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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 17 Sep 2008, p. 25

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, 7 , . l . 1 . i war Hill)“ CHRONICLE . Wednesday, September 17. 2008 . 25 MUTE WWW mu giftâ€"fl. , h Ob I O h , O . New ex l It examines 0w ornaments change a structure 8 meaning 1 By lemma 0mm»; 3 9 m a t.’hromt‘le smfl ,' ,. » ‘ i a t 3 i ‘ I“ . “ i , s . .. eople find their inspiration in many ‘« fi ' 7 t fl :; g I Pplaces, ’ ‘ ' ' ' ft .~ , ' 9“ . ‘- . fi _ For Lynda! Osborne. it was in her mother. ' ‘ ' ,, g a horticulturalist. and the thousands of teeth 5 _ . '9 . she unearthed in her garden and gave to her '1 ._ 1‘ ' , young daughter to play with, ° ‘ v As it turns otrt. a dentist had lived in their 7 home at the turn of the 20th century. and . ‘ \ â€"-â€" _ _ . ‘1 the family assumes they were teeth he had L‘.\ | ‘ 1-» . , extracted from patients. 5“: i7§r ‘-\‘I 7: She‘s incorporated the teeth » in the . .. form of corncobs covered with tissue paper 9. “I; ‘\\\: ”a ‘ and painted the colour of decayed enamel ' ‘~ _ - â€" into one of the installations that will -. . g ‘ ’ appear in the Canadian (lay and (ilass ' ‘ 4’ 4 '1 _. Gallery‘s new exhibition. Ornament, which " 9” km J ~ begins on Sept, 21. ‘ -‘ ‘ “ L- This collection reflects upon the concept QM "‘ ‘.’~\_\5\ T V .4. ofornamentasa part oflife. Generally, orna- _. . ? _ ‘ '1: / x K s» j. “‘-§ ‘ . \‘fi . ments are thought of as accessories that are '2‘ - i" ’ E I“ 3", ‘3‘ 9" (Q ‘1‘“*‘ meant to be decorative. a . if ‘ . 7 ‘ ~ .. ‘x ‘ '\ a . , . . -. , iv an . ‘ i . “ ‘ ‘7 . But its actually a very tomplex word N: v. - _ ‘ ‘ 3“ ~ ‘ ’4.“ when you think about it," said gallery (may ‘p f ;: ‘ ' TEEâ€"v “"3 1’" ‘ ‘ tor Virginia liichhorn. “lt relates to the ‘ I ‘ ' human psyche. . ' ‘ “it has been used to connote different 'i_ g -. w r . " 1- symbolic meanings. and it is something that a? M ‘ {at 1* ' - y ‘3" is actually really fully integrated within otrr ‘ l- ' "2‘ _» ' " . a 5“ ‘- l'fe‘o f . ‘ _ , h ) ‘ Artist Lyndal Osborne's installation Archipelago is part of the Canadian Clay and Glass Gallery’s new exhibition, Ornament, which gets under» rnament. “I "Nam“ Cd" L ”can ”1 way on Sept. 21 at 1 pm. with a panel discussion. The show’s opening is at 2 pm. For information, go to www.canadianclayandglass.ca. architecture and clothing, Wm Comm, Q, “A“ “er “Whereas clothing .. or shelter is a " necessity. ornament is something we do that looks at the genetic modification of seeds. Osborne said. the safety of her bed. we respond to in a more metaphysical or glimpsing inside them at the individual cells. Three other exhibits with join Osborne's “There's that whole thought of here you spiritual way.” Eichhom said, “So this is a series of cells â€"â€" 16 cells and ()rnamenta, which will be on display until have obiects of comfort but you also have “It's something that's done to nourish the very very enlarged." she said “In fact, they're Nov. 16. The other collections will remain this sense of disturbance as well,” Eichhorn soul. to beautify." gigantic." until Ian. 25. said. A longtime artist. Osborne's first installar To create this work she's used such Christine Davis" work. called lens. uses a Finally. Reflect. byTanya Lyons, uses glass tion, called Garden. reflects her love of gar- ephemeral materials as dried sunflower clear blown-glass dressmaker's ludy that is and natural objects. such as fauna. shells dening. stalks and grapefruit skins. stripped down to the bare essentials. and flowers. to reflect moments and memo- ‘ For this work she’s not only derived inspr» . “It's probably about 20 years of eating a "What she's talking about is the whole ries. ration from her mother, but also from her grapefruit a day. saving the skin. drying it aspect of how we perceive ourselves." Eich- “She kind of brings them together in a garden in Edmonton and her sister's small out, and a lot of the show is made out of horn said. way to metaphorically evoke emotion." urban garden in Australia. those dried grapefruit skins.” she said. it reflects the realiIation that underneath Eichhorn said. adding Lyons also uses cloth- “In the summer it gets very hot. so she Glass beads. silicone rubber and Bunsen clothes. jewelry and hair are a person's ing in her piece. hangs this big sheet over the garden to pro burners are just a few of the other materials essence. “This particular grouping of work is tect it from the sun so it doesn't dry out each in this work. “It also discusses the fact that you go about reflecting upon the passage of one's day," Osborne said. "So my garden has a big “My intention is to make the viewer feel from this basic beginning â€"â€" the human life. and where she's gone throughout her life screen hanging over it." like they can walk around, engage with the form â€"â€" and how you adorn it can create all to get to the point where, she is now.” Everything in this garden is upside-down. cells. bend down and look at them more difierent kinds ofmeanings,” Eichhorn said. Eichhorn hopes gallery~goers will leave creatinga wormseye new, closely to see some of the things that are in Michele Lapointe's Comes the show with an awareness that the oma/ Around the garden are small shrubs, each one ofthe cells.” she said. Mums/Silenced Tales has a darker connota~ ments that adorn a basic-structure can symboliying the trees it takes to make a Generally people find her collections tion. revolving around Lewis Carroll's fasci- change its meaningand context completely. windbreak, and a balfcornpleted wall that beautiful. though she hopes they also think nation with the little girl in Alice in Wonder- “That really is what art can do.” she said. reflects people‘s many unfinished gardening about what they mean. land. “lfyou took away all the art in the world. you I proiects. There's also a bench on which visi- “Sometimes there's a kind of dark side to The artist uses images of antique dolls, as would lose so much. tors can sit and enioy the garden. it. and I hope the beauty sucks people in to well as pillows, to suggest that it's a little “We would have basically nothing but Her second installation. Archipelago. think about some of the issues I'm raising." girl's doll that she confides in when she's in bleak. dmlate ugliness." l - “War-15mm? l » YKITCHENER . WATERLOO is m I «W m I at ‘ : 2;“ a. ' 3‘1 ‘: 1 '1 ‘ m Saturday. October 4““.2008 I: " ’.-, . .» . ”in“. s 7 , 2- w \ a. -.,=. \e ._, ...,, ‘ Featuring: ‘ canning: , canning: V . , Tom (:ochrane °Traditional German Bug-(0n Cummlngs 3 ; . ~ 1 ' " ». and Red Rider 21"“ PM"?5 d & Band . 5 ’ ‘ . ‘ , 0 ran; vania Brass Ban . ’ I“, o Lifi ,3 a ”‘15,“, y 'Amflfl Woman . _ , °Black Forest Band OBI; League 'No Sugar Tonight , . . , V ] um a} to at , ’ four (treat Bands. One Ticket. 550......“ .1 If ,2 . _"_». ‘ in -,.'-',\-"{ L i ‘ . ' .s . a 3" :g- . g .‘ . a : . ‘ 5 A _ . ; ' ‘ f ' r” . "z I U I ‘ » . " ’. it t We we ,: 7 t f _ For tickets .81 into. , visit www.0ktoberfest.ca , 1 , » .. . '1-o--¢.lvl'..'v.'0"d"'t out-ro-IOUIOOIID- -»'

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