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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 29 Oct 2008, p. 7

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WA’l‘l-thxl CHRONICLE - Wednesday. October 29. 2008 - 7 l l Process has to be open and transparent . Continued from page 3 long way from a public groundswell for struck by Kitchener council, l amalgamation. Waterloo regional Coun. lane Mitchell l "We’re not in that type of position “There's been no clamouring from the said she doesn't think it's going anywhere l where we can say, ‘Iet's do it over a cup of electorate for local governance reform," with local politicians and the public. T H E ‘1 1 coffee.” said Strickland. “I'm not sure the appetite “It would have to come from the \)\ . Waterloo regional Coun. Sean Strick- in the community is really there for this provincial level if we were going to amalâ€" F0 RB I D D E N ?R 1 land was even more critical of the process discussion at this time. gamate and the province isn't interested struck by the City of Kitchener. especially in that right now," she said. i the fact that no regional councillors were Waterloo city Coun. Ian d'Ailly said he we can H EIP . invited to be a part of the working group n , . sat in on a meeting with Citizens for Bet- \t l ‘ other than the regional chair and the we re "at In that ter Government and the Waterloo Com- mayors. type OprSitiO" munity Council and there was no love lost TR AM ‘ BLAIR l He said the (Iity of Kitchener started a for the idea of amalgamation. If anything. D E N T U R E C L l N l C ' ‘ similar process a decade ago that ended w, 191' e we can my. the group representing local neighbour 1 in acrimony because it wasn't open and Let‘s 610 it overa hood associations said more co-operation 28 Young SlreC‘l Ev Waterloo 1 transparent, and was subject to manipu~ , ,, between various levels of government has i lation by some of the participants The Clip OfCOfiee. addressed most ofthe reform group’s con- (519) 884 '9298 } public was also missing from that discus- _ Brenda "anon", cems See the 1 sion. Mayor of "wedge “I want to make sure we don't throw D 12 l “Process is very important." said ‘ the baby out with the bath water," said entu'le . I Strickland. "In order for us to have a civil d'Ailly. “On the surface I don‘t see much Specralists Yn" ' and productive discussion it's important benefit in the plan outweighing the costs l to start it ofion the right foot “I think people are much more con- for what they're proposing.” i "I'm not sure the proposal from the cerned about the economy and issues And Waterloo city Coun. Angela Vieth . City of Kitchener is the right way to go." related to their livelihoods than they are said she wasn't elected on the amalgama- I That doesn't mean that the local about govemance reform." tion issue, and has no constituents lobby- I municipalities can't find efficiencies and That was also the consensus of other ing her on the matter. She supports the 1 look at ways of delivering better value to local councillors who responded to the City ofCambridge's decision not to panic- I l the taxpayer. But more cooperation is a Chronicle's query about the process being ipate in the working group, â€" M 1 i - 177177 5' 1 Waterloo to host Canada skills event ______,_._..__....- ; The City of Waterloo and Skills The large scale of that annual event . “an , rm: 5, U. My,“ , or 3.4mm ,1; in.“ I Canada-Ontario have successfully encompasses more than 160,000 ACCKWAS ONL'NE I ' V ) I 4 I won the bid to host the 20m (Lana square feet and approximately CHARITY AUCTION WEEKLY SPECIALS OCT. 27 ' "0V. 1 1 dian Skills Competition May 20-23, 30,000 visitors. p i 20”) at RIM Park and Manulife Every year. the national event Financial Sportsplex and the Water» brings together more than 600 AIDS Committee 0' c'deoc' “mum" w'l’m’o 3' "a STEWING BEEF $8 35 kg :3_79 ID i loo Memorial Recreation Complex. young people from all regions of "New“! 1:1 ' 9th â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_â€" Representatives from the (Iiry of Canada to compete in more than 40 “luv-ca 0' 'mm Well Aged Tender 1 Waterloo, including Mayor Brenda skilled trade and technology areas. “an" accltwa ‘0 that“ m“ "n [M (II “'5“ mm SIRLOIN TlP ROASTS $8 80 k $3 99 lb ‘ llalloran. highlighted the available The competition provides an Just a few listings; 0 ' i lacilittif-s, tourist altprictipns. volun~ oppjlirtunitivfigdyougg Canadians it VIA Rail - 2 return tickets from Toronto to Montreal Store Made Smoked 1 leer ase. as we as t to proven stu yinga s l tra e to w teste ,‘Hotel stays 3 g‘ret'l1ibillily ofIhsthtling‘lhe ()ptario argainst exfacting stanrclards and ~B€aUIllUl mews from local artists PORK HOCKS $395 k9 1-79 "3 CC no ()glCfl I N (Unlpt’ ”10“. l C" [700“ mm UCTOSSI citation. ‘ _ KW Symphony tickets Store Made Deli Sliced Smoked or Roast , a Tour lrom Great Lakes Helicopter 3 â€" : * - .. Yummy restaurants gm cenllicates TURKEY st; 8? k9 5-29 in ‘T5 -- ”Cluclgizvzgsp:e:ses Store Made Turkey or Apple Cinnamon I I > ‘ ' : Create Opportunities ‘5; ,. 1 ,Ha" Salon gm mum“ BREAKFAST SAUSAGES $7 69 kg 3.49 It) .Theatre tickets ' ' ‘ . . intxdhcul. "ml-renal: MM for Youth In our W mmmemww , y ACCKWA responds to the changing needs of Waterloo ‘ * 1 Com m u n lty Region communities and indiwduals inlected. atlected and Out moat: In true at MSG. flour. wheat and mlllt proclaim "' .~ ' at risk tor HIViAlDS through the prOViSion ol prevention 303, Lobsmqer Una Heidelberg 519-699-4590 ~ . education. advocacy and support programs and worms ”on Wed 8;, ”um 4,! 3,0 5‘” [,5 ~ _ e ' T v... i F0! more inlotmatlon please contact LVN“ ll UK” it. i'. W» Water T'l‘i Fit i‘i’i s Market rit is mu 1' ' r» . f ‘ ACCKWA 519-570â€"3681 ext 313 When you Contribute! . . .. www.5temmletmeats.ca _' ' (‘5 Ayr Couch Um Ltd. on ' You can help us create .3 £§ ‘- .. ‘ . / . ' ’\ _ . .‘ « ‘ opportunities for young people - as well 7"" if}? , ‘ . (e 0 u 7'; .(l#) . as adult Carriers 'by contributing to Alfie)?" , f s . TAKING FRIENDS EVERYWHERE WE 60! \i/ ill? “Elem” Chmmde‘ if}; . / l- . . See the lull list at trips on our web we we ~ Iotal Health - , - ‘ '. ’ '9 ~.\ with the" "'5‘ lo” "new” i ' ‘1. e ' Sat Nov 22 seasons CHRISTMAS snow - roaouro - s79 Contribute to the Waterloo i ‘ Tues Dec 2 FAMOUS PEOPLE PLAYERS'WRAPPN‘ IT Lip-:95 P H A R M A C Y Chronicle Thurs Dec 4 GERITOL FOLLIES ~ 39‘ "' ‘ ‘ Fri Dec 5 WALTERS FAMILY CHRISTMAS . BRANTFORD - $90 SW90” You'll] maple Ill YOU! Community! Sat Dec i3 uvmc SINGING cumsrms race A BUFFALO - :85 P “'2'”, he“ ” MMIWH-“C‘I- M W“! My :YESI rd “9 to m to km W i Nov ms BIRCH RUN. FRANKENMUTH snowmc 4349 Still independently owned. With the same i I Nov 22-28 BRANSON CHRISTMAS SPECIAL - $1.299 ‘ ‘ i I Please than . endoscd 1 (Miami I . credible. know led cable stall that i ' 9, W3 tumor) k“ W i Nov 2730 LANCASTER, MIRACLE OFCHRISTMAS < $647 _ _ _ g _ l ldliltetopayby )VlSA )MASTERUIRD | mwmmmmm inn-uhâ€" mus-aw take nde in their net hbourhood. | | mandala-um“ p g | Cardti- ,7#޴, Exp Date: “Hc-,,_,,n | ‘â€"â€"‘-â€".‘.â€"’_"â€"_-â€" . . . I _ i ‘W’W’WW’W Everything is still the same...where I We; Â¥_ mefl 7 #i 7 ' Due In the W inattentive/cost. ire/we been forced . . . to and Hunt surcharge 0132 on per person. Der do your total health ts our goal. I Name: _.W Â¥_, WM i anal/advertisedpncma : W55; V77? >_«_ ,,_.,- #A i For more information or to receive our tour booklet contact 373 .fld99 Sta WON”, ON I I WWW‘mâ€"m”#â€":l EXCEL TOURS 519-747-0320 For more information call: Elli-6- "C‘mbNIC 7° 3m" "“3 WATERLOO. on "2" ‘27 www.mpharmocyxom “‘9 0mm" Dew“ em WAT 0 HR LE pm": 519-747-1626 FREE PARKING AT ms Doom f v lg ~ ., - . . J ' . ”A“ ,w .; marathons. rmimrsmsoa _ ...

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