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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 29 Oct 2008, p. 10

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“Wm -, , , 10- H \H lll i H ) CHRONILLI ' l\t'tliiesd.iy t it ioliri 1 Allin ‘ . ' o o o o o ‘ $00K ounc 00 S Into anti-1 g y 3W K-w Hi Gin-.4. NIALDUNMI) motion List iieek and has been working out at the meeting, ‘mncs cum 4 ,, , fl (‘iiriniit light/fry , 7 on it for weeks, When the temperature is lit-Ion live ( ‘ g 6 a a ‘1 f, It was otie til the t‘ont‘eriis that the and above 27 degreesLelsins, I'Lii‘s Millie (’ 1" €91 ’ fl” ‘ he t ll) oi Waterloo is examining lirst terin (’tilllit’llli)!’ heard when he permitted to Idle to use limiting or (or G“ your feet checked by . F0.” Specialist the ttriplenienttition til an titittr began his itiiiiptiign two years .igo. t’oiiditioniiig respet'tireh . idling li)‘l£t\\ \‘i‘lilt‘h eotiltl dis.illon “l started hearing about it when l was lhe penalties have not been derided ' 4 ( tisltim ()t‘tlltilit's lemme )zirlxed or sto ) )ed \"dl'\ runnin . kittit'Lin i on doors." he said it ion. but the law will be eulot'eed by the A, , a. l ‘ _ ll _ is is l ‘ . . R (‘ttlltl‘ttl‘l Shoes tor more than [we minutes at it time, “People want to see change. but they t‘ity s bylaw department. ‘ X ‘ t‘tty eount‘illnrs unanimously passed want it done in responsible. manageable The city will also lie startingan editor ‘ MN “~ \l‘t'll/llt‘t‘l/ \nkle Pain a motion on Monday night that asked steps." titin campaign to let etti'lens know about A, ' l’l‘ ‘ . l5 9.1. sum to look iitto treating silt-h a regular 'lhe bylaw will apply to both private the bylaw when it is linali/etl, â€"/ \ dill-ll 4“ ” " iron and public property, Its well its highways .>‘\ lull report is due bark to ('Ullllt ll by I ‘ , Hut [Jr-m / [lie terms ol the potential bylaw were Some vehicles. including police ears April 50, 200%. but Winner hopes it‘s built ' ”in“ \l‘t‘l‘lt'tl “A” laid out by t‘tlllllL‘ll, lite liiisie law would lire trucks, attihtilanees and Irtinsit iehi» sooner. i "‘ ' he that "no persoti shall muse or permit eles, will be exempt. “it depends on hon quit My \ldll tutti : BlllllUlls it vehit'le to Idle for more than live L‘Ullr l‘he bylaw will also only take ellet‘t in work on some til the questions .iiitl hon , I . . t . . seentiye minutes in attittmitiute ieriod.“ moderate tent )erzitures, accord”) i to the soon they can int toiiether an awareness lii- loemii/( )ut- loeinii lelnldrent A . l l . 3‘, . , - ,t l h 9‘ Ft (,(illllt Scott Winner brought lorth the parameters that Wilmer and t‘()lli\t’li laid campaign, he said. Nail l’rolilenis ‘ . , o o a o l W “we WA TE . Public institutions react to Denniilologie (‘onditions N n. . 7 HOMES THAT new ROOFING slowdown 1n the economy l)r\. l’issiu'etl Skin ~ i _‘ _ ‘ 7 homes In your area ”m,“ given the opportunity 0’ havmg BY (hut. MALDON‘MJ) week. said Martin Van Nit-mp. It Sports \ letltt'lne an INTERLOCK metal roofing system installed on their home _ , i Weill: "fl, , (fl \plmwpus‘m in, my “in“ Foot (Hour at a reasonable cost. This litetime product is capturing the wi‘hmig been ;i (may on UPC”, , . , . _ . interestolhomeownersacross meetiuntn/wtiowanttoknow he University of Waterloo, dittires until there is a dearer pie “lulit'llt' loot ( are A latlttetilion this will be the last time they will have to re-root their home one Ul the t‘lly's biggest titre of what's happening in the Seniors loot ("Ire & “we Our product is envrronmemally friendly and comes with a employers, hats implemented eeonomy," he said. ‘ ‘ ‘ transferable “(grime Limited Warranty mm an excellent a hiring freeze In response to the The move came in admon- til WWW)” ”WITH/[ml m ”A "I,” choice of colours to complement your home and is going laltvepng et'oitopiy. t , . , (lintario’l Inunee Minister “Wight . , t . m be introduced to your local market Your home can be a l .t it hoo , H tit hkt ‘m p oy s )uneans tiiililitliitiitt "it!“ tthanl‘It ‘ “””““‘ // “ ' """“’//’"””/’/”' W W m W “WWW and we iii" We “ m liL‘r’lCu‘t Illniil’ll‘lrEig’init‘fttl-‘Sf lifr‘t’t‘i‘fl‘ée‘rlln “ “m“ “ “’” " ”mam-“WWW Vow WNW " we can use your '0 'e‘ mm a" Angelo: tionary spending until at least April That defit it leaves any addition » \ 5‘ WM‘WM 1-883-595-0548 2009, a] university hurtling in question mwtjmjy'm'm the university‘s senior adminis and UW brass minted to make ' :1 M s‘m TOH‘FI'ee 24 hours 7 Days a week nation made the rim isioii last sure they didn't dig themselves iiito V 7 e , , e ‘ a hole. Van Nit-mp said i "it was a reaction to the gather ‘m'snmiig iiuii ti Techie Wrcmbvludlcom ing storm of the financial crisis in the world." he said “It was prudent B a to do this now" the spending freeze is not so much a declaration that no funds Will he spent but a “at to ”11th i sure that only eritiml needs are I met I E I domg well. but no one Could prettier I what has happened. lames Butler litpeittiiit e llllrtlllfi it” V\’lt"t‘l three till‘l take Control mamuumm “WWW“ “l M h ‘ tin t‘ [”t'Hllt’til of limit“ 4‘ {f t / I lll]l\t'r\ll\ titlllllliixllttlttitl mli _/ " .iiitliori/t' spending on \slitit tlie'i tlt'etii its 'iiiisston t rilit a)" tit-ins l‘lllpllt\'t‘t‘\ ill ‘sl‘l\l( l'\ ”It” til“ \t'l'll ‘ ' .Is Vildl to the silltlt‘llls‘ [liltflltlllls I ‘ , tittlit'stlitiril's \lltll‘ss The Audl /,;" , Down the rtititl tit \\Ilttitl ltlllll " I ' er lliiiu-rstty shill are nothing on quattrp Event 0’ :â€".-‘E§é&" V,’ l, ] t(tl\l|l\l.{t‘llt\ plans and tilllltlli; RULE WINTER A ' at” if“: 3.” ~ ,4 a l together options tor the new list .il ‘ . s , _ i , ' year ~ ”1 \n.‘ 7‘ “N ’ I i More the summer the st lititil OFFER f; [)8 mo R - fl N 0 BE 3‘ \r '1 - l has been tltiseli monitoring the 1 ”Imus - «A * i/ finnn Ml sitti.t or .tllani' flirt ' , l . - V / lt‘t titt‘ '.l” \H H‘ . _ ,v t [Ht sit ttit til liii.intt .tiitl , , V ' ‘ “I ‘ titllhllll'sltdltllll . U \ " llit' t't oiioiiii \\.ts Ilium; twill _ - . i‘ I but no one t ould pit-dirt Midi has - ' 7 M M- , 1’ happened," he sdltl ”A“ on BUY A NEW NOS OR 9009 AUDI AND \lnt e most til the liltl\‘(‘lstl\ s budget is set during the summer. LEASE FROM G ET A FREE SET ending in iii i~ «ii-iii laid out AS LOW AS OF WINTER TIRES Any stgnifitant moves Will room I on YHE AUOl cm: MAINTENANCE PACKAGE ’0' ”m “‘3'" “MR” Whit” W1” be set in May, ‘ “Minister thuncani was warn ‘ mg of some potential restraint in C R058 I www.crosbyaudl.com - me mm, lawmanâ€"ht, mm W y " A u a" ‘i have to he prepared for that" 1175 Will)?” Si. E. Kitchener ‘ 519894-9300 i‘ Butler and the staff will present >m~v¢~Mâ€"â€"--w-_:~I_fl~hl nuns-r innâ€"uncommon." tinâ€"r:Y-n‘:â€".~~â€"â€"tâ€"---â€"g-mns-;:‘~_b«nham..."-om-I-Q-Q budget OpllODS In the board of gov 13:21"... J:.Ti:L-:.E.T:m_ug :nni‘.';:UUI::-'-h:~;$_ :17... :; gWJ-LLL'mw'm' “7:: Pmom beginning in November I'“lfl't~~m_“-'-‘M‘- Alli-.IIâ€"u‘m t t _. . . y ’ ,,, A_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"_

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