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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 24 Dec 2008, p. 3

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W 7 WM l'Rl I it ) ( HRUNILLE ' Wednesday. December $4.201»! ' 3 â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-~â€"-;â€"â€"«â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"* . Ch ° ' K dah , 1’ istmas in an 31‘ ‘ Local soldier’sfamil lans their first Christmas celebration without him . .V P l BY Boa mec 5 Afghanistan. Chroniclesraff . . f \ “l was able to find otit that some l . . » 7 i of their sons were serving where ome well-meaning family lg " .. ’ Jonathan was stationed." said Smembers have suggested that : vi- Quinn. "l‘hey had some connection Patricia Quinn set an extra ‘ :- .-'. '1 K g ’ ' l with lonathan. place at the table this Christmas. 3. :13 . g “i also keep in contact with She should hold a spot in hon. 3. ~ ., a some of his fellow troops who are our for her oldest son lonathan ’3 I i v, j with him. i met them all up at my Scott, who is sening his first tour of . _ i S cottage this summer. " duty in the Kandahar region of ' 1 .. “2... And like a typical mom. while Afghanistan with the 3rd Battalion 3 g 31:35.“ a“ she‘s asking them all how they're of the Royal Canadian Regiment 3 . ‘ -_H ‘ ' a ,1 '2 doing. she's also finding out how based out of Pettawa. : f ‘ f .9 . ’1’ ”f": ‘ 7’7”“ . her son is doing. But the local mother of four said fi“.3_ _ 21‘32 a”?! . “I've been sending them Christa that empty seat would weigh too ,' «.- ' "’7 _ :- '17 "’3 7 5 if , X mas messages too because they feel heawly on her emotions during the ' .5 .- 114', *fi.;; ’ M" a. like my extended family," said holiday festivities. Every time she t § . . 33 it ":5, 7' 5 Quinn. “And while I'm asking them looks at it she Would be reminded ,’ ‘ gigs}; “353$?sg‘ I” " , how they're doing. l also ask how that Scott was missing his first . ‘ 'i ': .. f 3 lonathan’sdoing. Christmas in 21 years. . “4;?“ ‘ “I'm trying to get someone else's "l can't do that." said Quinn. ""=:.‘.f_'fef1;;§‘ " View. I'm looking for any of those "The entire Christmas meal would ‘ g an I types of connections." be looking at that empty seat." 1: * g g It's also when the proud mom It would make her think that 3f .. . . comes out about lonathan‘s senice. instead of being surrounded by g ; '1' as) 3 and the work he's doing in family the reception he faces is a 7:: “it; a. .3; Afghanistan. She‘s attended the lot more hostile in the forward ' ”if: ' local Red Friday rallies to support operating base he and the rest of l a L l i‘ ‘ . ' the troops. and thinks they're doing the crew of his I ight Armoured ‘ Xi "‘ y . important work in stabilizing the Vehicle ilA\"1 find themselves this s? 3'.» ‘ country and providing important Dec. 25. And the worry would he 1 i 3;. opportunities. especially for girls in too much for her. $5, is. ,. 3o the h‘liddlerEastern nation. So instead she asked her t‘s’tend- I ‘E ‘5 ‘ No one in lonathan's immediate ed family to tome fill out the . n, . .~' family has serted. But his great (‘hnstmas table this season. She ‘ grandfather on his dad Brian‘s side hopesthet primdea little bit (ifdlv l‘ served at Vimy Ridge in the First traction. World War. “l wanted the house to be filled." , . . a my” ‘* f“ I» And while it was a surprise that said Quinn. "I didn‘t want to feel 2 g . on; he wanted to serve. it's something that emptiness. that void of him i l ‘ fl“: that he's been aiming for since high not being around. 3' i 32% L, school when he did a co~0p pro- “The more )t-oplc around it'll '~ 7*: ‘. ' ram with the Canadian military. distract me fiom thinking too 4:: g / ‘V‘. a fie went on to loin the Canadian much about it." 3 . :3 ' Reserves before joining the Canadi- Quinn said you never get used 1‘3. an Forces full time a few years ago. to the worry, and she‘s been doing a Jonathan S(ott, far right, shares a moment With his SlbllngS Scott. Tyler and Lauren during his going'away party in "Ever since he‘s been a young lot of it since Scott was deployed in August before being deployed to Afghanistan The (ake they gave him reads: ”Keep your eyes open, your head child Jonathan's been a person that August down and your buddies close " fights for the underdog." said "It‘s the obyious thing « we‘re stiuwrrrtivwi‘tl Quinn. not hiding her pride in her missing him," said ()tiinn. "This is They sometimes let her know unaffected." are quick response to ptit her at son. "I see that this mission lines tip the first time he hasn't been arotirid what he’s up to. but more than like That concern has also trickled ease.” very well With his personality and on Christmas lave and Christmas ly the details come in conversations down to her fiveyear-old daughter, Quinn knows “She feels She his purpose in life Day.” sheoyerhears laureii lzltrenworth, who asks also gets the odd 21m. call in the "And from what I've seen and With modern tommtinicatioiis She has also ht-tome more totigh questions about how her momingthinkingit'sbad news. but read about what‘s going on in she manages to talk to hint overt attuned to the neWs that comes out stepbrotber is doing whenever the it's just lonathan forgetting the time Afghanistan. partit lilt’lflv how 1 touple of weeks. But that becomes of Kandahar with (animal passing ill'W\ reponstome in. difference they've treated women and t hil 4 a little more infrequent when he is the teiitury mark in soldiers killed ”She talks about misstng him all ”You just shake your head and tlren, it is horrific. lf [oiiatlian tan } out on patrol or is headed to the iii the lineofdtity afew scant weeks the time, and l don‘t think she wake up," laughed Quinn “You're make a difference today in the lives l forward operating areas. ago. [hat hit a little closer to home understands the risks and what lust thrilled to be able to talk to ofthese people We very supportive He tells her what he can, but be when three more soldiers from his death means." said Quinn. “When him. although the conversation is and proud ofhim.” is ohm‘ously trying not to wom‘ her regiment were killed by a roadside she watches on 'IV' and hears that all over the place anti not the most The whole family added their ‘ too much. He saves more of those bomb last week. troops have been killed she's alert organized at that time. names to a banner at the Red l-‘rir y details for his brother Tyler. 1‘). “You here the news and you enough to ask about lonathan. "It's just great to hear his voice day Rally in Waterloo on Oct. 24 to l closest to him in age, and Wllll wonder if that affects him." said "She's come out and asked. ‘l)id then " support the trrmps; later it was sent l younger brother Andrew, H. who Quinn “Things can happen and Jonathan die?’ it's one of those star Quinn has found some solace in over to Afghanistan l keeps up mth him on the popular loiiathan might be a couple of tling questions when it comes out support groups created by families 1 social networking site l‘acebook miles down the roatl completely anti you have to find the appropn with members serving in Continued on page 7 l l f ' ‘ 33:3 l l Pl -9. ' : . 13:, . ~ . 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