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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 5 Nov 2008, p. 35

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WM ”not ) CHRONICLE - \t‘rdnesday. Mivembfl 5, 2008 - 35 1650 1650 ms mo i302 ., H0 ’ ‘ ' ' ' ' . . . . '4‘..- ‘ ”3’1." pig“ , Pallitl'l‘l Painting} I \ Cottages & Real Estate Apartments . » 1,22% ; , , , - _ , Decorating Decorating a Vacations tor Sale Misc/Same” Kitchener "yé‘ in», , _ ,, w; , .. . ' . v, =, 3 _ p ‘4‘?"- J [Mei-notional Co AvaDoc lst we . . nyoul'lost M , H, .U , Rostdentlal ‘ Resort Properties on Open Home? effort: ,1, €331,525; THANK You . . na' wuw: walk, ‘2 ry Palntlng Real Emma 5453331315; all»?! ll i'fEij‘ in: :3; “we" 5” “in"? The WaterlooGrapd Rigor Kine-3s V8193 'likej‘to tgank all \\ Ill llltl I I’Illll - lI Illlllll“ â€"â€" ”nu ”"1““ ”wine" eZtatevcarrrrrrrssr-w ‘ r all' [m supporters 0 our 0ft 9 ‘9 “inc “if 0‘ . « , L. r ‘ .. "05 Elihu: 7:133 u , m J __,L,“)Hm, mm M}, Cottages/ The proceeds of$130l00 was donated to the a l\l|l'lll‘lll .IliiIIi-t lir-lmulimg Cottages & ‘ ‘ :re‘rusaiprrgvs u‘l‘ s was: vac . forRent Waterloo Wellington Breast Screening Center. .fipri‘inltn lltlllllFlnl\l1I'~ Vacancnsforsfle {id‘gglgggf u ' â€"â€" â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"_â€"â€" resolution of 2‘ MYRTLE BEACH Congratulations to the winner-SI! ‘ 519-573-6359 C05“ an M MW’WM‘W S C _ mm lst Prize - Frank Weller, Waterloo \‘l t‘.lll\ I'\\ llllk‘r l'tIL't‘l your“ E:i~‘_("a‘£i iribmi‘l‘ UN 3 and. i‘nearnom muses 2nd Prize - Ellen McIntosh. Kitchener , irr,|:rjru.;\(‘i~;s .\\'.\ll, “H I, who “(in ca any Real [sun A rm litreranhLages‘g‘tj‘sror‘C in 3rd Prize - Steve Garland, Georgetown 3 Ill‘lil‘l'll Large)“; ransom r2211“, MiSC/senices a 5373 7:5, ins" igliétiev‘r‘ __________â€"_____â€"_____â€"__â€" l I Li: 3a; 10,: it i w. -- Sflrmififl , MSW. , ml, rw‘itllr‘clfrilf" : «in W 1905 1905. 19m _ ms ' _ "â€" â€"â€" â€"â€" 7335'33‘53i35725r2‘ifii downturn, sleeps €35 MW“ Business CMIIpamons Phone ‘ l 1665 1665 mo 1: , mam arm Rentals with??? “of; Personals Personals Entertainment mogatysyou “H ‘fEF1“'r‘â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"‘â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Seam" seam" it“ Estate 'anrfighwgr gfgggggm a a“ One Incredibly niacin: single 3551;553:551: 13;; ‘lOVE! MONEY! l _â€" â€"â€" w vm trare‘yrealty tom r TIEâ€"â€" WW New ,0 I; i135”? 32:43 '; '1ny e m 0‘ a ' I , l _ , , ' ' Ei'ectea by at relrgrons wimp; EN! 3‘ WSW” Cal ‘31fi‘a"0 5 11717353331310 ' ‘e r 0 ? aunties: Bumess [gm 4 r, ‘ , w .w H ,5 ra'gest, most >U.LESS’D\ r ' l A1 Maintenance ““"k'ng 0'? "'“g ”m,” m“ persona}; pmmis it“, «algffféle‘irévaé to is‘fr',d"rr‘rrâ€",;ril”m'§rzr 3:5”T3Erlg 533321;; figé’fié” ' , R â€"â€" ,uSEC m a one r32 '9 ‘ ‘ ‘ “’ _ Servwes [mung I“ buy The Alaska «ism m llfailglgl” 3” litigafl‘ii; ”:53": MMWWW m'mf‘lr‘i’ifiitfim (“I ‘ J ' I' to ' 'h I y In Of 4 “ ”C“ crew es :mre’t p n as SNOW REMOVAL A ' mt would a“ , “Mini”: St John. BC, rs seeking an experienced :23 g§§gggfgggm ‘9 ‘ Tl? \ \ writerfi‘phoTtggrapcer to llll a generbal reporter m "istyrwetrntrrss can __ Plowing Blowing Shove/ling "0' E ‘55 l posrtton. e rig t candidate w e motrvatv ,, WW,” 1915 Sidewalks, Driveways. Suiting scum; "M“ ed, work well as part at a team and have a \ all} ‘8be 34-9425 l me \ a”, m , ‘â€"â€"--v----â€"-- , nassmn for both reporting and the comm» ”r \ NI WWW 'Ilt‘tllcdlé’" ('8 Emertainment @mdrz: Commercial and “d3," Mn, M." rtrty, A post-secondary degree in purnalrsm IS _ â€".â€"â€"â€" a”. ReSIdential rates Sakswmm ‘ preferred, but experience wrll be taken rnto QED MCdJC Alert live *W- ' m“ - . _ account. Please emarl resumes ere Manag- _ _ Uncensovcd m I'W-mytwfi 519-7 42-4738 0"“ 5” 99‘0“” {an r in: @ in, You in or. 190045;:134 ”Hum. mg era a ws ammom - p ' - $299.", 13, l 7 7 ”/7 .57? ”j" c 3: sag; , .3 ,fifif‘? " “ THE cm or E] ‘ as»? My 4"?" gm 3., ”$343.“, . l 3‘, If 3‘1'»,‘V:2‘“,;;e,“ :3? if“ ‘ i , , vim, e r O l “M W n l l m r&“A{9vK§zfi,'r 436W? {Fm-h»: “Misfit s . . j , . ,x A I //u ‘ \‘ l a, , 5 , - , CITY on WATERLOO ! 3 f , 3 3 > The (‘ity ofWaterloo Council is now inviting applications from members of the E Q; ’_ 1. public who reside. own property. own a business or work in the City of Waterloo 1,; ;Â¥;v;’“~i 3 \ ’ and who wish to be considered for appointment to the Committee below. We a if: , j.” ' l» , ‘ ‘ encourage qualified and interested individuals to volunteer their services and to { 1%» “A ’9‘ : a” ~_ _ ‘2; have input on various issues that affect the citizens ofWaterloo. s Fig.1.” ; E Q 3‘ i i l. ' Please note this appointment will remain in place for the duration ofthc (‘lair I in . , ,5 .1 32, _ . at; ‘ . ‘ _ . 3 Q Lake Project. For further information relating to this Committee. please teleâ€" l M ‘ $631: I ‘ ‘ '_ . <77 ‘ phone the staff contact listed. 1 . or]. a ’ ' . g ‘2" CLAIR LAKE COMMUNITY TASK mac's: l .. ' , _ , 3 ,. , O V ' 1 "H ~ . Th“ Commuters rt'qiurm one (I; r lfIZt'Vl rcprmcnrulrt‘c l ’ 3 I " " ,,-â€" , 3- ' _ Purpose: To rcprcscnt the community ‘5 \lSltIn and Values for (lair lake Park by proâ€" l va‘ ,:a 10' I ' ‘ Hdlng Input throughout the Technical litaluation ol‘thc (lass Izmironmcntul Assess- ‘ ' _ ' mcnts recommendation against the (law Lake Design ('ntcna approwd chmbcr ,- 9.171;» r 2006. To liaise With (it) staff. the ('onsultant Team and when: appropriate thc approval agencws II c (irand RIVCI’ Conservation Authority. Ministry ofN'atural Rusourccs, etc )and re rcscntativc mm s ll.C nCl hbourhood (inflmlillltinxl to cnsurc that com- P E P 8 rd es a S OW a S night munication is ongoing and feedback I\ obtained Meetings: (inc 1 I l per month Plcaxc note mccttngs may occur niorc frequently than once pct month and task force members must he prcpdrcd to commit time according- . Iv - , w v Florida ' _ vdcution ‘ , ,1 m a...“ Staff Contact: DCI'IISL‘ Mdioldrick ,V . N ‘ y , m h M“; Phone 5l0~747â€"Xh42, limail dmcgoldrickru watcrloo ca , , ‘_ , u . _, m ‘ l '1 I APPLICATION INFORMATION: . ‘ _ ‘ , . b m ' - Application forms, Committee Terms of Reference and the (‘ommittee Policy are , , . I, .Iinmnons 3b..“ ,. , - M _. J I available on the ( ity of Waterloo website wwwwatcrlooxa. under Mayo.â€" 8: '3‘ "Ham-Mod ‘ ‘ ’ ‘ Council. Committees or by contacting: ‘ ’ ‘ 3 V ’ ' ‘ ‘ linda Vrinilcnakkcr ‘ All “I I! ("onstitucncy‘ ('oordinzitor . ‘ , , ’ ;, ; 1 , at ‘n .d (‘ity ofWatcrloo I an“. popular _ ,, ° on 6. Tel SIG-747.37%; Fax SlQ-NT-XSIN) ; ‘ ‘ You Choose Fmail ClimmlllCCQ‘Il watcrloo ca 1 2- ‘ 1' ' .: ; ,»\_ 7 when you 0 r ' Ioddl 3‘“ ‘1 r ‘ Outlay k ‘ fad: “I“ b be' I auric llcthcnngton ‘ N, 5" « . , ('onstttucncy Coordinator I ‘..'I (it); of Waterloo , \\ I , Tel SIG-74741742; Fax Sl9-747-8500 \ MW»); Email: committccsralwaterlooca ”a“ W : m 0 v Application forms may also be picked up at Call! 90“. Elected ()fTiCials' Office, 3rd Floor ’lefozcsl ‘ ‘ IOU Regina Street South. Waterloo ” \\ Applications Will be accepted until 4.30 pm. on n.“ The best place to start planning your Florida Get-Away! Fnday, November 7. 2008 7 A

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