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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 24 Dec 2008, p. 14

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,7 7 i i H ‘ WARN“ )0 CHRONIC”. ' \V‘ednesday, December 24. soon DVL-ULBâ€" filmy] WILELCU [III] 1 dance Club is hosting a lesson for new dancers \ US ‘ f'â€" . . I “L 17a e Dec. 29. 7 pm. followed by mainstream and ‘ 1 ‘ l(' onfemporary ’ I ”l- _a_enes l plus dances from 840 pm. at St. [times > . ‘ m Lutheran (Ihurch. 5t. Jacobs. For rtiore inforr m u l ”'me million callSl9afib4-2827. [5mm 1 \ mm “mm . Ballet lorgens production of the Group of n The Starlight presents Danny Michel Dec. 26, 8 The Canadian (Hay and “In” “any”. presents I Seven Nutcracker lakes the stage of the 03mm pm. 21147 King St. N. Waterloo. Tickets are ()mamenta 7 Glory Boy: led Goodden' lens. ; In the Square. Dec. 28, 2 and 7:30 p.m.. at tor mm, my” III * $l2. For more information Ca11519-885-4970. Christ,“ Davis; ”was Mum.l,,m.m.ed “I,“ ’ Queen St. N. Kitchener. Tickets are $33-_$:i3, The Universrty ofVVaterloos Earth Seiences 7 . Michele lapo‘inte; Reflect: Tanya Lyons, at 3.) $21-$29for children. For more information call Museum {8 open dallY from 8.30’a.m.t0 4430 u" Caroline 5L. Waterloo. (.all smut): 1882. I 519678-1570 or 1-800-265-8977. pm. Admissmn 15 free. For more information I“ m “I mu m L “ call 51943884561 ex" 32459 The Registry Theatre presents a CD release The Waterloo Communitv Art ('er I , for Nonie Crete Dec. 27. 7:30 .m. at l22 . ‘ . - b 1 ‘ n presents party , . P Arptllera Tapestry oflife to Ian 30 at 7") Re i. W Th h S h 'd H Di S _ Frederick St.. Kitchener, Tickets are $20 at the ' . . ' , - . ' ‘ ' “‘ 1;: ~ . .. elosep C net er aus presents e tern na St 8. Waterloo hirtriformationcall919- Driijyfton hpéert‘atrptnent presents (gridserellafi taler with Arlene Thomas and Matthew Kelly door. 886745717 - . tra itrona rttrs pantomime. at l 8 I. act) S Dec. 23, 2 p.m,. at 466 Queen St. 5.. “when“: m (.ountry Playhouse, Benjamin Road.Waterloo. For more information call 5197427752 Kings ‘ 1110,65lJniversithve,E.,Waterloo, hum-m m WV, ‘ , Tickets are $34. $20 for thildren for more featureu' ”I“; a” four nights aweek Wednes- [he k-Vi Art Gallery presents Nowhere it Not information call 5]9~747»7788. I” 7 d vs 7d 'l‘ht’irsda rs front 630-9 m Frid .5 llere:\t~"tllGorlitz; The North Star‘l‘alking Pir- " . If" mm m fr:7m:7'l30~11"10 in and Saturdtfis from :20 lure House: Seth: Mld Things: A Bestiary The City of Kitchener is hosting special New [0.3015 in “757“ fingstreettn'o cord ' ' hssembled from KWAG‘s permanent mum». m m m m "I. m Year‘s Eve activities Dec. 31 featuring children‘s 7 7 ' 7 7 ,. . tron. ‘0 Ian. 4' at 10] Que?" 5‘ N" “WWW" i The Centre in the Square presents the I)m'ne activities. skating, a countdown and movies. l0 an“ rm“! Bkme'dlm'inge‘T‘S M518 Sign For more information call 519-579-5860, ‘ Performing Art“; World Tour 200? (9'39ng 0"" am. to 6 pm; Guitar Hero challenge. music tnztr:7i:?or7:r7\:ist7igtttsceillrlnfi1333326555 ays. or m [I cum ”5’59 1 ”mm“ 5“ ”‘3’"?"(6 0” tan. 5- 7909- ‘ with Tyler Schwende Band. Awake and Dream- ‘ ‘ \ ’ The Country Blue Gallery presents Bill Saunr “Ck“: ar‘:§3~"51~”- “70' "rm”‘lnfmm‘mon (all ing and others. 7 pm, to midnight; at Your Solé Restath and Wine Bar, 83 Erb St. W. ders at St. lambs Factory Outlet to Dec. 3 l. Sl‘l-SrB-lo. O or I'SOO'J’J'BS” ‘7 Kitchener Market and City Hall. Kitchener. Waterloo. presents the Arte larigTrio with Art 2009. For more information Call 3N~888hmh (. \STIV“ a Admission is free For more information (all lang on bass. l-‘red Nelson on piano and Bob am" m m “ ‘ ‘ ' 5197412547. Green. Her: 27, 9 .rn, to midni ht.(a11519- .- - , . . . , ,, "'4" “67” p g fhe Elliottmednn Mustiini and Arthm o! l 1'.) kn. ‘. , .7.),. m w m m M mm m M ‘ _ (kitties presents from l-ttr Away l lat es lopeti Auditions for K’VVChlidrt'n‘s Drama Work [he Waterloo Inn presents the Rainbow Maxwell's Music House, 220 King St N. Water lues‘dayv l‘hursdayl at the Burt Marthe-us Hill]. 7 . 7 , - ~ , -, . , , Rhnhm Ballroom Newi’eat‘s [we dinner- loo. iresents Prize Fighter and (Iandytioated Room mm. at the Universitv otWatt-rloo until shop s Annt of (in en (rabies musit a] “I" ht - ‘ _ i ‘ held [an 7-9 and ll ”W“. are roles for hms «lance and show Dec ‘5]. lit'kets are $80 In Killahz Saturday lei) 238. ‘2le l-or more information will 31“" and Rim aged 0-!ng m lb \‘ears mm sortiestage advance only hit more intormzition tall 51‘)- l 8884424 experience. Book your appointment at 7)qu ”+4917" L_______._. 72371l586.ext. l PETE All “E W ,. ‘ l'he K-W Symphony presents Peter and the M Be part Of AR [ S vents Wolf. a t‘iliidvirlt‘nliiy production that starts If m m on the scene Ian, IT, 2:30 p in, with hantlsron activities The KW Symphom presents I e Momrt Noir 7 m beginning at l pm , at 101 Queen St N . Kiit‘h- inn. T. H phi. at first UnitetH hurt‘h, corner of M"““""““ ”WWW”? WWW”””3””! eni-l' ‘\(illllssl(lll is $13. S I q for adults and SN) King and William streets. Waterloo liekets are entertainmentevents. h“ Iii/femur)” ”mm“: mm m for it lzitiiih ior more information (all Elsi-371+ Sell for more information t all “973787 l "s70 or Mm“ ””1”""’“Hwkfl/W "‘ h“ '“ ‘” "WM" Hie( (illfsiilg-I Hialtltiriti \qtlitrt‘squ-‘tn' l-vlior 178007165897." 17800-26578“? “Wt 'l’“"1“”W’”"W”““H“WV/I” ‘m””lli'~1 7 \ ~ ‘ . . t ‘ , T '2 j7j477 , f7, 7 H7. -â€"rfi7 .77.“ . WWW-wateriOOChromde-Ca (,llR()T\l(,l,l-. moss“ ()Rl) L 5 5 7 W 9 .0 l. ’2 3 a . ¢ . . , L. . - . a A . . IIIIIIIIIIIII I cwmcnoss BMW-warms . l l ‘5 l '6 l ‘ I i Margosa tree 48 Single Lens Rellei l l l L . J. l . I ‘ . 5 Emblem or lrlStgllla 49 Pal revolutionary 7V7 i 77* 77+ 7 l 18 777‘ 77 7 7 7T 7 ' 77 ‘19 - ’ 7 4 ‘ ‘0 Secondhand lllm i it i 1‘ ‘ 7‘ \ - Yd Swrss rlvet 52 Phalahgers ‘20' ‘ ’ ‘ ‘ ' i “ * 21 r 1‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ 1 ii 87 internment 5.7 Popular prarsrhoml «ring 1 ‘ I n09 is Lhood oi h (1' m in» l a . + . l . ‘ do i D 9888 i .t. _l .S in 2 ‘ ‘ Ehwpinq exp. I l? Anthem Hope hrlrel Ell us Sill' ml Gala F, 2 . 23 24 a unique 20 immoral Poseidon . , l 7 + ,,.F. a .7, ' = 21 R National Alrpc'T 62 pl inter m ‘25 25 127 23 ‘ . 29 i so 31 ‘32 . “Ml/III" 22 Date Name!“ 53 F >mgr Pl at ,slals , ‘ ‘ 7 ‘ . 7 7 A ' fl I +7 I ‘ I 23 Car rental giant B4 Ceases arl'nt. 33 ‘ ‘ 34 4 35 i I 60 0/7 W”! ”I“ I 25 Natural screntisl as. Mongol mow. , + . ‘ l 4‘ ' bu! 0/ 29 Origin or beginning .36 37 as 7' ’ 7k ' ‘ 7 39 ’ ’ I 33 Sam): lhhahttants l l l i‘ I 66 ///2 //I(‘ I 34 Wager ‘40 ‘ ’ 41 ' i 7 42 ‘ i 7 4 . 35 Coach Patseghlan ‘ l ‘ l. \i (Int/I . . i ‘ I " I 36 De bends N3 1‘ . a ‘ i ‘6 , t l i l ‘ 37 Goods lot money l _ l . t l ‘ HOLIDAY HOURS Dec 24 . Closed at 4 pin 39 Without slope 47 i 7 .. , 48 h 7. . I Closed Dec 25 8. Dec 25 I ‘0 “WWWWW ~vâ€"â€"Â¥~â€"â€" » ~*#â€"â€" r~~â€"~â€"â€"-~ I 41 Been around opening < L 7 7 7 7 7+ W I .. 2? o I 42 Shiloh author Shelby ‘9 50 5‘ l ’53 54 55 56 a . . F E v ; i7“ «» E 7' 43 Anesthettzed ,, ‘ ‘ . i r l' I‘I‘ASII ‘1: = . 46 Hotel Caltlorma glOUD ‘57 l ‘ 58 77 7&7 77 7 7 7 l + l g v t . - 1‘ _________ . A . l tit l{.\(‘lal.l. g . ' .60 l -1, l l l . I itt'r'trzrtirzs a... no... i l l ‘ 6 ‘ 1 = 62 ] AAA 1“)» 10‘ h 95) WATER“ AA 0 l itaqulus mouse new igg r l ‘ ‘ 64 ' ‘ t 7 6 . ‘ 7 A ‘ ; 5 ‘ l M 59* . ‘ 10 -l 9 “A HEAVY. 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