ï¬nan W , loo‘s home for the arts . money was going to come from. cial position of our city. C025 are pilOSiallbly? “£31119???" Judge told me in an interview last week that over the years - ' - -_ - ~ an 0 Cl i . Counctl s pursuit of the intelli The wage adjustment given to whatcituigall boil); pu C V s a e the WCAC has been primarily funded by enema] sources that gence Award cost well over $100,000 management and non-union staff , a - , ~ 1 ~ . - ~ - . . . . j believe that these issues are a inc ude the City of Waterloo. Ontario Ans Council. Trillium to the taxpayers Concrete ewdence in November to bring their wages , - - - . . . . . . . s l c to all fth -t~, Foundation. Waterloo Regional Arts Fund. KW Community Ans is required to prove that this spend- up to parity With neighbouring er ous oncem r 0 e a ’ F d - - ~ - . . . ' . . . . ofwaterlool Openness and un . along With private donations. Their other major source mg was not just a world tour but can cities was done in haste and With no zens , , , , of revenue she said is from m _ be justiï¬ed with the revenue it has regard to ripple effects which are commumcation is Vital to an effec- , . ' ' p gram . . . “we democra and sadly. the ming like courses and workshops. But already returned to the taxpayer. now facmg counctl m the matter of . cy ' that's not alwa s enough to cover P 1 would like more details from the outside workers' union threatâ€" “PM“ of_Mayor Halloran currently . y .. . \ i \ i i\ i i \ i i 4 . . _ m m V) _ h a faili d operating expenses. said Judge. Mayor Halloran other than just enmg â€" in a 100 per cent vote ~â€" V ew as "8 gm e. And though local artists in If \ H l \ political rhetoric. 1f this is not possi~ strike action over the parity issue. included a - ' yse ‘ , _ , . . , pprecnate suppon from ble 1 suggest the City applies for a Did the mayor, chair of ï¬nance BobWegner such sources We never understood ‘.,;,- . bailout and we can straighten this or CAO not raise a red the over this Waterloo why some thihg like a not-for-proï¬t -: t 4 community arts centre â€"â€" which plays “ , . . . such a vital role in personal and com- 51 munal development - has to survive Obamas success rests in ability ..m......m............... . . Judge is optimistic with the notion the , t b t th t Kl ’ d WCAC has the potential to be a oom- . 0 ring ru 0 11g 3 wor s m.....m.......m..... not only as a human necessity. but as a MARSHALL It can't be possible for anyone anywhere to live up that such a thing could happen in their lifetime. dynamic tool for change with a central WARD to the expectations heaped upon the new presi- And there was a great belief that now things would role to play in sustainable develop- dent of the United States. Barack Obama. change. merit. Obama was swept into ofï¬ce on it But beyond the wars and the economy, That development. she believes. can start by creating a dia- wave of optimism, much of it from there are a great many other problems logue with local companies that recognize art as the mecha- people who had long ago either given l P! i ( i ( ) i burdening the African American popula- nism and means by which we engage with ourselves, other up on the political system in the Unit- ' . . tion.'1he black teen pregnancy rate in the people and our environment. in 2007. Kitchener’s Christie Dig- ed States or had Silnply ignored it for I“ H i R k i United States is three times higher than ital recognized the value ofworking with artists as the lead cor~ years. . the rate among White teens Half of all porate sponsor of CAFKA (Contemporary Art Forum Kitchener Ofcourse, there can be no quick _ ;; black students don‘t make it out ofhigh and Area). ï¬xes to any of the problems facing t ) school. An incredible proportion of young “Companies can start relationships with local artists by him. To begin with, the president of “l. ,, Q black men are in prison. starting a dialogue and ï¬nding those areas where they share the Us. does not nearly have the f 3 Not surprisingly because of some of commonalities.†Dorina Belu. senior manager of media and power of our own prime minister; '- “f those statistics. unemployment and commu'nications for Christie Digital. said over the phone. who can quite easily change policies 4 poverty are at a much higher level among “likewise. artists have access to companies as long as they or put laws in place Sr? the black population. bring something of value and they have a plan â€" they should The president, while he does have - Not all of these issues are forced upon think like a company and be compensated for their art. Corpo» a veto. needs to negotiate with a lot of a people by society. Comedian and actor rations are busy places. trying to keep a business afloat in these different interests to get many things “4“ Bill Cosby has been a leading voice in ï¬nancial realities is a challenge we all face. However. as long as done. BRIAN recent years in calling on people to take there is value and it makes good business sense. then artists Sadly, of course, there is probably responsibility for their lives. Increase your can ï¬nd support.†little that can be changed right away BOURKE education and gain a purpose to your "Community art centres also have a unique position as a to pull the U.S. out of its economic existence. place to bring out the artists in these people,†Belu added “Par- problems or withdraw it from the two He's angered a lot of people with his ticulariy in the high-tech world. an and science go hand in quicksand wars it is waging in Iraq and Afghanistan. comments. but Cosby remains unapologetic. He hand â€" art helps to balance. maybe even challenge, the scien- Those things are not going to go away quickly. says he is talking to his people. and he wants them tiï¬c mind and helps it channel new creative ways to solve But there‘s a lot to be said for attitude, and to show their children better behaviour and give problems Corporations Who are striving to stay innovative and Obama's election has certainly created a positive them better choices in life. ahead amongst global competition have an excellent opportu» feeling among many people â€" perhaps the ï¬rst While the economic situation and the wars in nity to channel into that creative outlet.†such feeling we've seen by any politician for along both lraq and Afghanistan will garner the headlines Both Belu and ludge concur that a community is vibrant time. and the attention. it will be another battle that will and alive as long as people are out there doing things to sup The only thing 1 can compare it to is the election mark. in my mind, the success or failure of Barack port businesses. events and the arts in all its various forms. It's of Piem: Trudeau in 1968. “Trudeau-mania" swept Obama's time in the White House. a sad day when an is not thriving and artists move away the country as a younger, hipper politician burst Whether it's a four~year term or eight years. will because the community doesn't suppon their talents. Belu onto the scene after a relatively short time in gov- Obama's presence serve to inspire both America‘s said. “Anists focus their energy on going beyond what we ernment (as Justice Minister) and an even shorter black population and the country in general to step already know or challenge what we already know to be true. If period as leader of the liberal Party. forward and bring real tmth to the words of Martin we can‘t challenge our ideas and have a community that is It was 40 years ago, but Trudeau had the same Luther King or will we look back on this time as a open to change and mating a vibrant. balanced (place to live). kind of charisma as Obama. and. perhaps. were he great opportunity lost? then we need to ask ourselves What kind of a community do we around in today's more media-influenced world And Will we. 88 their neighbour With some of the hm?‘ - Trudeau would have been the same level of phe- same problems. take that same inspiration? Hopefully one. both Belu and lodge agree. that has soul nomenon. Because life beats down and crushes the soul, and art reminds Obamas ascendancy to the top job has been a “‘ you that you have one. beacon of hope for black America. In talking to peo- Bn'an Bourke. a member ofthe 1053 KOOL FM ... ~ pie in South Carolina after the election in Novem- morning crew. can be reached byemall at Marshall Mud is a visual Wand independent ï¬lmmaker. bet, (hm was an air of ammmem among "an; bbourbeQbooUmoom MI is “Jamie at liwarthormalLaom.