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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 29 Oct 2008, p. 9

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m m WATERIDO cumulus - Wednesday. October 29 . 20m - 9 â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~ r “Hmâ€"7" “ 7‘ "“7"“; ~s__v.,,_._u_.__..‘,,. “‘7“ m 7 " W W i 7 I H "l l LEI llzllS 10 THE CHRONICLE l E d h l L___~_.__ __ ad“. t Read CFBG report and employers be ‘0!"‘d- very goo 0 e h f . . With the deep roots of local ll 15 now "P ‘0 the currently a e ore jumplng communitiesâ€"â€" demonstrated most elected local representatives to take nee S a auntln to conclusions recently by the impressive new "‘9 lead. 1 community centres in Wilmot and l A}? resident ofWuierloo Region. j Woolwich. and the city hall'in Cam» 10h“ Mugged 3 [made my way down the dimly lit hallway. a grey- ave apprecmuj the consultar bridge (albeitlacking drinking foun- K1“ "9’ haired woman suddenly appeared With a disturbed I, We and comprehensive approach talnsl f i cant foresee diminished Pal-king ticket has , )rpressmn on her face. like she had just seen somethlng of Citizens for Better Governance in IdehII‘IeS II some degree OI munrcr» h tl i l I i unrmagmably awful. exploring more emu“? approach» pal amalgamation were pursued. S Upper re g Lifting her head to see me as l neared my hotel room. she cg to local government. Rather. it would enhance levels of visiting uptown looked right at me and let out an angry. bone-chilling scream â€" See www.findingalwtterwayca WWI“. . . lhenlvanlshed before my eyes: . for a copy oftheir impressive final lrue to the barn-ralsmg ethos of n Oct. 14. l parked a. theWaterv its been almost five years Since that night at the Delta Bess» mpg“ (September 3003,. this community. it is remarkable 0100 Town Square parking for in borough Hotel in Saskatoon, and lcan’t help wondering if that Indeed V‘Va‘el'lno Region _ and and commendable that 20 local uptown Waterloo. woman is still roaming the third floor. looking lost and angry. its constituent municipalities .‘ lizaders. and 200 others from all Upon returning 10 my vehicle, a The words ofa bartender I met at the hotel still resonate: "Every remains relatively vibrant amidst eight IOCHI municipalities. have $30 ticket awaited me. ' 800d hotel needs a haunting” current economic uncertainties. offered selfless volunteer hours to Until then I had always consid- Sharing my unsettling experience with the banender. it wasâ€" (yenajnjy a high quality oflife is explore and propose a better way of ered Waterloo a warm and welcom- n't the first time he had heard such stories about the beautiful available for most of,“ residents. munlClpal government. ‘ _ ing community. and spooky Delta Bessborough. or, as locals say. “the Bess." l But why “35‘ 0“ those [2“ij Surely it is better for a munlupal~ Now l will be parking and shop~ Built during the Great Depression in the 19305. the lfl-storey, l [f the recent federal election ity to shape its own destiny than to ping elsewhere. 225-room Bavarian castle-like hotel is said to have several held any lesson for progressive voic- have. it imposed on them by the For the record I was away from ghosts living within its walls, according to Saskatchewan lore. 1 es. it is that a fragmented approach ("Oi/"16e the vehicle {or two hours and 23 The most popular story. the banender told me one night in yields less clout. I invite wary local citizens to minutes. the elegant main floor lounge. is that l Surely a more unified municipal read the repon before they jump to "‘5 something I think the readers ofarl older gentleman. usually seen ‘ ) voice and “Sign would enhance conclusions about the insights and would like to know. wearing a grey suit and a fedora. Hotel \ l \ l \ 5 l l.\ l l _ local sendces and liaison with motives of other local citizens who staff tends to see the figure walking \ l l j \ other levels of government. let have demonstrated "‘3‘ a hell“ (3. Kekanovlch about in the banquet hall in the late ‘ ‘ ‘ alone with prospective investors way for local government can Kitchener part of the evening. the bartender said. 3in5 Described as “harmless." with a a fig; [__â€"â€"â€"- “warm smile and a friendly wave." the .. ‘ ' man is oftenseen by the cleaning " l 0 0 ladies. l was told. The bartender said .. , rec om IS on e orlzon m . l looks out of place and time. like some 3. \ From where we are right now, we can see it, lust it will be fun to just be the two of us again in the one from “I? ”305- AS the banender ., over the horizon. house. What children don't know is that once they're looked pensrvely across the bar. he . l Freedom 1 say, freedom gone from the family home. all the wildness comes said. I oftenwonder why “95 here at ‘ l 'lllat would be. again. a chance to be empty out in we parents. it‘s just like being a kid again. in II“? 3955-} IhmI‘ he may be lonely and MARSHALL . nesters. 'lhe youngest of the girls is moving out again. some ways. after the parents go out and you get a few hes looking-for someone â€"‘ maybe a WARD 1 She's been back and forth a few times over the past precious hours when you can act whatever way you IadY frlend. ' ” “ r " " couple of years. first at school. then working out west want. Walking P351 II“? empty banquet hall on ll“? WY bankto my l on a couple of occasions. She's been back at home Once the kids are out. we no longer have to pre- room. I thought about the story of the man I" {he grey 5“" and 1 l full time ~ sort of ~ since January tend to be serious grown-up adults and fedora, and the “th9 woman I had 599" the night before. ’lhe problem with the large species of i: ” ' ‘ carry around the facade of parenibcity. S“3“”an 0“ “‘9 ClWfilOf’OH the third floor. I walked smftly l l female human bird. at least the lmes in l )1 l ( . l ( l l . 'lhe really good part is now that they down the hallway fumbling WIIh my room key, “I" SPOON" I’ll ‘ our nest. is it's not that easy to get them to ' ' y are gone we can move on to the serious the haunting sound ofthat womans 5093’“ 1 I leave jwrlnarlently I“ l U R K I husiiiessofcleaning. purging and ”I“? insrde my room. I bolted both INKS on the df’f" and ‘ llils process has eaten up much of the redecorating. settled I" II" Ih" "If?” falllng asleepsometlme an” mldnight l ‘ List eight wars \lll('(‘ the first one moved I t ' l think. in all honesty. we may have 'I’ the sound ”I3 rain and strong pralne vnnds. Stank-d by IOUd l 1 i not to go to i ollege and university. y given up a couple of years ago. With fur- thunder several hours later, I 3W0“ I“ a WW “PM room and . You t not say we didn't try As soon as nitllrc leaking and coming back along I’PCde my eyesto see a dark shadow move IlII'CIdY “"05“ ”W l " she left. he \llltl lllt‘ house we were in and l with other assorted stuff. and even the I “III"K " then disappear ”“0 Ih" bathroom: '_ K ‘ moved to a \lllltlll‘l’ one. After a couple of l ‘ v occasional stray animal. we just decid» Stanled, I “I “P I“ W and yelled. _Wh05 there! W“ “H?“ \t‘<ll’\ she “its hark .igaln, hflk‘flV,1llltl ‘ . ed to wait them out. I trembling andtny 93/05 Wide. l‘l’071‘n With fear. I l‘ouldni believe I. then after some more st holding off to l j for the last few weeks, we have been WhaI I was 599m?» as ”I? “"3"!!er blurred f3"? "I someone ‘ “‘anit”11",“l)|(.(,f)‘.dr‘ ‘ . . shipping items off to a variety of differ, peeked at me front behlnd the bathroom door. But \llt- llitllltl llrr way but k again, and I K ’ Ont places v clothes, furniture. knick Slowly the face came Intn‘focus as! rs,8“de n was u“. i left, m. mm}. for good. more than a year l knacks, you name it. mimgn from the hallway. this time looking more frightened A Ago We were always retty good with the 3 “KW . j j _ I the second one left two years ago, and ‘ BRIAN girls doing whatevefthey wanted with ()PthI‘g and CIOS'I‘E my eyes I“ dISI’QIIEI- I‘had hoped 9h? \ \Illt‘t' she‘s a primary character in our . BOURKE their mm rooms. At least I was OK with WI’III‘I disappear, as She dld so suddenly III" night before. 50m“ own "wedding of the century" next year. , . ., A. .. , 7. . . it â€"â€" my Wife tended to get upset. “W ”1“de the courage to stand Up besrde my bed and CO"- l m. assume she's not coming back. My solution was simple. I'd just close front her. I tlmldly asked her who she was and what she want Although she does drop in often. especially around the door. There wasn't much reason for me to be in “I l dinnertime, there and it wasn't a fight l panicularly wanted to get IIIOUKII She made an effort to speak. h” words “’9'? muf‘ 1 It‘s “m that rm pushing them out the (100, (he into. fled and distant. Unable to understand her. I told her that i had said quietly as he planted his for)! squarely on their Now. though, we can cover the bright blue paint heard stones about the hotel. and III" mYSIEI'IOII’I gentleman m i 1 behindsi. i am. in fact. quite fond of many of my chit in the one room and eliminate the fish decor. (Why the W 5“" and fedora Who spends his evenings I" the ban- dren. 'lhey are interesting, entertaining and a great she had fish decor is still somewhat of a mystery. quet room. I “1835“” he may be IO'WIY and “’0“th I” a l l deal of fun. liven more. I find. when they don't live Some questions are better left unaskedl. friend. _ y y with me all the time. m not sure whal the new decor will look like. And Hearing those words an uncanny calm came over her face 1 . like many medicines, they are quite good in small it's really not an issue. In addition to my wife having as she 5”pr back from behind the I100“ then disappeared ‘ 1 doses. very good taste. she has also trained me over the ""0 the dame“ OI the bathroom. l Altogether. we have enjoyed maybe eight months years to mignin that my opinion doesn't matter. I never saw the woman 383'” And whether that troubled I, l ufempty nest time over those years. One or two or And, even at my advanced age. I have enough good “I 8"" '9“ the ‘I‘IId “of" ofthe Delta Bessbomugh ‘9 find 1 three of them were home for a while. then gone. then sense to mognlu‘ when I am better off just nodding peace and companionship Whh the man m the WW 5"“ and l l. home again My wife. not surprisingly. occasionally my head, fedora. l H "9Y9? know. I l gets all weepy about the coming event. ‘lhat is the kind of magic that has kept up together ‘ But one thing’s for sure ”‘ every N hotel needs a haunt l I I try to be understanding. hilt really it's not as if for 29 years. Modding is a very useful tool. mg, 1 1 this is the first time. We've had plenty of practice say- .0. 1 . m . Brian Bourke. a membero the "15.3 mm. FM . . T" . i l gimmo miss someone when they won't go momingcrm can he nizchad hyemail a! Marshall WM ’5 a ”51“” “"15”", MW?" 1“le j y away mumjflmm‘ com Email Ls whim at ”Marshall, wardfihormall mm . . , 7 _ â€"___â€"__._______â€"â€"â€"____â€"l

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