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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 31 Dec 2008, p. 9

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i if , . WAI’lletX) CHRONICLE - Wednesday. December 31. 2008 - 9 ma,<_Â¥~,*_ar_. If .. , a, r ...,, -)_1 i V W l N Ll: TTERS TO THE CHRONICLE i . w e e ratin . . It has become a mantra for the opportunity to step back and reflect l Brald IS more campaigner. “We are the party who and renew our commitment to O 0 ~ concerned With listens to the people." working together in the future," rlstmas In t e G ‘ . . . th It is an insult to any thinking per- 'lhe Governor General should be I keeping hls 10b an sons intelligence. fired for supporting this move as it 0 0 l i addressing his Politicians who say this are usu- is clearly not iii the best interest of W1 1 t one r . , d ally trying to drum up support tor any (.anadian. ‘l conStltuents nee 5 their ideas and it is a sad way to The opposition has demonstratâ€" n Christmas Day | entered another dimension. A dimen- make a point. ed the ability to form a government 0 . ' . . . - , . , . - . - i . . â€". sion not only of SI 1 and sound. but of mind. A mime» PE” r “Ff“d I" TN” d 1‘" fl“ Peter Braid supports the move by that Will retain the confidence ofthe into a wondrous iand ofimagination. ’ ' W fi)lr1:(‘tll"ll:;l:h:5\::‘t\ 331””: “0'; government to stop all parliamen- house and the constituents allowing Watching the Mlight Zone episode The Night of the Meek t‘tifl‘l‘itillit‘t‘its who (have (invited tary proceedingsat it time when our us to begin addressing these urgent on Christmas Day for the second year in a row, I realized 1-", , ' 1. . . - - ,. . _ “‘91in “.meh'F‘g‘ problems. , started a new holiday tradition. in the 1960 episode. a forlorn int do not want a toalition gourn ”I“. is distiirbin This move does nothin but . , , 4 . ‘ "m“ l'hey want the “Nut“ of the , , _‘ ‘ ‘ g: , . g banta (.laus (played byArt (army) is fired on Christmas [we h“ election to st'ind' they want , lhis guy supports the idea that it demonstrate the selfish attitudes of for arriving drunk at work. later that day, he finds a mysterious their vol ) to be res )9“ d ,, - is better to take your marbles and go the (.onservative party who cares far bag that gives out presents. “With this bag. he sets out to fulfill " ‘1 ‘ ' home rather than to stand and fight more about their cum Jobs than ~. r. , ~ , ~ ~ , Please I)” on reall . think the , _ . _ , , his one Wish â€"â€" to sec the less fortunate Inthll the bountits of 1 ' _ X . ,3 as is the tradition ofourgovernâ€" theydo about the robs of millions of Christmas vast mayority of thinking people merit Canadians . ' ‘ . contacted you Mr. Braid? The “is! ' l , h . ~ , ' h: d , In the opening sequence. a heaw snow begins to fall as a ma’orit «of (.0 ,h. who contacted . ”0 WC" d rather ang on ‘0 h“ . fhey I m" we nee "10."? ”me '0 drunk and dejected man wearinga Santa Claus suit stumbles l i P l iol) for another month than address think about who we want to govern- and falls beside a curbâ€"side lam st Two children a roach you were probably fellow corisen'ar , , , , fh' . - _ , f, . k h l _ ~ _ . . P P°_ - ‘ . PP t’ h l'k - ) rt b d t it urgent nccds o is constitutnts. merit a ew wee s a er a genera him pleading for toys a( hristmas dinner and ‘a rob for my » ivesw o.ieany a y. an ,. , .r‘ , . ,. ' -’ L ‘ together iii times-of crisis with was ~[.h»( ". art unhapf” “km the lack (It “'9“? , daddy. AS the man be?“ ‘0 50h helplessly. the camera 5")le . . . j "1 h _, , . oi utility and respectful tonduct in lhis is absolutely outrageous pans (in classic Twilight Zone tradition) to the right revealing. suring nods that [lit ir itlttils an ”u, [louse of(‘ommons .. behaViour . ‘ . . mm.” . ' ‘ ' . ' , in the same shot. Rod Serling standing . ' Res iect is earned. Instead of (.anada burns while Ha er fid- .« , ~ - . l l rp on the sidewalk weann a Winter coat “‘wm'm "' ‘h"g"“'"""“'"' whinin ’ahUlll ’| l'ickofit oout dles L . g ' ' \l \l‘hl l \l l ('onst'rVittyeor otherWIse tell :5 ( ‘ .g H and scarf. With snow settling on m5 1 ‘ ‘ \‘ ‘ ‘ ' ‘ i ‘ . and earn some h‘ . d ‘ Re I' a at . . ) . . (.ariiidiiins that “they listen isone "Hy endin Ithe 'irli'iment'iry “(an coat.. I ”‘3'! 7‘ _95‘ \l\ l S of the reasons people have become ‘ , k p‘ ‘ , ‘ ' “ ”"5 '5 Mr- Henry (””71", normal- 3 . ‘ , session six days early. the (.overnor Scott I. Abrams l “mum loved who once a year takes . ' "" so disillusioned with politics t . , . ll . _ . l‘d . ll 3” . W“ l ) 3 P . _ ~ , - ‘ it in in ms proxit t us a m tan r er or the lead role in the uniquely American . V .. .. k is- , a i , 1/, VuÂ¥.___#i finiauqmw k. institution ~ that ofdepartment store i 3 Santa (Ilaus in a road company ver- ‘ .7 l Lookin forward to a bri ter 2009 “°“°‘“‘°N‘g“‘Be‘°”““"'5‘"‘“ . ‘ ’ g But in just a moment Mr. Henry (hr; 1 t . . " .e 'ZSa ‘l s,willent ' l l Tm. end of each year always seen“ to be a time- phone t‘allsortext messages or emails, And a lot of . :2" find o'flligniiupole whichri: I . ‘ for introspection and examination of where we times we don't even hear about what's gomg on until one Earl the wondrous q irit of ‘ u- } have been. where we are and where we are going. it's over. _ . , (‘hrigtmas and one part {he magic . I'm not sure all that thinking has any effect on It's all UK though. 'lhe job of being‘parents ulti» that ha" 6"” be found in the Mlight MARSHALL 1 anything. lint it's a prot ess we all go through mately means you are supposed to raise them so Zone , ‘ WARD I remember that when I was a kid I would sit and they can cope on their own. so they don‘t have to A lifelon fan (“the '[Wilight Zone I “*7" 7 7 ._ J “A i wonder at New Years What u would he like in “”12“” run back to mom and dad for every little thing received thEOomplete Definitive Collection [SSâ€"episode 28- } years (for instance, 2000i, Wes, if , . . ‘ And it's not that long ago when l can DVD box set a we“ and a halfa 0 for my birthday and have ‘ you’re wondering I was A very lonely remember them not even wanting to be in enjoyed every minute of it Deguting in 1959 the?!“ series l l huff“ l l l ( , l ( l l the same area ‘9‘“ as “lam and me I" offered black-and-white plays of morality. both terrifying and \ Mine of that really turned out the I“ ) U R K I" alone be seen With them somewhere. poignant Rediscovering so many episodes I first watched in l m“- l ””0““! ‘ Now‘ everyone genuinely enioys with my childhood. it's been a nostalgic trip into the surreal worlds But after turning so this past year, others company, created by the brilliant mind of Rod sterling I it sure did go by in a hurry f, " ,V Maybe absence does make the heart Watchin e isodes like The Nigitof the Meek only now as looking but k. it‘s funny how time .1; grow fonder. (The youngest one has even . . g p.‘ ‘ . . .' I‘ , . ’ . . . , . . _ l at V. ak alk h , , ho ll someone in their late 305. can I fully appreCiate Ser ings wnt- ‘ plays on ks on you When tht girls . t t. on tot > mg to u mom a tit a in 'earning for those cherished days long gone ora pan of were little, even day seemed to last ‘ ‘ ? kinds ofthings. Surprising. really. since 03‘2"“ that we think was lost Seem An 0”"th affecting l former, every season seemed to i} . ‘ ’ there were years when l was cominced rformance as a man who drinks to effidure the poverty and linger they were busy tunes. timing . " she told everyone we just took her in off hp: lessness he sees around him reminded me of what a mu l from one ball game. dance round or l 4 the street, rather than admit we might "f3? hm he has on screen W other sot h thing to another. but in the ‘ have produced her.) ‘ [neineEofthe final scenes (orwin continues to ‘ve out ;_ moment the time seemed to last insr “ Sadly, (Lhristmas live and morning resents for the rest ofthe night when a friendl Sided man } right Yes, the girls ( hanged and grew ' marked a number of firsts. ‘1 wonderful! and sensitivel ' rformed by onye ofm y i 1 up, but most of the mileposts BRIAN We woke up with no one in the house. , y . ‘ ‘ y pe . . fr | : l | . _ W l'd . l , - ., . 1 . t' . favounte supporting actors. Burt Mustin (Mr, Quigley om A] i H "MUM, ( (”mm m BOURKE ( o ( I nt 5 ( ep m' “If?“ my W] 9 ton In iii the Family) 4 tints out that he hasn't taken an ' 'fts for 4 l "'"h‘h‘y‘ "ml "'"”"'r“""" were ”m her 277w” tradition ”f being awake himself Havin tfexen Chan ed by the ex rience (30%" l i celebrated the some way ( hrrstniris LN M ~+ _,‘_... . ~~ . on (Ihristmas rimming far ahead ofany re lies that “3““ wish ‘30 do this fife ear ' ‘ . 1 (nine and went With a boisterous gathering every Child in the world.) pVVith warm~heaÂ¥tedness and sentimerrlf {he character of I 1 year on our bed That. we knew about. but it was later on in the lien (kirwin makes hiswa home down an all to discover 1 y I figured at some point it would all slowdown. day when we realin‘d it was the first time Santa had his dish has been hmhd asyhe finds an elf reinffem ahd 1 1 Mid yes. we are somewhat less busy, but the not been left a note Or any milk. ()r a cookie. Tnllh' 1‘. ‘ f g; h' ‘ h N ‘ h Pol ' A d I'k ll 1 ' -‘ - r - v . - ' - f ll ' in one had left milk for ears Ustiall there 5 (sigh waitingto ta e "11 tot e on C” n I e a ‘ ‘ t hangts art no“ (timing in A much diflcrt tit form it y, ) y . y ‘ (' “0d“ ofthe‘l‘lvilight Zone Rod Serling deliversa "1“ng { \ Part of that is the age we have teat lied We ltriye was a bottle of scotch out Santa never touched it I} this "he hein a lesson in the . and er 0“ "Vin '\ ‘3‘ 1 lost people i lose to its this year. and. of course, that though. (lorwin ex rieriizces the "it“. (‘h‘zlstmasl ever 3] P" ' i l Will i ontintie to happen in the years ahead Guess we'll just have to wait a little while until As the (Ewimde comes to 8‘ close ‘Rod Seflin. concludes “A t . lhe girls have all moved out and that has someone small comes along. word to ”If“? to a" the Children'of the 2003:6an ‘ ' j l '"m'ghl a (“'ll‘l‘lt‘WlY "WV “‘1 ”f thank?“ “Pm"? I“ the meantime. we know "‘0“. are great many whether their concern be pediatrics or eriatrics wheiher the ' 1 together for a birthday is no longer as simple as other things to look forward to this coming year. Our crawl on hands and knees and wear diag is or h;th with a y l 1 parking them tip and taking them to the caboose at first family wedding in lune and Diana and my 30th _ cane and comb their beards There's a wadmus ma .f to i the lot a] fast~food place rWhit'h, I might point out. anniversary in September, to name just a couple. (‘hn'stmas and there's a g -ial r rved‘for “$er h l 1 does work mt ply as. a rage for yotingthiltlren‘s Sometimes it doesn't doany good to look back. ‘ ‘ ' , ‘ 'pec . p . E' _ P“ j l birthdays Always best to isolate the group from the although it‘s always helpful to know when‘ you've pl“ In short ”'6'.“ nothing m'ghF'Br than me mfg" , WWI”, puhlu " hm.“ ‘ And for one night each year. With my new tradition of . ‘ ‘ . . ' .f. eh" I \‘ow we have tot o ordinate drmng and st bed i hope the direction you re going looks brighter in ;?52:2:6Rhog‘f:::§;§lzg:fl(I)?zl:2?;:§h:hait;:rrrozr;h: } . tiles among For different people running, some 2009 f . , . ‘ , It ' ‘ ‘ ' j i , . ound in the Twrhght [one 4 . times, on fire very different ”at ks Flint means ‘ birthdays usually are ( elebratt‘d iii the area ofthe ”‘ . l date, rather than worrwng about specifics Brian Bourke, a member "[th 105 3 K00] PM Manhall Ward it a visual or“; and older)? "(filmmaker . Rather than r onvcrsations around the dinner mnrmngr‘n’tli can b? ”71(th hyemail at ' ‘Fmail is welcome at marshal! nurdfi‘hotmail com ‘ l table. our communication now comes in the form of Mnurh’altmlfm For", ’ ‘ ' ' . 77 ,

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