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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 29 Oct 2008, p. 11

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_â€"â€"_â€"â€"â€"'â€"_â€" , . ‘ war rim )0 CHRONICLE - Wednesday. October 29. 2000 . n . . o o , , , argazers ry to po 11 on .; ~ 7 ‘4 3,521,; WWI-{eff g , ' = 1' BvGiiu. MacDonaui sky even more. he said. the fight against light pollution nsm'f 7, i . ’ ”i " ‘ ', it! « -. ” ‘ “ g. _ ,- “”19"“? "all g Nielsen and other local stargazr is taking place in communities :‘y g . , 7' " l. flit m 7-; »‘ ers are calling on municipalities to across North America, said Steve 2*; $1.,me p36 :3 £371 2331' 4;: ‘ 1 ' 1» Shawn Nielsen has watched enact policies around light pollu- Holmes, coaowner of K-W Teler " :7V*‘§‘;*i;m if; a ' i , . ’ it. {"fgjii' , 13’s“ Waterloo's sky change over the tion. scope in Kitchener. .I‘sw"‘%:§§ , , ‘.,s.e.“siz:. as. ޤpfic§§ g past few decades, They have sent out emails to “I've lived in Kitchener for 16 $m¥§"§%zr 1:4,; 9 it; 73.3 ;’»;;_’l'»i.' w.“ Since he was a child, the 37. the local municipalities and want years and things have got a lot Mi‘ufier-J”. ,~~ :7 ' .e " Hi.» . “’3 yearaold has been an amateur the cities to address the problem worse." he said. 12;»? ‘ AVE” '7 j a. . “i “~32, ;. 5‘; ts: astronomer But he and other skyâ€" using design guidelines and plan- By enforcing policies such as (3.531!“ :‘”4“* . 1f f%; u' 4‘9: ;(‘ watchers have been finding it ning policies. requiring buildings to turn off giwt" ‘ g§'*&’££’”' at; it": f gsf harder and harder to practice their internal li ts at ni t and requir- ““5:ng . aw i .s, ,‘git .. . is)? is; 1’ . = $23.: 92:; a. . ”g; ‘ ' f 3%, s1; hobby. ing all light to be cast down, cities 5¢““"t . ' v . ’ ; fl “ g ' ‘ 't‘g‘é' The reason â€"â€" light pollution. 7 will not only help save the sky. but ‘Mi 7: . ' ~ ,. ’38 L . #4 Light pollution is the excess “There is no shielding be environmentally friendly in the 7-, . 7'7" m " ' , light that street lamps. buildings . process, Holmes said. ‘ “, ‘ ‘ $763 ‘7 , a , f and other sources give off, cloud- in place [0 prevent “it will save a lot of energy and 1 it . _ a”? ing the new of the night sky. the lightfrom eliminate some carbon." he said. w‘ f .3 W“ The problem has been etting . , For now, Nielsen and his ilk will ix 2 as g s ' f ‘ ‘; 3 «i worse in Waterloo, Nielsen said. ShOOtlng out In all be searching the region for a place i 7'9- ~_ ., And now he's worried he's lost his ' ' ‘ where the stars can be seen. ‘ ‘ Everyonetasasavings 7,. _ , " . .; ' 3' last refuge for stargazing. directions, lespecmlly “1 often wonder how many kids ‘ g g \ number. What'syours? f, g ' ’7 Nielsen has been using his tele» into the nights/(y within Kâ€"W have never seen the Q ‘ .- . , j“ s” g} scope in the city‘s east end for two ' ' fix Milky Way as I did as a child. How I i *3? g i s75; decades. lighting mres_used many perhaps have lost an oppor- ’ f T" “The entire R151 Park area 20 throughout the Clly are tunity to enrich their minds and years ago used to be forest and ' _ ' " lives through the astronomy hobby . _ ~ ‘ , lamiers~ fields where the night sky ”lg," sk‘yfi'lendly. because light pollution prevents xii] 9 insuranceHOtllne.C0m sparkled with thousands and thou- â€"Shawn Nielsen them from marvelling at the night I sands of stars and the Milky Way localstargazer sky above our two cities?" Nielsen V 5 i h E i m L ll 1 R t was so bright it almost appeared to said. our ea C “we or e owes nauran e a as dimly light the ground around To raise awareness forthe prob- _ you." he said. lem of light pollution. the Great ... mmww*wnmum But as the area around Univer~ “There appears to be more World Wide Star Count is occurring “in“ www.mjuuâ€"mmwmnm 5in Avenue was developed, that emphasis on appearance than between Oct. 20 and Nov. 3. u an , :1";::‘ w“""""""' effect was diminished. functionality when it comes to it's an annual event that helps in ”- an 2 ' want-In Wig-$122.3 “The fixtures along University lighting in the city." he said. researchers plot the growing prob- ,_,_ m u, 2 m“:(:" Mum-vim» and surrounding the RIM Park "There is no shielding in place to lem oflight pollution. ‘ m" ' ""'""""“'“ complex are spewing light every» prevent the light from shooting out "Everyone can participate and """"”""'"‘ m”“""“”’”"""" ’ where," he said. in all directions. especially into the it helps to create awareness of this Nielsen managed to find a night sky. This concept by city growing problem.~ Nielsen said. secluded spot on the northwest planners seems to be the norm. as Participants across the world 5? wt ”was“ :r-«mmmwr COWLNES corner across from RIM Park none of the lighting fixtures used will chart the night sky, then com- where he could make out some throughout the city are nightrsky pare results. For more information - - stars. friendly. “ about the star count, visit 60 Offline to InsuranceHo‘l'ne-com But a new office complex slated It's not just Waterloo that's hav- www, ucar.edu / news i releas- for the area might just obscure the trig problems. esi2008a'starsisp. LEI BIS lklAKEOVER EVEN I Y: One eek only! t- ' .1»? t « .. November lâ€"8, 2008 ‘ . « X Enter to win a . ._ , % ' ~ i Makeover Weekend ‘ ' ‘ i. ' .. ' " . locum a a . ' . e .50.... 1 .. g . _ f Card 3 7‘ wttleumhosonOOormore. . . ‘A s1. 1’ ' ‘7. 7 v” 1 s - SavetheTox . ‘ ' = ’ 4 , "’3" 1 .. - , ' ., on sunglasses. 1 ”3:3. J’s . 1"; is l i j " ' Specual Grit l - « with purchase at ‘50 or more. i .. *‘ 1 % i s.- .m In! that: i i \ I n7: l . . . . “mm“,mhmmwmcw 1 Enter in store and at Irismakeover.cu to wrn the lRlS Makeover Weekend! amn,m_hMquhu j Uptown Waterloo Guelph 95 King Street South 0mm” C°""“°”“ 5 Clair Road West 5'9 725 3937 519 763 7383 7 - lASER EYE SURGERY [VIWKAI ~ [VI EXAMINAYIOQA‘ iris.co w‘vwwmurswrmov thnI-WMN Wk NIKNI-‘iml-I-w-MM‘SMM‘Ik-‘MVW 7 M

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