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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 29 Oct 2008, p. 14

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WWW . i4 - WAl'ttRLUO CHRONICLE - meant-may, October 29. 2008 . _ r it mmmmm «wwm ”a.” y l' ‘ . a 9t . . i . . . O O ' 1‘ if” ” I J Bur nlng C3101“ 198 01' ' ‘. i 0, ‘ ' . y i i \ V ‘ . I N7 ‘ K‘4 I | I L \\ . 1i , . Jr L \ g o . 2 ver the years, we have had the pleasure of working with so many Women in Business. bOOStlng Splrlts O ‘ watching the creative entrepreneurial ideas and the passion involved in building and : nurturing those liUsinesses. Some are seltâ€" employed. others are representing and Ff‘VVE’Uld “is“? that "3E1“ 7 ‘ beevenlit 'l‘lld” 1 bum it“! ‘ building careers within a larger organi/ation, Some have taken a hobby and turned it into a . “I p Wm“ film“ ‘5 \\ l ll ll l l \l l extraca ones. I . l'h krd h h .. t l h "h h ‘ k h‘ .. l ) . ~ d h 'd d ‘ important for weight loss. . \ou might need to read I i\e i or .ot ers ave ounc t L nic L in t e mar Lt t at was uric erscrved an ave pron e a But how it leads to weight ‘ [A the previous sentence again, _ product or service to (ill that gap. lugs and more importantly 3 Here is an example. Murry I No matter the iourney, we salute you tor your initiative and vour desire to serve your clientele. keep'llg We'gh‘ ”fl '5 00”" {“1 d',’(i”“mg"d “he" m" r ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ monly‘ misunderstood l machine they have lust i let‘s start with what Corr “its; sweated on for 30 minutes i it" YOUCANCOOKZ in "i“ new st Inuit ii‘ lll‘ rm I” stitutes thebest form ofexerr y with tellsthem that they have i ”ii Emmi iinrner'vt' Tn~ to wit. it! in. mi [ ‘.r' l , ril‘l wt .,, ,. else for weight loss? l "‘7‘ " ' burned ‘1 "19ml! 30” Fall” l ‘3. Eat Dinner Parties has but Um». .M'.‘ i-flr‘mldr a: or 2r». 5,. 5’ Here is a shocker) any- ‘ f . l ties, the equivalent otu large l i ‘,.M plainly} (it ail Jilin groups. ,zrti rpm 7 tr Hpi‘llrvl trim. ‘ . v‘ [hing that gets you moving ) .. l doublevtlotihlt‘ Or it large l ‘ I? 5 ‘7 t-iith their friend. and “new . "r the myrrh H il ' 7' on a regular. preferably daily. I > f cookie . _ i ‘ own "renter tn I'ir' -. mew iii ~ ml 1: 'iL‘l 1.1m, . t l basis. l l, However. theyure not (Huron: lam tr virtiuum .i». ~. ll . .., int; will fl Many have ti hard time counting the health benefits ., ‘ .. ' ' . . r l t . . . ' ' ; Ty i-gt : ~. at r i~ qt my, r .‘iJL i ii l. i W: out v. » A understandingthis concept. l DRE“ , ot the exercise or the boost in i The in, lilirl‘l . l‘ . "L .i ill wt lw I“ .. l" including sortie personal HARVEY Coiitidenu-and willpower I it ,4, “My ml?“ . i . MM M . y it tllti .i ;i W o, it my». trainers, that ensues. inakingtheni lair " / Viv-'14“ mi .igl. .i i' v: at . . 'l i .. rim ii-t v up.» :l xi. [suspect this is because morelikeli‘ to make healthy "A ,- nurtm ll vii u -, . n a r m .inr ‘. mower i‘wrr ; .ti 't‘ls tn in tlr- weight loss ultimately comes down to calov food chokes. . ' » " 5 (J .- twin.»- .n. out n; it in ., r .ir ,t --. ..rr .-, it til». ll 1‘ . i with ries in versus calories out. It is a wellâ€"known fact that people eat . ', in w ,, at , ll w or 'i it ., it» l'ii-,1lilili‘!ru; ii ~ and I‘herefore. maximizingthe calories healthier on days that they are active. l ‘ . ‘ "‘ . r. ii in: . 'i ,7 Ill". it ‘l l Lt ll: i. Hi i. its in burned should beyourniimherom- goal. By simply being active and consequently i 1 5“ it“! TN: ":3“ it in ty :. r -~.r ip and l. mm in in; m Lin-l right? feeling good about yourselt. you decrease ’ ' ' ‘ ’ ’ ‘ W limit r~ .. Hr v: as our in} "ri'tqty . y... .1. r» 3; tr mi ri- it Dr another common fallacy is spending your dailycalorie intake through better food Misha tritium-rttorment , .. .._.. . . . , . . , . . . , . , ».. ~- , ‘ » . . .. u , \ ilclllll "nilfl i» nit.“ it i int it .i i» or v .. r. . u in ,r . r inn, . it .‘ hours in tht mythical fat burning zone chokes. li'il'trl-ll'.‘.l,lZ‘llzdllKiJiihfi trim in,“ will tr. “l to] In» My Ml as, vim will” 1.; H W: at». to}: It“, s mm, common exercise [efnynlncndaâ€" l‘ll leave you with Li proud client example. R tions are as high ot‘ intensity as possible, as After some convincing Randy decided to ' xv ‘ u-- '1' . >")_ i H 1" I‘vs' r ith a “no limits”vtsion to posrtively impact the lives of impoverished peOple â€" eSDECially long IthpOsslbk and, ottoursc, ‘1‘ ml“ rahlr. if.“ ‘14; "my“, “dlk ‘ M h U “1mg around women and children in the developing world â€" Sue Hayhow created a not~for-profit 4“ “‘55le _ , . l“ "fig bor 00d . . , international Adoption Agency (Imagine Adoption,incorp0rated in April 2005 ”“1”“ I" WNW“ 4”“ [Cli'V‘SI‘m ‘lWWV ”CHOU-“ll" he had loll that “'“lk'llg simply and licensed by the Ontario Ministry of Children and Youth Sen/ices). Then in .. 9‘. “51'0"" ofovi'nvoigh! [WONG panting UP hills “'3‘“! “Rom“ enough ‘0 promote WHEN May 2007,6lobal Reach Children's Fund tGRCF) was formed and registered . ”iv“ and performing embarrassing obstacle loss, 35 a Canadian 0‘3”!de Organization WM" a mandate ‘0 atlewate poverty ”’3’; 4“ A courses come to mind. After just two weeks he told me that he, in countries where strong working relationships extst. thanks to the w .4 ..‘ Ultimately. “1‘3“.“ng that doing ”miser- had taken a liking to the evening “my“ I adoption “39”” 5 reputation. . . ' -‘ able" forms ofexercise is the answer and it because they burned an extra 400500 t‘ulir r The growmg support for GRCF is direaly connected to the destre of h ”a; 35’» you stop being so lazy you too could drop ries. ”091W; 93'9”“ l0“9'V9 back ‘0 "‘9” (h'ldS ”3W9 COUMFY Md to 1 ‘2‘ ' I K: magical amounts of weight. l didn‘t want to burst his huhhle but 1 did l bringnhope toshe millions it (lhildren 1:: Will new; gaggopted who “My, fl Worse, while performing these exercises indicate that a 20-minute walk burns . arei meme m poverty l imagine 0900“ an ,we are t J‘- ‘ ‘ you scold votirselfwiih "i wouldn’t have to approximately 100 calories, not 500. driven by our belietin the value of human life and the responSIbility -' . § \ '1 h’ 'llvh' d . .- ed , ll l . , T 'h' h it I' 1 "l k y h 'f] ’7 i that we all have tor the well being oleach other. 3 7' ”' ’ ' k “l '5‘. ‘5 ".3 gain d “lg “ught‘. , .y 0 W 'C 8 rep 'fl‘ not». “H 1‘“ l ». is taking the any activity is good actmty stayed home I would have eaten 400 calories 9 1.. approach acop out? worth ofcookies." I 'm m Is it something that I suggest simply to ‘ l b l ’ ’ - ‘ make myclients and readers feclhetter ,, 9,? .a_,.,;;; r’ ‘ . . ”OWE“? \ , . about themselves? orewrraneyirrsc.(:Kr‘uhefnunAerand ' \ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ No. this strategy works and here is the director of the Healthy lt’eigth Clinic. For more information Visit: imagineiirti rpllOH (a and r' . Il‘tl‘El'I 1., , .i reason why. Contact him at dn’urfli’healthywei‘ghtsca or Being physically active is the best predicr visit his website umvuiHealthyWei‘ghtsca or tor of sustained weight loss and it still would his blog at wwurIJi’etfiraicom. . Gomg Green for Good Health .- Mr..- .3 n. n . . - ‘ I. - '.\ In“; I (.\l l. L INT Ail-N I I' .. tr ,. ' FEET HUBT" I n ‘- WE CAN HELP Good health has never been greener. Or eaSier. “PM ‘ . ‘ FOOTWEAR At Affinity our lot us is irrivirlin l 'Vrr-en' health strait res for women. We " ' r , i , r, s 1% ’ .. J. x I Compute otter an extensive array 01 quality natural health prorlui ts from the tinest in * 7' ‘ ‘ 1700' “hi“ hr-rhal A; plant therapies, homeopathic s, nutmr eutir .ils, organic skin (are, [" ‘-' t ‘) m 133??“ 5" 5'. holistic tl(“lh(‘ll( s and quality teas and innit s ‘ A li/ I i \f\ Kitchener . V , . f 519-579-9223 in .ifltlllltm. our n.ituropathi( a. women s health consulting svrvtces "K us on ' 1 . . i l he» women s health issues tl'\( lurling menopause, perimenopause, tr-rtility. ‘ prognnriit lllt'iINl health and optimum hotly iiiniprisitiori ‘ E H-.. -. l . . . C, e”. l ()iir (tillllllllliit'lll is in pmxiile .l stonilarrl (it i are that ensures the optimum in / , . y » â€" -. , . s » y . i. k V .'~:_" --H~>;~ lit’thillrll lit-.iltli Vy‘illi liiilistii & riiriiplr'rnr'rit.iry therapies that wrirlt tron) the " l _ ' ‘ . lll\l(l4'l|lll‘ it"llll.llll1t:ll\(‘litllllltll litullllifipriut'ss § . ~ , (rainy; green trir llt‘dllll gnarl liir \Hlll health the lituiltlt «it others and the . ' ‘ health lll our planet - t I . I “I I ./ . tor women’s health , A." ' . www.aftinityforhealth.ra ‘ 338 Belmont Avenue West, Kitchener, Ontario NZM GH ‘ ., , , - 7. X ADVANCED ph 919 $891200 {at $19 are; 1214 , 7...; a. , \ PAIN RELIEF ‘ . , , I a. .. . . I u l , i , i .

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