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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 5 Nov 2008, p. 27

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WWW ._,w ,, 7 WA“ RI UUCHRONICIL 'Wt‘dtiesddy NUVl‘lllht’f 5,1008 ' 27 l @h i O O O l ,7 .7 ~77 7" 7 ”'fi'AW#v‘â€"mr)fiâ€"â€"flfi ‘ «‘ o . V . $ 1 » >,_ Surprlse SlSklnS i ‘" .,,.__.,_... ,_.__ n at I ‘ ' l‘ l g ‘“ l . >1 ‘ 3 . _‘ ‘ . ‘ ' 1 Mr: W . < M 4‘ . n. \ ‘ “u, l . gt 3‘ i §~mtpfig W 7 , 3 mg or rs , t ., _..._,«.« . ‘ .1. ‘O‘ , ""O' X t ‘ ' l . ‘ , ' do 4- saw‘fiv’W‘?‘ ‘5‘ , , ~ it"; ,m I l ’1 ‘ ..3« “a ‘ ace 1n ea 8 l \ V :- " ~' - ., ' ‘12.... l ~ .... i.. ... M“. “of. ,4 s A. p a, = . z ._ ;; xvi l" . ‘ i ‘ 1' \ ~ . v . . . g l Bi (Quit. MM Down» ‘ ‘ f1 'LL'-\ ’ ' i l g l t lint/m i’i Vat] , ’ ‘ ’ \ ‘ Avg» ‘ . ‘ 7 7, , ,,),,, ,_,,,,< , . '\\ ,. > , ‘ ' ‘ ‘20 "' l ’ '3 n i t , he \Llljtthlllg \\‘.itvr|tm \ixltiih lmd .innitlit-t ( tiiiplt' t w -' I" ’ ' n1 xiiniig (HIKHVgN ltixt \xwlwnd. int Lin}; up mo \ V ’ . N5 :‘ 3'4 / / 9 \ unis 1 ~ A l ‘ ' lllt' \i‘kiih tin“ the tniitth Linked lt‘tllll Ht the I 7. fl I / \ l prlmllltt‘dlltltllt'\lltlhlllgllttxlglhlll~l(l\\lllgtllt‘i\tt fig " ‘J ‘ lt‘x not («at tli wlmt \tlllll (“kpllll trnni .1 twin tli.il\ ; f“ ‘ it ‘ A . ® 5 ~\i;\;\l)\\‘ll to he ll\ .t it'hiiildttig teat -‘ \ .L -, ” ’ \ \ D [he ttuiin l\ wtniid iii the Intent l\llll A 1')»: 1 ~ . > 7; -~, " H‘t nrd lt‘x the lit-\t m til'tl the twin hm h.id in \\‘tll\ \ ~ , ‘ .. ' i ”\M‘ n‘rlainljy didn‘t expert llth l twining; niit (ll trtiin . (K L.‘ A t in); Ltlllllt‘ htiwd \llllt‘ll\ on int-xpvrit'nt‘e,‘ mid limd ‘ '3” - 1‘ t ; utdkll lk'tin llL-\ll\tlr ”lt \hnwx him hard“ tilttwh l , ,7 - ~ ‘ it ~ 1 littw liven working ‘ -. ,J v. ‘ l'ht' Siskins lit-tit the eighth plum lillt'lplt l)l)lllllld' ‘ i ’ f “\ 9‘ inrx UH the \u-t‘lxend and kl(‘\[)llt' the win» l)t'\ll\.l mid l ‘ WW. 0 . ‘ , > 9 the game plan hasn‘t i’hzinged \lltt v dtn UIH' ‘; ‘3 ‘ ”()tir gunk haven't changed We're \till leziriittig utter 0 l C E ‘ m {g ‘ l . new mint-i" he mid “ll wu wnrk litird, l14)llll(('\ and i ’ t \l. ' ‘ : things will go your way." ‘ ' ’4 ' â€" ‘ 1hr pldHTs haw nlxii htiiight into llll' \\\l(‘ltt .ind . o . -' . - , . awn the tines whit plan lower ltlllllll('\ (ltt’t‘t from the _ ~ . ' ,3 ' hctith, l)vf\ilv:ixuid ' ' " ~ . ' 4‘ “We have .i strung twin tilinmphcrtn" he \dlll , . T;...._'___._‘Z;_uatlgx.$‘ 55;, ' ‘ ”‘ - ‘I' ' I lllt‘ thdllt'ngv mm Wlll he tn keep up th.it xtmngi i I .4. __ ._.. ,_ _ w.“ “ ~ \ , . ~ . ‘ ll‘JItl t'irxt .ittitiitlt' “llllt' the} l‘\p('rtl‘ttt 1‘ \m‘uwx .. " ' " r 7" " “-~'"""““â€"*‘-“"”"(W "” \- ‘“’"""" ‘ r '* ”.mhnwd .,,4 Wthm/ } . .:.;--_.:..'_-,.-....';.:.;.g.':_;_;“'____::.-..z ,, m . 1- a l t- ‘ _ , , ,. H ~ - i r f M r ’ l‘llt‘ (hulk It“ is kn ping gnu for Mud and “inking, ”1.04 . I ‘17“ 12"". “My ”a 1.1.1.. _ .7 ”mm...” M-...-- A V. w _, , W, ‘ “ hard We need to lump (limit; the things that grit iix my ‘ ' A f ' ‘ “"‘ x , f. tesxliil," l]t’\.1l(l “We (tin't \ll)p doing the ntditmt\‘ ‘ :, .I v ‘m i l 1 thingx that make tlx lwtter mu h d.i\ " , ’ ‘-0-â€"v'-'---â€"â€"---‘-t-â€"-f - . _, l I s , I . l . ' t 1 lltt‘ \hlxlt'h Will haw .i [Hugh ll‘\l tntnninm when w .;_“"~‘-’~--~ -_P_¢.\-> -»~’M--.;'.‘. : A Kl 1 ’ ' ' i , â€". a u 4 lltl‘\ takvnn tltt‘ lll’ltltllUHl ( inldi-n ldfilt‘Ndl ltrginttnrd l // f: . '. t - . ' , ».-. ’ ' ‘34 .V H >77 ‘3 “7’ . ["Q' 3" , - ail l lllt'( midi-n l tiglvmm- \‘n I ltt [lit-linigiiv and will hr l _, , ' ’ ; ,. ' > k' . j - â€": 3",. . ,- " gfif I“ l f- a} t n-zidx tut llll‘ \IleHtN |M'\il\';i \dl(l ‘ ' f \ - ,. " .3 ' i l . _ .._ fit :T,}:'f: j A m» ‘ ll" ' :4 ‘5', ”‘1 l lllt‘ \hkins rvtt‘nth \wt'pt a l\()ll\t"tl|\(l home \t't’lt'\ l > ' V- ax} j i z: ' '7 _' 37‘ .5 3 a: .5, ‘ 'C ; .igaiiixt lllt' l itgltw t;~ru;_’__; ;"." ' '- ' ‘ I ‘.":-.L'“ 1 3‘ . ‘ ‘ ; l ‘ llll‘\ lull)“ were uniting“ lll' \dHl “()tir gnu have" - .. I.” -"r‘ . f " .4 I l .., “v m Hawks fourth-quarter i, As" ‘ 'I ‘ lhttl \llllllltllll ht-ittnntt'ttt tittnrtlingtnthi-tuiin‘x __._ ' I '- I I, V ‘ wander-t l‘t-tt-t llrill Haw he't'ii tliritiitiglth lllllttt‘\\t'll comeback falls Short , t -_ \ '.\'1lllll)l'\l\hlll\ \llldt mprtldll'» tlii‘timthing \lttll ( ,mf‘ r V “I _ ” l hi‘ I tit“ hm‘ “ink t’llllt h.|\ H'.tll\ rtihht-tl till llll The NO 7 nationally ranked Leaner Golden Hawks Korea 25 - .7 -- l I l‘ m l L l." l the il nt-tx‘ llrill \ ltd lh tt m 3H I Ill\ i i )llt‘\ tn the- se<ondrhalf paints but ll was too llttle too late as they lo“ M r ”y \ w: 1; h “ 1d _1 ‘ ‘ l ‘ ‘ll 36 28 to the No 3 ranked Western Mustangs at TD Water A \ .. “ ‘ l R: 1“ “I'll kl" l ’ l' l I It ., l _ _ .1 house Stadium In London iast Saturday in the OUA 59mm ‘ ‘ , \ f~ . 1 tllllltt t x i t Flhl It in tr (I m U l n mu \lt ppm rials "T,“ football team will never quit, the people outmde ‘ ~‘ ‘ lIPthlllttlltlllllUlllllt‘lll“ .1:tinuttsmmdlentdt'rx "m 9’09”,“ can write US all as mmh asthey want and we Q ,V 5 ~‘\. t ‘ lh.it lNHlt'N m-ll nut unl‘. lltt llllN war l)lll tnr nut weren‘t supposed to be here but we were and we (empet - 6‘. * * r If ‘u; “"N‘” “”1” l""””‘l l ed,‘ Satd Hawks head (oath Gary Jeffnes At one pomt the " H‘ - ”Wt-n- lllllt h (luwr in thi- plmnlfs than we thought Hawks trailed 3377' but Mm my mmmgg and 19 monds ~_f_-_:__=â€"â€"â€" , ' l we‘d he during training ( .11”an ltrill mid "And ll lttlllkN remaining m the third quarter [an Noble stepped .n for ‘.-â€" M ’- l -. ‘ _ like we ll hau- \IHIH' qtmhn rt-tiirnt'tw in thi- IH'XI lt'“ starting quarterbat'k Luke Thompson and (ued the (ome- ‘1. 1 Hum " i had ”We played our hearts nut,” said Noble who (ompIet ‘i " it. ,â€" "‘ 1 Neither thv t .\l Hut lllt' t (I‘ll h .in' limiting .im prtini ed M at 16 passes for M6 yards and three tou<hdowns ”No - '- “V "' f l l\('\‘ hiit hath .irv nptiinistit that the tram Will pc'rl’nrni ‘ one is satisfied thh the way t! went bl“ we didn‘t roll over ‘ l l _ W. _ : in the plutnllx lhit it Wlll Like i (Ittllttllt‘tl hard work .ind \ Md surrender we d'd What WP premised 3N1 DUShEd 35 x ' ‘l ] nut hiking .im niglitsnfi ll‘(.tll\t'ttll1(‘l’ lt'dlthdl’t'l’l‘ddV “Nd as we (OUld " l ‘ 1 lultttllxt'llll‘ltHutu“llt‘\ll\.l\«lltl ‘ "“ "‘"“°“"""‘ “""”""‘ "“""“ “W'” ' I l l I l 'P l. .. " .- :1. l ‘ m' , ”w. ‘ o ‘ -, g: . f V" 391$ . ‘ llltlily‘”llflt‘llltlllt‘vl‘l llltlkl‘KIHt'llll‘l [Ilvlllllllll]JllllH'H'l’wlvllll[lltlllllt'lllnqtilallytilllllfldllllttl118‘»“l8l0«)(hIPV“llnvlnflvll ‘ is“: . . . i annuity It i in hr tlIillll‘Hllllltl With Ell many lllvs‘fllttttittl nptinn', 4nd n'xlr'i l’ttllt‘tllllq wilt hind v tltV‘tl tnnnt'v is out fir"; ; liiizlncm Uni tuitn til lllt mt ml » llll‘ll‘ haw .ill thr H‘Ktlllfl't”, and ltnnwlwlqh tn ll“l[l you (lt‘w‘ltlt) the tight plan to fit A ‘ ‘ ‘ vnnt llllllVlKlllill n: wl'. (all in Muddy Mill lwt'. pin tnqwthwt It til in tlmt wtitlt', lnt ynti ‘ \ ‘ ._‘ ) V I /"“.‘ ' The Plan ’" ‘ Phone: 519-886-2360 X241 b '1'; y \ 3 Toll Free: 888â€"886-2360 1241 111113811213 ' , ‘m. A; t .‘ \ ‘ . . In 1. my vat L; J , Email: russell.mreachmetrvinvestorsgroup.(om GIDUp‘ are GSA can ‘ 7, 7 7, __ â€"___â€"â€"__â€"â€"â€"_â€"

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