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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 8 Oct 2008, p. 7

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Wfl_wv , , WAii moo cmmNIuiE . Wednesday. October at 2008 - 7 Emotions run high after delegates denied I Continued from page! gates weren't given a t hanee to speak he said, "A lot of people waited lit-re tor alter the ilet'isioii was made nothing. l don't think we did as good of a ‘ l h. 7 She then took on Mayor Brenda llallorati ioh as we could,” - 69 in art emotional lat‘ertorlaee ('tltiltltnlil' Before the meeting was resumed. \ 90W tion. “This is onejob that Mayor Brenda llalloran defended C(HtH' "mug 9.10me I lanteigne eritiei/ed the mayor tor tail- ‘ , . i‘il‘s tlL’L‘lsItin. a u I in}: to do anything about Clair lake and (1095" t (07718 u'lrh (l " l'here was a motion to deter there . for other camp iign promises that "Ill’lllal NET! til"? was no disiussion " she said adding "I . . v . V t i . ‘ lanteigneclainiedHalloraiihroke. , . . ., wasnttheehair. ’ "lull‘l\ ""1“ 1 LR] 0“)l‘\‘ '3 I llalloran was qult‘kl} whisked away by I“? [I get It ”gill. later in the evening, llalloriin said she I" S'I‘I‘I‘Ii“ h“ I chief hnaiieial officer Bob Mann while <MarkWhaley agreed With eouiiflillors who thought the ' mm“ 3' I lanteigne toiitintied to speak to media WNW“)muTmmlum tirottss wasflawe : H 9 “mp: WW I . I and others iii chambers. lts regrettable it happened this way, , imam 81v i :7 I Other registered delegates had less ol she said. “There seemed to he a lot of Get will,“ [but _ I ’ I t a problem with being told to come buek. "I don‘t know." she said "I don‘t knou t'oriliision about what happened." 5 COR 3 . l “l'll come hack in two weeks," said tor sure it it was a courtesy that was done (joint. Mark \fltaley ended the discus- (Eel wrist rest I _ I ‘ Beeehwood resident (larl Kaufman. thetorei " siott by otTenng up a few words ofcondd Lanneit N” . e a __.y I . . . _ . _ , though he was perturbed that he had to ( ount‘tl has tlte power to deride lt‘tlt'i’ to councillors stinging from the €353“? 5 ‘) I" ' ., h I sit through two hours of diseiission and whether delegates should not he heard. criticism. 3 l“ “S ~ . " I nodeeision was tt'lit‘ltt‘ll (nun lan d'Aills' questioned t'oiiiitil‘s " this is one job that doesn‘t tome I _______________________ I "ll was his! a iiasieot time" move. With a manual, We have to learn on the “Inn“ I Belore the toutieil meeting was ”l think the tleterral Could have heen ioh," he said, '4 * € - l", ‘0‘ resumed (’llderlt'lll was asked win deli" held alter we heard all the delegations," "Next tune we‘ll get it right.” - 3 ‘ " A ‘ I ' ' S'Tli‘l' l’\\' “‘1‘ O O o . . . ~ _ t h . i i A I ( 3 Community Will have say in Clair Lake deCISion . -7 , mm s 1 Jo: ‘ . Carbon steel Q A (tension on the liittire oi (lair lake meeting. some With plat'ards reading assessment etpires In three years and ________.________~_.â€" I will he made in two weeks time t‘ll)‘ route "saw the duck pond" and “lust dredge it" undertaking another reassessment . u , , , I ('ll det‘tded Monday \\ith the tainiliar Nike s\\(msli dranii Dixon suggested that eotittt‘il instead I FISKARS I: I“) I‘l“ I Amidst a hit oi t‘h.ios. Beechwood l’t‘st' underneath lust (litCCt stali to work on a proposal to I “"VI‘TF R I dents learned that the) would have a say ( ()llti(‘llltlts “ere told that their hands keep the lakeonline, ‘- l ‘ in the late oi the t'oitimiiniti‘ gathering were tied lM't‘dlht' they'd already suhmit ( oun, Diane Freeman put torth the Extra blade I place ted .i plan to take the lake oltline to the deferral motion alter asking Dixon ll one included I lhe lake. \\ll]( h sits in the heart of the punitive ol the two options was Chosen .. / S t 1,! I Heet‘hwood Community, is led h_\‘ it (reek. ln order to reierse that dei ision. the ‘We‘re “thing to tooperate hut we still ‘ 7/ l )' J I llie Ministrv of l ni'ironrnettt has (lit. Wlll have to undergo new tei'hnital haw questions." the Heei‘hwood resident I C I approved a plan that the lake he taken reports to prme that keeping the lake said 666 V. . S N K. ' F I ollline and the ireek to firm through the onlirie is the nng tall ein'in)nrnt'rttalli‘ Dixon said he was amenable to a two lClOlla l' '- lt‘ 9.9 1°")? ‘3” , area Without runningihroiigli the lake I try stiitt ret'ommended proieeding week deferral in \\'liii‘h the t‘oinmiinity I l“""'l""l“"'5w°ll*‘5 :orr‘ “l “H )" ”l” I Neighhours ol the lake are norm-d With the plan to take the lake ollline. but and stafit'oultl i‘oine together to work on III...“ about losing a \tldl part of their ttt'lglt' would also like to file an appeal to the riioi'ingfonvard hourhood and heliew the offline lake ministry ('lldllfit‘ thedet ision ( oiint‘il voted it" to defer the motion. ” WWW would quiele de\ol\e into a swamp. said In the meantime. the\ want to set up a Willi ( otiris lan \lt I earn Jan tl"\il|i‘ and I Brian Dixon, leader (ll a gi‘oiipopposed to toiiiiniiniiy task lorte to deal Willi the kitten settin opposed. . ' r, ' ‘ ’ k? Whaling. the ministryapproved plan issue a“ ' Beethwooil residents \oiini; and old ( oun Mott Winner suggested inst ' WATWE tame out in dimes to Moniltws t Inittt il waitinguntil the tittfillttt’lKt‘l\\lr(|l\llit‘tlli|l I . . I ' . We are 61,000 strong and we lave III/lut’ltct’. " *fl_a:i“f,.i“" \ GRAND BY DESIGN I a: , Q, . i . \ Tour Series ‘ , A ., Q You are invited to ‘0‘" . l::::2:~df::ll::;:.x R l( til-RU l: a nonpartisan organization Waterloo Region‘s downtown areas and g" a ”‘8 I "W‘s" WW and does not support politital parties not ' l, F“ v > , I ‘\ fresh perspective on how growth management I '~7=:;:;‘;«‘ endorse spatiht tandidatts prineiplcs and practices can help shape our ‘ .3 . i . _ - , ‘ 1 community. 1). l{l(l l l“) l‘t'llt'\t,‘s ll1t' lttlltt\\ttig itl‘t‘ stilttt' ill ll'tt‘ :1 'l‘hcflrand by lksign'lbur Scricsisnrganiwmlamund the I most \ttiil issues tating seniors int .iiiiiiliim \é goals of the Regional Growth Management Strategy (ROMS). i . ~ - - . _ ~ ~ , , i . , . . . t . , . V e t, «I The first tours In the «ma “1lllllu'ilratt the R(.MS goal of l HI: ltN\ IRON hth l HltAlil H (,A RP. \\ Building Vibrant Urban Places. H . ' _ . ~ 3 . ' _ \ll lllttt 'i wls All eon-root: tit iivritiriiie \utmnul I'hllt"ltlll'llllllll\ \IIiiIi'ei M lhrcr: indiVidual guided HIRE walking tours Will he offered. ‘ in pti‘ler pitititiiiiiti'inetits token protti Hlll‘l RH . . . . . . . . tiiioiiriipts thi gustrnnnnt ‘ rm" "f ‘h'ne‘ 0“ ”‘2 followmg dale“ l\t‘\ mil ‘Itltl‘ltlt' llt"l‘ls to mimediite ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ' ‘ l“ ‘ to mow ipiiiklv to lllll itnplenteritation y : Uptm W00 - Monday, 0aoberlO,.2008 - 5:” to 7 PJII. is tum lt ll ) l Rt) we“ powriinients to “I the print 'l‘l” established in A 3”.” § Downtown Kitchener WM M22. 2000 930m7 Pill. ‘lllllmrl il ll'llllm'll ”but?“ l” Mllllll“ ttsk ltlt e «it the inlet ll “Ml l'roiint i ll â€" , - . . t . i i \€ 00'3”“ CIMIIHGE (all City can?!) ‘ “M. W 13, I” ll?" 2:;1“‘:”“‘;::'rl|t1::it1‘:li.l‘tt"l\ gi‘tgllrgxl‘“ ministers til health on hiding. t .\‘J\|[Ul‘ll 1 ' -‘ ll “A m w a l or m ll c“ it din r invent w cstihlishin ' a Vational l ‘\ 5:30 B 7 M on raise energy ethi tent \. mandate tleari Dru l; mm” :3 m ‘1 at n flint V m n l I i . . i i . '. ll I i \. ' Vt To up: up for one or more oft/1t Hui/ding Vibrant Urban Plate: .m_ prott‘tt water resoiirii‘s. and lntplt‘ g l“ l" ‘ developing strategies to obtain the lvest l tours. plant routart: merit sll\ldln.lh'(‘ ilexelopment prop-its l m pntcs toy drugs and mu mes. and an el 1 V ‘ ' crating an i‘ss to non patented drugs I \ ‘ t _ n . . \ Shannon McBride N1UNI( ’1 pAI’ (.uurunli'nl Wail 11mm l k : t, i l V, . l I ‘ & Region ulWaterlon 1N} R’A‘SI RL(’ I L R} thlt‘l'Rtl tenmins “interned about I 897575 4757 ext 3l87 . t ‘ s4 .‘ . th iil'Rt) lV€l|(‘\’[‘\ that .m .lgxn‘ssn‘c the iiintiniiing distrt‘pants‘ atross the A mshannonid‘reoion waterton on ca \: J‘lprllath l” duCVldll‘ nlllnlklpdl (“Chills utuntr‘v lN‘lK'l‘Cn “All lln‘ll‘ tll‘llnlllttnK RD ,_ would he to intrcase targeted hind resulting in ii toritiising assesfintct‘tt of a Q‘\ " mg from huth levels «at government. in «linens treatment from one provintc oi . \ mam-Mm V t ouperatmn With mttntglpallllf“ t'anada to the nut . I i . yl-\ (3‘ t 3,, » .; m if, , , ,‘433 .. ,_ , .. m... r ' .~ “ . ‘ ' ". ,~ ‘ , ., we,» .fi, - I» . mt-“ is.-â€" m, .. I"!!! ,. .2.» $932913?“ .p., 5* m at - ., , i. .9 4.31,”? ~* 42$ to . 1/ . a, I ‘3 “,1, __t- ' > 1,3,4: ,3". *wi;-“;1-_\ ,1“, 1;. 3.3 ,2 3 ; 3.3“. {'51:- "wa .3/ W . t ”v. $»»..~4‘f2*'.‘ as: ' “" {:1 ’ .v. ‘ *- 4 if ’i 5"“, a? . fiat»,- X" 7“ s - ‘ : 3N)“ 1‘ ; i “a?” ~ “‘“Wfi?” wwa «r i , Wy. ' 11:.3‘1-7fbe = at» ‘-. aw a?" 2f: J» ’4 1- we. . . ‘it'igi.i..i . . ‘it‘li iii“ GRANDHtDESIGN .. ..« ‘ . in ~‘ i‘ MWCW it Ml .ii‘.:.it1‘\.ttil' , 7

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