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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 29 Oct 2008, p. 35

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WWWâ€"h \\ \ll llllt\ll1Mm)N|(jlj.EWrdnrsllaylxmber 29. All“ 35 5mm“ ' " ' ' ‘ ‘ ' ' ' LWlfml ~ -~ » - , 1, ;.i:‘ffi:‘*:;‘:~.f “in; ‘ ' E, . . . ’ (law‘l‘k‘&1Aâ€"‘j‘~Lflit J“: y‘l,,',‘_,4,>' Lacrosse Hawks wm SIX m a row , -.“ Art‘s ,:'>A, if g; , .. v ‘ Q ' g ',:.~:“~' f; lffiL'fllhililfii’r; ‘ll'ffj if“?! u g .~\j ~ : , u , Q w R r \ OPEN EVERY WEEKEND ~ r 1â€" ~ _ IN OCTOBER l x b \ , V . fl ' j)? * . « h i 3 a - Es» _ a; . 7 > .' ; A - ~ ' "if; ' s: Q 3 - ’ ' ‘ Q :““"'"~ _, ‘ , V , ffi‘ ‘4 “v m OFF ~ V“! k A,“ ‘ v I T: E ' a ‘ r . .__ _ mmmmssm LL L ‘ Q t a” - ' mmmmmm we ' l ‘ . - , tfi .s..tm.,.cuum ”mu-WWW“ l 7 ,..- Pearl’slsmlficld'flhl cWWWl~Hv . 1 ~ . b BaleMazsaaclimbs berm , “new“ museum-m G“ , ‘. » my ‘ , . .- _ _ v . Flo Gentlyafammvd Fricndg’ctoummgo -Waadcdn’thnnam n ,.,_ war-W ‘ , if? ‘ _ . ‘ -Pumpkinst€omsnh'gv$alo ownqkidgndnumdlmonl ~ I : , . l w. .- m...» a l , ~~ ~ ~--~~r 5? e, w; " .. ; Fifi g 4,1: Saturday" aim-5:30 pm ’ ’ (A fit? ' ' ’ ‘ , â€" "z" L L ; Sunday11am-Sz30pm “W ....».-â€"~'~ , , M » (Wk Thanksgiving Monday 11 am - 5:30 pm \ . ‘ a, . - f . ' 4 (â€"""’_ k“, $7 - i - ‘ . ~, ‘t -‘ _ - w MAG/g l adventurelamoaolmm J _,.. v - i , r ; ., " â€" . , amyubawadeflnfarmmm ‘\ »_-f .. . _ , ' ,, ’ g 1_ E...».~.:-a~._‘¢..r=a - b N - - a...“ a...“ m E , The Golden Hawks Braedyn O‘Rahllly trues to snat(h a loose ball from a Queens' defender m Sunday’s champi- onshrp final at Unlversity Stadium, The Hawks won their sixthlstraight title wuth a 12-5 win. \ MPLOYMENT 7 lhv Wlllritl laurwr (which minutes latvr for the Hawks and thv win thlx today. together as a tvam ” E ‘ Hawks mm the" sixth mnwcutrw smnng went hack and forth until Heather Mt‘llardw pl('l(t‘(l up 0, 4 Waterloo ()ll:\ lat mwv championship (m tlw 2114 HHHlllk‘ mark mm the lint (our pmnu with a goal and three its“: ‘ SERV|CES 5mm". Sunday“ tlt‘lt'almg lht‘ Qm‘on \ when haunt-r wnuld takwwt'r tlw asxists. the samv ax Gertie. [hum SOCM SEW CES ("1ch h) a l'J-S SHIN" in from Olga” lvatl at “34 luh‘a. Krixtun Samson and Emma ' lam.“ llnrwrsttyStadium. U‘Ralnlly and Amy llm'ham l’lnk wort-d thehalancvnl laurlcr's When are you com'ng to our “ l he gamv started u lth a lot wort-(l a (“umhmml an gnalx m thv gnalx t, tighter of a wore than it hm lN'l‘H first hall (ll lht' game that xaw the Burnett had a strong game m Employment Resource Area ' ht'l’nrta” find laurivr head (‘OEll'll wanna hrr'ak wrth the (mldvn not for tht‘ (mltlon Hawk blocking _ , lynn 0th about the hack and l‘nrth lltlwlu up 8â€"4. xcvvral shots from key Gaels players Come In and lester TODAY! i play early on ”We “up ahlv tn Volt-ram {Mark Kerlt‘H (ik'rm' ”whirling 2008 (NM Most Valuable atlyusl and pk!) the gumr we manlâ€" was any ml" three {llllll'lt'\ who (Wt-run? Player Lisa Mt‘lflughlln We pg-Ovide the following resources ml to “Marv and t-wntuulh hold up hula-ll up ll‘lrt‘t’ pmnts m lllt' gamt- Rt)“ l(‘(l Queen ~ \\ 1th three to enhance your job search: [ht-HIM haunt-r W0 lint-M Wt“ had to flop up plums m Illt‘ (amt-st mtludmg a 1 0mm” x “pun-(l up xtnrmg all” a-tmtgh game lax! night wtnntlgnalIan-tntlwfirxlhalf. 5 mm m tlwumlt'st as Martha Rn“ agamxt lnruntu,“ saul (a-rru'. a l)” “tummy [armor (lt'rl‘iill‘d ‘FREE mmlm 800035 1 put ltlll' h\ (ruldl'll Ilauk l).ll‘l\\l()p ltmr “mt-gold mmlullht "It doesn‘t (hr lnmntnhrrslty lllm'x I l 3 Whlll‘ to onlimjob banks Li F“ ’ llatma llmht-tt got (llll gt'mng this urlnur of modal QUE-mm downed the Wmtt-rn Muv _ _ " Q ' if Brat-mu (l llahlllx (twpuutlvtl around rm llI‘Lk, ll h-le grt-al (u tangx lJâ€"S m thi-(JUA wimfinals 'FREEl°bp°sbn9 board?“ ‘ 4 featuring jobs available now ‘ i “ Region of Waterloo NObOdy ever plans to make the tFfiEhacoess tomnmm 1 f . ' ' ' ' ' a hour ma 0 matron . , puauc noncg taxman a benefrcrary of the" wrll. ~ LL 1 , _â€"____.__â€"â€" 0 FREE help with creating a lhcrr an mam “an 1“ minimi/t ' we CHANGE IN COUNCIL MEETlNG TIME I l' i H I | l "mm“ ”a °°"°" ' f l} \(illl' ‘|\ Ll II I \ (.III N I‘ll“ - . Dlt‘~l"\t‘ W atlu‘lxi‘rl lhv erqulat Crllltlrll meetmu w k 1 .v A .l l 'FREE phMocopwng,faxtng and ‘. fl tlw Rhythm” Mum amt; til Walemm sthetlllletl for m" ( mm mm M "‘ rm m ru telephone COM ‘ " ‘vqu'v‘pL‘rj‘i; m mp)” TH; firms; 32 ll tmhmahtm fl lna\i|l|tl|n Allll'll'll lrnxn \nl|r “hm: v lt‘ " rw “{ llit ”l ""l' gflfl?r‘n1llrmrhl ‘l‘l’r g; b'l1tlvl‘l “tiff?” To“ “A” “WM“ i All ofthese sethces are open tothegeneral publrc my“ hllflljl'fll "‘ ‘l M m” “l ‘ p” ‘ \ Arum.» “My“ .” Contact our EmploymentResoumeAraasfor more mformauon u “A“ r t,” u . _ 7 RH“ “tlélll‘l'it' mm ll mtullmu l unnlursurnup mm 235 Km smt £331, Kitchener 51m2101 Mr w w tur'mtuir‘t hr ‘h Mullah" an ll lh‘lt’llft‘lll'l a (u ‘ . My“): ‘ m a, 3 p“. a,” ”M “My f! mp” 43 "' [IN/83117” 99an Street M, ”if“ 519-883-2101 7 for 5.59 MM? vairvnmn hm Group 150 Main Street, Cambridge 519-740-5700 V)” ill/i\/ ‘ l | l 2009 2010 20” 2012 2013 2014 2015 20m ‘ SAVE up to SAVE up to SAVE up to SAVE am to SAVE up m SAVE up tn SAVE up w SAVE up j l s250 $250 $250 $250 $250 3250 $250 , 525 l ; mmmmu onmdocmdtybl onmdodfldtybl mama-ama- arm-ma- a, mqu' ”gymn- arm-um T l, l ' hf) ‘ Ml 'l'z§'r: . I“ “K t_ .:~”'\;;;v:f “EA“: , , ' . . a" ”g “l ,- A a r,» f) ,;‘;:*_:T . in” w'& . 1 E . _. ~ , fa E L . w w 9&5, sg “hfgfi E - , , »,,.‘~. 23, _ ' 30 T JJX ‘ ~ . . My ~ 7 '.~- _ f A; 1 id: 5’ -«E-E,Eéj-'fff in“ , , 1 ' 50 " . ' ' 5 Le y' ‘ "' f V a ,« 33153»! ‘ em A " é? 3‘i‘5aj' g" A ," »"‘~ filzskfib,“ _. A mmmnammflmuacmmm ' a! ' 1m 1, ‘fi a; r ' L, ', " . "' uwmmmnamMMMMth-imw _ w a “it LQ'ILV‘Z $5” “55:1 11; "flaw”:fi'“ ~ , , , -- » 39~ ><-‘z" a,» g“: is = ,. may“. . b l l , 7 i _ _â€"â€"â€"__-â€"â€"_

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