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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 29 Oct 2008, p. 32

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, , , , , , .f , v ,_ H , l 112 - is to R! t minnow“ i- unanimity or rum-i pt 3mm Mac lays a goose egg against Hawks D 0 Q ! WLU Golden Hawks dommate all sales of the ball m 29-0 romp over McMaster l ' Bx Boa VRHANM. “ 1'l ‘ ‘ and see that goose egg after the game." i v 7 7 "Jr lm’lfl'l‘fl 7 w r ,, , A ' a The laurier defence set the tone earlier , , , - «a in the contest pinning the Mchaster offence l ' ‘ “ ' ' U ‘ b“ i s' s< "w, .t itit prUltllsLtl to be a shootout in a f \ . , deep in their Mint and toning a stittty I the (HM quarterâ€"final football ,‘ ' pi ’ “t t ‘ When Meryl-aster started moving the ball | playoff niatchiip between the Mill _ » 1 ‘ ‘ 1' '“ ' through the air laurier's defence stifled the frid taurier Golden Hawks and the Mt‘Mas- Q, , , \ 4; r if Mac attack causing five turnovers including ter Marauder ended ina shutout. l" g “‘ x - a key first-half interception hy laurean lhe (ioIdeu Hawks delivered their most ‘ ' M i : ffi4 .‘ h 1 ‘_ A Allen. complete game of the season in a 294) Will. fig “l, t 1 J'i‘ ' 5 ~ Q Allen gave a lot of the credit to defensive dominating all three sides of the hall to Sat? “Q. ' , I}: u l' W co-ordinator Gary VanMoerkerke who won today‘s contest at University Stadium ' ' ‘ z '“‘" the game of chess played against former the ( losest the Marauders came to scorr it ’ ' “ U Hawks offensive coordinator Stefan mg in the game came in the first half with a ‘ ' .- Ptaswk. now McMaster's head coach, less than so seconds to go on the clock. the > a“ v ' {1:3 “He put us in position to be making plays Marauders were easily in field goal position ‘ \ jig/lid - , g; 1 all day," said the third-year cornerback. and trailing lS~tl when they decided to try a 3. ' , " ' “Mac runs an Offence that is pretty compliâ€" risk) thirdâ€"down conversion in the shadow I ‘ y 3. " Gated. but (loath V Put in a few wrinkles that of Iaurier‘s goal posts t f ‘ i _ ‘ x, put us in the right place at the right time. [he Hawks sniffed out the play and f _ y ' ‘ k“) “That's why we wonthe turnover battle." fourthâ€"year linebacker Paul Hancock broke } , 1 l» ’ / One of those plays was Allen's firsthalf through the line and pulled down Mac qttarâ€" “1- a l ‘ ‘ pick. He said it was an isolation play that put terhack Ryan Fanthani before he tould ' isfii 1 ' ’ ' \ him on an island by himself with the Mac reach the firstâ€"down marker - s -‘ t ' a}? l ' receiver. It was a spectacular play frorii Hancock a t? ’ N f t \ a“ "I thought he was going to do an out who was playing with a broken arm, ff , f ; ‘ ‘ route," said Allen “Little did I know he came wrapped in a cast and dragging down the a ( . j up 10 yards and ran the out route and 1 Mac quarterback with his uniritiircd lelt ( ‘ undercut it and i had position on his inside hand Hancock said he broke his wrist the \ arm." first game of the season and has been playâ€" ‘ _ _ a. A ‘~ * ' ’=‘ liven then Allen showed off sortie of his mg Wllli it ever since, but he still managed to M ' -‘ ‘ , ,, ,,_ 5 A w w flu“ athleticism in hauling in what was still a get one strong hand on lantham's1ersey. f‘ ’ m ‘ A" t; ’ «gym, 5» fifi’fiifi‘ well~thrown ball by Mac quarterback Fan- . H w c a! bi y 3 ”’ 3 J _ if , ”fivffmi7f a“ g . (ham. In recalling the catch Allen smiled "We went Into the room fired fwfiwmm --M to a b, » ~ A $155 :~ ~ * - .. and pretended to cradlethe he" likva baby. ' ‘ as": ‘ MV- “1 5": ~ at “if" _A “s “w.“ 1; “He kind of tipped it and I saw it fall into up and I“? (07719 our Ofthe 1 t l’gfiffi'fi'a‘ \ A if 1 ‘- fimww 1“. 4 " my hands," said Allen. "You have no idea rgopnfired up [001 It was ”If? “H : fi%.y ,. zb' . §,_ 4 , ~._'~ ”a; ~ fififlfih’fi howtfteels. it‘sl‘ike the best feeling ever." I k l . I 1 l ‘ ' ’ 4." v ~ 5" S 3. wk“: Tgizr‘;_w~»;flh~1 Allen said the last time the defence [0 00 UP “It I? 5107? 70077 spa, ;A,_ skx ». “M “Off: w‘»~"?'vJ't-- pitched a shutout was in his first season. and SF? [Izatgoose egg (It ”I? 1 "555 %_ gm. A: if: "a ' ’1 Tgagif‘fisrf" ‘ and he said it couldn't have come at a more l i. “J. ‘ "first; in. 1.” i I“ "3 if“?"~'\ ‘1' important time to start the playoffs. ("Id Off 1? ganu)’ g a lugs?“ fiét , ‘ M‘ {fiflx'ik ‘ A "We corrected our mistakes today. hence â€" Paul Hancock <3}:ng My, ._ 53‘s 1 f:. $3: “1 -. _ g" the shutout." said Allen, fWe haven‘t had a lt/llliru'luu km on no teams thulom of Wm .'.,.~ . . 4 " {fay ' v “2,3 \ ’ 3"; Km") 75-3 “hum“! 3” Yeah hm (his is the plflyf’fig and magi-j 37"!- -f-' 1 "as; y " ' 1 ‘. this is where it counts the most" ‘I “as able to get one hand on ltlltt and ‘ '_ ~ ‘_ - ‘f L v ..*t:-:'. . ‘ ' " 11 , - fig-fiff: lite Hawks got a solid effort on all sides bring him donn.” said Hancock "l‘m plaiâ€" “w.“ z, “ ‘.. z “A ‘ f ’ ", ' ~ 1 23; ii of the hall including the kicking game mg Wlll'l one hand one knee and one ankle “a -»- - " “t ‘ g? t A»; 7}; hag§‘.*-_. ‘ , 1 77761; which saw (lhris Mamo convert two singles but you tust got to keep going because it‘s if“, ix.“ “TS-fifiz.‘ w‘." "’ “NF" . ‘ 5,3" ff ‘ i 1 _ and add three field goals ‘lhey also got a the playoffs " A?“ ‘ ;f-v 37K. ewk‘qgfivéj:?'5{fi", tflfififi’s $55“ 53- x f; breakout performance from runnirighat‘k i he phn it a s ii definite momentum fifiéfiifif if fe‘f’sfflé'f'd'wh . s "' "“$Q>;fi'f;i'.\f, “x? r,.. .' Ryan lynch who registered a tareer best 129 thanger as the Marauders “em into the hall 1 777 " 11541???” ' «fifiifir V< ‘N-fi.» ‘ ' if iffig'i-ym s'i-fv'flzfi rushing yards that kept the battle of ball st tireless and newt threatened after that It ~T;Ci'¢m3'$4 "' 22,5.)2'flfll‘, ' ', "N; a.“ Jinnflxf't‘ ’i‘ '. i possession firmly in the Hawks grasp “as a far try from their Visit two isl't‘ks ago at“. i'ifikW-ffli‘g}, -', ‘ M”) {iéy ,;-l~;i‘q‘il.;“;_-~ pink 1' It was potentially the Wt l grad's last when MtMastcr put H points on the board flfi‘m‘fl' Q” " c; A" " V ' ."-}_Z{.‘lb&*‘ ‘ff thi‘ffi‘fifiJsfifyi home game at University Stadium anti he and accrued more than to” tartls in offence mA‘fi’f‘ “fla‘ ‘g l _ {it '- a. ‘fiw‘id‘i‘ffl, 1 infih'jt, . -,31"‘-:i'§ t t' ' said the plan was to get the ground game in a 30 ll loss to the Hawks , "a": {L‘sâ€"k f A, 151; "A f " -‘ 1 ,» , _ H 1 _ '_ a , 1 . 3,1 going with windy and cold tondittous fore “ lhat would haw grit-ii them .t lltllt' [fat ,.' - .." t “fag; ‘b’ltr/tsftffl'i'twysf‘ a??? 1§*:{.3q.:1.‘-‘ ‘" if " cast for rnuchoftheday titotticnttiru,“ s.tt(l llaru (It k of his (ll’l\t' "’ 4 1“ “1M“ ” 53532 wflf‘ku'r'u‘ ~' ' "l: A u... . t - "We always knew we could run the built killing play ‘We went into the room fired up WM,” Laurier Universtty quarterback Luke Thompson suambles for a first down against and the () line really stepped up," said "'"l “T “m" out ”l ”l" ”W“ fired ”ll “m McMaste-r Saturday The secondvyear pivot threw tor two touchdowns in the Hawks’ 290 win. "ll was nut- to look tip .it the st oreboard mow-mu: mom Continued onpage36 ~ f” , MEMBERSHIPS FOR 2009 * ”f t.“ l / ' - x“ f Three New Rebel Ranger packages available for 2009 starting at $550 f i h ' 2009 Memberships starting at $l 850, 1 3 ' Dtscoonts available for (copies llvmg at the some address ' f ' Junior and Sophomore memberships now available starting at $450 ,, f , w ‘ Ask about our Junior Mentoring Program 0 A Rebel Creek Golf Club now offers 0 1517 Snyder’s Rood, no. Box 100, Peterslmrg Ontario Corporate Golf Member’h'l” \ ', 519-634-8666 ~ 1-888-591-6053 - lax Ste-6344007 Jam today and exper'eflce 0 fresh New on 90” s ’ ’ ' ' I??? Mfim‘quqmtm Wm Call or visit our webs“ for details... ~ M ,. t... t. , , , .. I. , . . ......... .o-oa .---.....»-.-â€"....‘.............-...........-............. , , , 77a _ _ _ __________â€"___-â€"â€"â€"

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