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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 7 Jan 2009, p. 16

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16 - WAI'ERLUO CHRONICLE ' Wednesday. |d11udIV 7 _‘()0‘5 ‘ ‘ 7 “Aisha, 7”, . 7 7. ,. 7 . 77* .. ,. A ,,,,_,_,‘_ ”a“ N, 777,77,,7,7___ ,,,,,77 , 7 ~ 7 ”r" '77 W 4 l l l I l ) _ l ( ( t [11 . _ Footwear & A Governments have been Ielt WI“! 18W 0 thoti s f‘ ‘ r C , _ .' / . - n - “ms" ‘ 0 “(Ills lfll' aSSIStIII auto IIIdIIStI' . . f‘ conditions 4. / / - _ . . . .. . . r-. . . hicles EA h" is H mmertoes rovidin a imamm] 3,515. administration merit from healthy powerhouse. Where more ve . . ‘w an l g a tance millage. bailout or any bailout olWall l 'l l\' \ i \\ businesses to risky are produced than any other iuris. filallen Arches gDiAbPlt‘S other appropriate term to a Street and the ‘ ' enterprises. diction _ ‘ ‘al . . . . Q business or economic sector is American financial \] \'| “Rs furthermore, in The accompanying provincl M?£(mޣ%£?fl2izn among the most difl‘icuit decisions sector. the theory 2906 alone. provin- auto industry statistics are impres- silo“ it Rs ms; governments are required to grizlhzugieéiglrzcagrr‘y Ff? _- ‘ afilsieit‘l/vield::l cor- ggiiegflérflznt)?i)lggfigs 1 Generally, when the economy is omy are increas- _. x ‘: reached $19.3 bil- total manufacturing output and 90 94; ‘11Ne9be‘r7i91ll.,6fll;c§e;er strong and markets stable. busi- inngyT'Idiiéertgem. 1 lion,l s£31205;thunite per cent of the entire (anadian - ' nesses want governments out of e e ate 011 » . » t e , lot 0 sector. mart-313m:- in their daily operations. arguing that governmlent‘assisjfl . i 3 110.3 billlzfl: a] d However. aah ttom £21235” _ the system optimally functions lance to usiness is . mung in iVidu uction num rs. ere ( tl'l.l(|l.lll ( t'iliiu’rl. l’q‘rlnitliisl through minimal intervention. certainly not new .,. provinces three dimension to the debate. in ' \ “it shill . ( i i I) it 7 However. as we have seen with or unheard oil 1 J a yearsgegéisgtiegfc hNillovembfer if this year, the Ontario [he massive $7(X)-bmi0n Bush across Caria a. n . provt . l - ayors 01’ utomo lVE nves ' 1972, federal New ART lion followed by merit, a group of municipal offi- c . Democratic Party SINCLAIR Ontario and Alberta cials from communities depend- leader David Lewis at 52.4 and $1.5 bil~ ent on auto manufacturing for CARPET ‘ I EANWG released his lion respectively. their economic livelihoods. issued scathing book entitled The Corpo- According to the Fraser Institute, a statement supponing immediate . a (V fig," 1-77 ~ â€",_;~,.~,_~ . was. t. g. .; as; (33 rate Welfare Bums. which docu- the cliche that what is good for action to prevent. in their terms. i z; a; ‘“2‘-;' "viii/”5"? . V I f . ' ' “We? merited massive subsidies and tax 1 eco rations is 00d for the economic devastation. .. ,, and. a, A ._ . no _ y); a“, a, 318 m0 8 3. us .. a, --.,.,â€",.. 1.»- .,:: ‘r breaks that were routinely directed country has never been less true In Ontario. every lost automo- MOVING o RENOVATING 0 NEW lA'Y o ALLElGlES to Canada’s largest and wealthiest thaéihtoday If d b tivehmafiufacturing {Pb will rgzult . . corporations. e corporate we are e ate in t ee imination 0 seven 3 i- . Steamahc cledalrlttné ”gm the level of Ironically, the term corporate encompassed a local dimension tional jobs. bacteria, pet ' mites welfare was unearthed a month recently when a series of media As the mayors noted. for com- I Wall to we” carpeting 8 area rugs Valerie ago when the Fraser Institute, a reports indicated that the Detroit munities across southwestern . Upholstered fumiture Poulton national economic research organ- Three automakers â€" Chrysler. areas of the province. the current It bou d Ie . iration that shares very little in Ford and General Motors â€"- controversy over government ’. As a t "d C mung principle with the NDP. released required an immediate multi-bil- assistance is not a theoretical their analysis of government assis lion government assistance pack- debate related to industrial policy. Q A at a” w tance to business age from Ottawa and Queen's Park rather it is simply survival. STWIB W ' W The Fraser institute report â€"â€" to sustain their operations. Hie The human costs originating ‘ 00 rate Welfare: Now a $182~Bil- uest for Canadian ovemment from further closures and la offs a term rpo req 8 Y c “I“ res 519.893.“ lion Addiction â€" indicates that su rt accompanied a similar are 5 erin in terms of lost taxes P90 ta88 8 - Nobody Chm Better between 1994 and 2006, local, appeal originating from the Ameri- and the subsequent inability of 7mm! rim: [968 Than Ste-made! provincial aggé'estlleirzgggovem- can operations directed at Wash- muntEipalitiesétei pay ftéLyjital serv- ments prowl , per tax- ington. ices at must provr . ' payer, for a total of $182 billion, in The impact of the auto industry Essentially. inaction was not an business subsidies. bailouts and in Ontario. particularly areas like option. What to me h, 2009, loans. Waterloo Region along the High The Ontario and federal gov- ' The report argues that corpo- way 401 corridor, is significant. We emments have now committed - - rate welfare. in its many forms. have been appropriately branded Tech Talk by Steve Mend}; Gibson Sound & Vino" transfers tax dollars and employ- as North America's automotive ’ Continued on page 17 2009 is here. What can we expect from borne electronics in 2009 and over / , the years to come? I think back to 1982-83. the Commodore 64 home corn» to ’ purer was introduced to the market. This was the best selling computer . . . _ product of all time. It completely changed the North American lifestyle and ’ "°"""°"°" d“d""" paved the way for much of what we have today. arisawal’ds Since then we have developed computer products with stunning progress . » and the purposes served by computers. now reach into every aspect of daily , life. , ‘ . ' 'â€"'i ‘ r| ers artlStS mg. performers . .. In today’s home entertainment market we have an awful lot happening in . . ' terms of these new technologies. We have LCD. Plasma. "Organic LED“. . m u5| Cla n ' ~ blu~ray disc players. digital photography and digital music storage products \ for sale in our store All of these new technologies can be easily used in me ntor ‘ conjunction With computer products. The USA is changing it's television broadcast system to NIH digital in February 2009. Almost all of the major t , television stations are now available in High definition digital for you to even _ I. . ' ‘ enjoy on your new W's! . ; u _~ l ' Yes. but what does all this mean? I like to think that we are on the brink festlva IS et .‘ t; pease l°"‘_ ”5 of another technological revolution. A time when. just like the early 80's. . ; sunday. lune 7, 2a)? the way each of us uses our electronics will change forever. Over the last it _ it 5 for the arts awards 25 years computer industry folks and consumer electronics manufacturers -"t at contr'bUte to .- A; I have battled through countless standards changes, media formats and com- the cultural vitality ; "' fr ceremony 8x putcr language problems only to arrive now. with a reasonably well sorted . ; « moveable feast out cache of technologies ready to integrate. it has never been easier. Of Waterloo Reglon ' . L Gibson's has some very exciting products to look forward to for 20». . . . ' 5 You wont want to miss out! w t ‘ ~ 4d ' '- ~ ~ . .’ Sm t â€"‘ “fl.” 1. “MI mkwartuwardsu ‘ “fl ' . 519-747-8537 .‘ ' m.m‘ ”mati. m, "a... ‘ . 2 ma M m . a ,,_ ., cum m 510.7m a v t, m m m -â€" a ( . m “m"fl'raa ml) latte)! __ “'fl"" 3.27.2: * w i a: m ...... , , , “We'll Tm You Uh Family“ m not Mglbooriovoom This rpacc generously rponrond by _ ‘

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