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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 29 Oct 2008, p. 39

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WAl'lillIDO CHRONICLE - Wednesday. October 29, 2008 . 39 â€"- â€"â€" _â€" use 1660 1910 i W Painting It Painting It 1 ‘ \ Companions ‘ A Decorating Decorating at; i THE Cl” OF a“ _â€" â€"â€" . i‘r â€"_ "b ’“ ' LOOKING ran a meaning 1 PR EMIUM E one: ’ a e r 00 CUSTOM PAINTERS W! 'T‘ It m“: an“, r: ’Y‘rvv" Real Estate fr“: L3H new ygii; ‘irid vii-J ‘ . A ‘- itc Milli-y my? us a ‘Jl â€" i d 4 “lift 3 lg“ g Vii i RESIDENTIAL WNW mo militmiieirlf, 4 1 COMMERCIAL Real Estate Mis m ' l NEW "outs , y j l Misc/Services h l r i Exterior or Interior l ’ my up; "it Spa ‘ all Repairs k ' . cleaning ll Witertuo a a» 45 fielded Ml tilt L W l Fu insured i verse, if ”my; haewxg m Hizge's Wiring my a l i Y i ‘ , . than are looting to so; or Medlll’lgllâ€"ll if“ Term he i â€"â€"â€"â€"-_' â€" _ _ . MW humid Whoa , sell a indent pizioerq tiunahin L at UrilaiCis larg ' ' - Han if? the: eat wit sit-suit ‘ TV ‘ wakedohoim' i. - - - » ‘iiiucaflfzésiiiii.§éfieniticir S‘fliFll?*‘£§liELQ“’f it ‘ C| OF WATERLoo l 519 404-8895 ”3,ng I 5: ia':",i,‘, l i o yreatt tum M mum“? mt its ‘ D“ ’ Q I‘ V Tarâ€"l 2009 GRANTS PROGRAMS i ‘ iscoun UG ity ‘ l pcmimg & Renovations 5 E m ram 1 ( OMMUNI'H ( As“ can“ l . ,w - ce “grantee.“ ..--~ “a ___-â€" l The (‘ity of Waterloo wants to hear from Organizations which wish to make an application for a Seniors Discount lntermrtFxtPnor‘ ’ y [M T } Community Cash Grant. Community Cash Grants are available to atl‘iliitted organizations that serve l)r_vwall.Taping and Repairs Base 3’sggflfflg33fi l the citizens of Waterloo in one of the following categories? board Trim Work. California Ceilings Rentals 32 995mm 18~ ‘ ‘ C v v i t c infirm”; no“ (“Manama â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" l SportssRecreation Neighbourhood Associations ( ommunitv (troups ‘ _â€" °|.OVE| MONEY‘ * ‘ Demolition and Restoration ' ' ‘ F“ ' p l A i & (i l , Call Sam for all your 1“ LIFE? i Lsuh} 5 A “5 u m“ Home improvements Wm 1417173323210 ‘ The intent of the program is to pTOHdC financial support to Organizations that enhance the quality of Sam 519-830-6330 “7100 ijié‘3p‘iaiaS'D-gpcyr l life in the (‘ity of Waterloo by fostering & strengthening community organizations that proyide ABSOLUTELY $3300 "5” i recreation and leisure o irtunities for the co lc ofWatcrloo moons no) i PP‘ P P . . g WWW mmm‘i’mmwwa ; For general eligibility guidelines and a copy ofthe grant application please yisit the City of Waterloo RESIdentlal jjsngafflfmfgigfls’; 1 website at mi w waterlooca and click on the 20th (‘ash Grant button. Submissnin of an applica~ Painting Sll"lleie‘i"sd£§i”Eel??? ’\ l tion does not guarantee an Organization Will receive funding, . “A“ ..ml 1 Mm: “mum“ 5153222 arig’fifnflmglgigfg \ l‘ Deadline for grant applications is no later than 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday December 9. 2008. ~ . \" seat can ro‘ . . . . o kilt'llt'li l mm” in onion”; alienated All “i”; "94? ‘ Late applications “I" not be considered. e" 'e Hora e at - fliwmlm “not l' “to!" ~ 51974’591” Notices For further information plL‘LhC contact: Lynn Dicks-[zgleyg Administrative Assistant at 5l9~><xSâ€"l120 - l l) -_., (“1-0 1335 “ ext, 225 or email ldicksegleyiii city waterlooonca ,') "')47’~)")' HousesforRent 1975 i , ~ . “t t t , i ii>.<lt\w\\i\ll~ IUL'Q |\.t mil Lost & Found ‘ EXTLR\i\l z\(nl'i.\( \ ( iASH (lR:\NTS R”, ltt‘ M I i “ “I “H l _-.â€"" l The (‘ity ofWatcrloo Will also requtre the same grant application form to be submitted by each com- . imam _â€" t . . . r mm" d , FOUND BICYCLE can i munity agency requesting li‘lCTTIBl Agency ( ash (mints in 2009 This grant is lor()rgani1ations that ‘ râ€" Tâ€" lw 3,553353553gfim“ l are not affiliated With the City, but which also enhance quality oflife in the (‘ity of Waterloo. l Real Estate Real Estate 7 i For general eligibility gutdelines and a copy ofthc grant application please \ isit the (‘ity of Waterloo l Misc/sent“ Misc/service; L:,f"l” 33143253 _ t website at wwwwaterlooca and click on the 2009 (‘ash Grant button, Suhlnhflfln of an applica- ' â€" â€"â€" GllLabpepliangs'zagti my M WE if; “it“ lion does not guarantee an Organization will receiye funding ’ i "it » T; l . . . . Thinking of selling your home? a?” if"; ifjif'fJ] 55/3? -.. ”PM, .- i, Deadline for grant applications is no later than 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday December 9. 2008. Looking to buy“ L l ‘ . ‘ Late applications will not be considered. , (all me “I “to“; like to work with you! “Q i ‘ v Please forward all items requested for External Agency ("ash Grants to Rhonda Hall. Finance i garages/f“ Rm DepartmenL at rhalli‘u city watcrlooon ca Please contact Rhonda Hall by phone at 519-886â€"1550 “ new; ‘ . ROYAL LEPAGE __ e\t, 3225 it you haw: any questions, â€"â€"i- MYRTLE BEACH - - wwjgg S C . m 019" ' 14900 Thefollawt’ng are NOT eligible for either City ”filmy/rm Grants Programs: Melissa Anne Man J an; j'benwnm my, V 4 ' Commercial businesses and Individuals ' \ ‘ a i a ‘l l \ Salesperson "' in fifth? oilfield 5M" I“ “My" Direct- g|9_995_09‘9 {6 l‘,\ ‘miznth t‘ en Old With. l ' ' _ ' __â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"‘â€"_â€"â€"_â€"'â€"_â€"â€"‘ ‘ ‘ may who tnm‘Sl‘i‘i fall a" ______ ‘ we 5429 CITY OF WATERLOO a» comma-res RECRUITMENT x a The ('ity of Waterloo ("ouncil is now inviting applications from members of the public who reside. _. . “i own property. ovin a business or work in the (it). ot'Waterloo and who u l\h to be considered for k 7.4» ' appointment to the (‘omniittee below We encourage qualified and interested indniduals to \oluntcer their services and to hme input on unions tSSULN that affect the cut/ens of Waterloo WOU'd you Please note ll'll\' appointment will remain in place for the duration ofthc (lair Lake Project . . lot further information relating to [his (ommittee. please tclephonc the staff contact llNlL‘d like to swallow 20 pills every day, a,“ it”. ”mm-N.“ w mm ' just to digest your food 7 Thu ("unmii/It'v rel/innit uric ll} (‘llltt’fl representative ‘ . Purpose: To represent the Community“ “5an and values for (lair l ake Park by proxiding input - l - throughout the Technical lavaluation of the (lass limironmcntal Assessments recommendation . . . against the ("lair lake Design (iriteria approved November 2006; | a If YOU had cySt|C flbrOS|S, To liaise Wllh (‘ity staff. the Consultant Team and where appropriate the apprmal agencies lie ‘ ’ , , . (irand River Conservation Authority. Ministry of Natural Resources, etc i and representative groups I you d have no Ch0|ce. lie neighbourhood assoctationsl to ensure that communication is ongoing and feedback is obtained 1 0 Meetings: (lnc ( l l per month. Please note meetings may occur more frequently than once per i " ' month and task force members must be prepared to commit time accordingly: .‘ 4 ~ Staff Contact: Denise MC(lOldTle. Phone 5l9â€"747â€"KM2. Email dngOldfiCkluM’fllelOfl‘Ca - l APPLICATION INFORMATION: Please he | p u 5. Application forms, Committee Terms of Reference and the Commlttee Policy are avallable on ‘ ' ‘ the City of Waterloo website “waltz-domes. under Mayor 8: Council, Committees or by conâ€" ‘ ’ tasting: ‘ linda Vandcnaltker Laune Hetherington ‘ ("onstituency ("oordinator (h Constituency Coordinator ( j Canadian C stir: (“Y ”Wm“ “y “fwa‘°"°° y Tel 5t9-747-R788; Fax 5l0-7474R500 Tel 519-747-8742, Fax 5]9»747-8500 - 0 - l~mail committees(wwatcrloo.ca Email committeesidwaterloo ca FibrOSis Foundation ‘ ® Application forms may also be picked up at: Elected Oflicmls' Office. 3rd Floor “(FF . . b . 100 Regina Street South. Waterloo 1'800'37 Mom ”S's-ca Applications will be accepted until 4:30 pm. on Friday. November 7, 2008. y > . ~ \ c M ‘ ’ . | 7 M

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