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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 17 Sep 2008, p. 7

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W _____________â€"_7 7 7 7 WAl'lâ€"Kl.ll(l (IHRONlcui - Wednesday, September lT. 2008 0 7 l Cityconsidering following region ”WW“ - ttl l t l tf .1. I. ¢X€¢L ours - Br G El; MacDouw major Ontario municipality to enforce a message to consumers about drinking See "'9 “I“ “5‘ 01mm on 01" web 5‘19 lira/title Stu/f ban. healthy beverages." Challinor said. Now Waterloo might get in on the Nestle has opposed the region's ban 2008 UPCOMlNG DAY TOURS e City Waterloo might be the action. said Mayor Brenda llalloran, and spoke out against it at last week‘s - next loc l government to pint who also sits on regional council. She council meeting. Wed, Oct. 1 . . . . . FALL LUNCH CRUISE - BRACEBRlDGE - 5106 restricti ns on the sale of water was vocal in her support of the region's Nestle does not sell any bottles in the _ _ bottles. ban, but said the city has to be more regional facilities. but Challinor said the Mon. 0ct6 ' ‘ ' ' ‘ ' BARB“ STREISAND TRIBUTE MISS $96 Last wee regional councillors careful because it has more facilities. company is fighting the ban “on princi- 5i"- NOV- 3 - « . - , ~ - JERSEY BOYS 3' LUNCH ‘ TORONTO ‘ $154 banned the 5 le of bottled water at in lune. city councillors asked staff pie." m Nov. 14 _ ROYAL AGR. wmngg mg a, HORSE SHOW . $30 regional facilit‘i : and will now focus on to bring back a report detailing the “Banning water bottles is not going _ _ marketing the egion's tapâ€"water sys- steps to be taken to institute similar to reduce the number of plastic hordes Sat. NW 22 ' ' SEASONS CHRISTMAS SHOW TORONTO $79 ‘ rem. restrictions to what the region put in going to landfill." Challinor said, adding “195- 080- 2 FAMOUS PEOPLE PLAYERS - WRAPPN' IT UP ' $95 Coon. lane Milchell brought a notice place. that since consumers will switch to pop Wed. Dec. 3 , . . . y g . _THE SOUND OF MUSIC . TORONTO . 3117 of motion in the“ summer and the “We want to make sure we study or other beverages, those bottles will : restrictions passed Unanimously. every aspect. It will be a very fulsome still be thrown out. Thurs, Dec. 4 GERITOL FOLUES CHR'STMAS ' HAMlLTON ' 594 r "The Region of Waterloo sells tap report," Halloran said. The ban wasn't only about environ- F". DOC. 5 , . - . . WALTERS FAMllY CHRISTMAS ~ BRANTFORU ' $90 Patenhthatg wits: \vtildriiiltv‘lrlchelldsaid. I _ That mean:j makiggtsliilrje water fourr:~ menttzlt‘l concerns; but abattt making films, Dec. 11 . , . . ‘ , ‘ _ g _ DIRTY DANCING _ TORONTO . 3100 'e 5 cu n . so mg I'IV' pro ucts aims are in or er an c i ren in spo 5 sure e regions aps are e primary in our facilities." will still have access to clean water. the source of water. said Coun. Sean Strick- 88" Dec. ‘3 LIVING SINGING CHRISTMAS TREE ' BUFFALO ' $85 The region's policy removes the sale mayor added. land. of bottled water from vending While water bottle bans are hecom- “We have great. clean. affordable 2008 MULT‘ DAY TOURS machines and other food facilities in ing more common in Ontario. studies water with a good quality water sys- regional buildings. show that if bottled water is restricted, tem." said Strickland. who amended the Sept ”'26 - - - ' ‘ - * ' - - AGAWA CANYON FALL COLOUR ' 5839 Staff and the public are still allowed then consumers will just switch to ban to add a public education cam» Sept 3000! 2 . . . . , . . . . .AMISH ACRES & FAIR OAKS - $439 to bring their ovm bottled water to the another bottled product. said John paign that would promote tap water. _ ' T â€" facilities. (ihallinor. director of corporate affairs While he voted in favour of the bark October 2 3 ' ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ' ' ' ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ' 0RlLLIA CRUISE AND 5 AV 5289 Mitchell decided to bring the motion for Nestle water. Strickland thinks it's time for the region October 8‘12 - . - » . - , . . - . - . FALL IN NEW YORK ”TY ' 5739 forward after the public school board Taking away the healthy option in to move on. Oct 24-Nov 16 , . _ , . . , , , . EXPERlENCE CALlFORNlA â€" $3.698 banned water bottles in their schools the vending machine will leave con~ “My perspective is that there are Nov 14-16 g . , _ BIRCH RUN, FRANKENMUTH SHOPPING . $349 earlier this year. l thought the school sumers With only sugary )Uices and more pressmg public policy issues to board did a very good thing.” she said. sodas to choose from, he said. deal with,” he said. “But this was still 3 NOV ”'28 ~ ~ - . - ~ - . - BRANSON CHR'STMAS SPEC'AL ' 31-299 The City of London was the last “The region is sending the wrong good step." Nov 2429 y . . . , y _ NASHVILLE COUNTRY CHRlSTMAS - $1.259 . . . . . Nov 27-30 . . , . . LANCASTER, MIRACLE OF CHRISTMAS ~ $647 Pohce ask public to report illegal drug activ1ty .....m........................m..................... W The Waterloo Regional Police Ser- lowing tips to help identify illegal drug conceal activities. ‘ Eflectweimmediately, vice is committed to a multi-faceted activity relating to marijuana opera- - Electric meters Show signs oftam- ffi,’:;:$gg%"§2’gg::gg’ncgg gianvgmcgggggfig approach to preventing, reducing and tions: pering. ' ' resolving the impact of illegal drugs . Residents only attend homes . Growing marijuana produces a For more information or to receive our tour booklet contact: and dnig activity in our local commu- occasionally for short periods. strong skunk-like odour that may be nity. - Exterior appearance of the proper- detected outside. Exc E L To U R S "Our community has identified illeâ€" ty is untidy. For additional information includ- gal drugs as a priority. and, as such, our - Trash bags containing used soil ing potential dangers associated with 70 MI“ Place.WATERLOO, 0" "2" ‘27 service continues to invest enhanced and plant material. marihuana grow operations. please Phone: 519-747-1626 police resources intoinvestigating ‘ 0 Windows are covered to prevent visit the regional police service's web» www.cxoeltours.ca mmmm incidents involving illicn drugs and light from entering the home and to Slle at www.wrps.on.ca, . related activities." said Chief Man “ ,‘lifig‘fiJ '3' 4i “keg?"vzffiw a; j, jam-t? "it: Torigian. ‘ I...“ “;"k“'"51%%§3:4 4:: «if #81:;‘4-3. tion with our ‘ :Q‘.T.¢;._‘fz{§.§§z,5”;5 figfiig “tiff? .45 ' ' ongomg enforce- f ‘39" We" ' is? a efig’i‘fwiiz‘w Ker-Mia . .. ' ment efforts. we .. *1) a w. c 5‘ willalso remain ,3 J :3?“ 3“ TEST DRIVE EVENT steadfast in our y. fi”~.“‘”t w . :5 '_ .. dedication to . ‘ z“ "I“. a: $2: 4.x?) ‘3 felli’i'f‘i .- Working with our ‘4’”‘93’ , ““gmfizg’i‘t'“ 2’7": ' ' partners [(1 '1- .w 3’: . A gai’...‘“w:.r , ,r .1 , encourage healthy .~ ; . 3: kg. is»? ”1131.; g ‘ 2.4 .. g .. and productive “ _. a {A Wegiz‘f _~. . lift-styles among ‘ i; 3E“ ‘ i’?‘":‘;“~‘ ‘ r f . " ’ " the members of if. ‘% <3“, 4.; I 4 E ' .. g, our community " i, ’ Mr.» N 1 ~.‘-"» ’ . . «newer»... ms. - . ,. wllh a special ,, a“. A}: v... . , emphasis on our ”1%,. l a?“ ‘ 3... .4. .. M, . most valuable ’ {Ava-33"; 51-. ‘;‘1“ " " 3,123?“ . asset. children . “ta; »; 13;}? ‘* ’ .' i and youth.” ‘ but“ , I ». g T, Via“: a! .. i Ongoing invesr ' 4 " 5 ”11%”? :4 "‘ it; '1 » ' . . , 1 W m » » as: 3 Mercedesâ€"Benz illegal drug trade. , . K Wrflhséfl j ' along with assisr * ‘s 91‘: §, ”:\33%g*<y~ , g: tance from the _ ‘ ‘ ’ “fl ‘4 4;, ”7"” ""5 W‘ i ' V .. , z. ~;4 . t. v‘ . ‘ . ‘ community, have “ _ 1 éflffiil i 1" > » ’ " led to irlcntifir'a ’ 1. ‘ ' I ”a . _{‘3l’ ,__â€"â€"_', , lion and dismanr \‘ 4 ‘ I, d.” ' 7 ’~ \ 1' " ‘ i iling of a number -' \ . ; __ . . , - l of large marijuana ‘ ‘ ' - ' . ~ w . . grow operations ,-; ‘ .‘ ___,._.;_: _’ .ix " 3 '____fl ‘ ' . . in recent days. \ _ .. . 1:: ’- ~(} ‘_ ‘fâ€" t ’1' ' 1 Several “)le)th ' ' _ H“ o ' ' . ._â€" x . ‘ rials have been : h g _ f . a . ‘ """ V, 1 arrested and the ‘ , a - fl “ _,_. incidents remain . _ _; 3...... g ; V. ..- . -, u,- - llll(l('r investiga ,_ .~ x g V_ ,. “‘4‘. .43- ? 11;,” ' ”out; 2‘ . 4. “("1- ~ -» W“ ; , i r *" 3' . . “a”: 3" l‘ :33? in“ X 3*. :' {him 1:35?“ 4 '~ " ‘7 :.".“':‘”U " .» “7‘. :‘ '9 Police continue W 1, v”; ‘ . « “a. ,1, algégyi‘kv: » 3 . g 3 vajr’gfi'jf'f 7‘14 3 ”71” if: ‘ ' ” K .' “5 2,..." ,v~ _ . 143‘ m appeal to the a»? 2: : w: . are ' “W I * " ‘:- , ‘ «a? i public to report . 1“?»‘2’3; 7g““’f*:‘p ‘ ~f'*‘f‘;{M3&;' in; .. .. . it, ‘ ‘ . ' x .3. ‘A .~» 5 ’. %*§&?f:jtg’f i‘ any suspicious new w ~ w :51 ex: . t ~. t. , ~ as}; activity in their {Eg‘wx “g" 'fi‘i£§"fl‘5fl: ‘7‘”. . £352.; ‘ l neighbourhood ‘" vc . c;b.¢:{d I l. .. y A : a“ ”0.5” M . may. WW I c . f 1' A 1’ C ‘ l V and we, W M. ugh-«2.:muggy-aw”gggfivmafiwfimagmawrwflnxm: awmmmuz:mmrmmwm . ., 7

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