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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 10 Sep 2008, p. 36

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â€".â€"â€"._â€"_â€"â€"â€"___â€"â€"â€"â€"__â€"i . q 36 - WAl UNIX) CHRONICLE ‘ Wednesday. September It), :00” â€"â€".... A ?â€" W ll Coming Events I. _ x - Real Estate '9‘ ‘:~ \ 2m /;.. If: M m w ‘ at? JUST 3" "" muffin?” so: ’ Family m Home Serwces Real Estate Eiwgéé'g" Notices . . V, .V , 1950 ‘ - MWWW‘ Public Notices I ‘ a!” M55: ' . m Repair/ _â€" V i, , it , _ .3 ,- 23:; . gram: haunts; â€"- M Installation ‘7‘” /l â€"â€"be . ,, 'g are: ‘ u come ‘ â€"â€" “m Ms“ Y L _ . . v‘ 5 ',~ a». “5.5% ‘ MOVED? WWI WWI Ir .~‘ r. .- , :. 59w” _ AreYou New Our “mm“ “in: ”Deflation when mâ€" I " \ WHEN *2 4,; . " 3 M ' :éz‘; 7g?“ of) To the 30d Information switches sockets. mes - ‘ ~ ' . . «and g 33' ' 'x:'?_’~,- '5 4,53%“. 7; . . “may“, Whatever is «magnate re _ : '1’ ‘ .- a!» ... . -‘4.th.;‘ ‘ Community YourNewt‘om can them all at hm ; nu! ;. a" . I; you enter the m L, '. . V - H '. A for Lm. ill Hespetev tates with a c I X ' or 3‘4"}? mum“. RdVl'Hwypzd Lamb (Maude :ecordvzuaévfir clears ya _ , l . â€" V or en new. 3 ‘ ; Bab” 137745758463 i‘if’éa i???” 2?? m 3%?ng Rentals {reg-,0“. a ‘ Key s. , l m,» I'm-deunâ€"qovuu 109.83! 1mm .24 R Zgjfggr‘ufia‘fi'a 18669;;2m7366 ’v‘ R . ‘ _____ ant c . aun awn emu” our e a. 1 “:sz ,» . I __ _ 1665 mEatgmng“ tsaggeom cation 1' V, ‘5 1;? . . : 2: . I (,mHmm‘Gms seam 5l95008g7 Private â€"â€"â€"-â€" . , 3M? “ . . l andlnformauon t Myou ornaments l“ .‘ V" H": l a ‘ 'V Via: T331511. 1.1;: . anqueyto â€"â€"â€"â€"‘-â€" W V . *‘fi‘ .I,‘ : 4 ; WM. -3: M. "w . n I i “mm-0... learn today? ”mm â€"â€" flâ€" , 9 3" 4% , 3,333 3M“ } mumty m "15 WW Large 1 i ' willie , ' a ’ . { Cam. Certified. timber We and Houses for Sale gmcfihéfiéemrgfi ' W" . . i: W113“- a," " WWW % restroom: m... we. ‘3 M;- v “QR-1"». - ,. w W new.“ Matches {titty insured 'â€" m v m, , . mm norms . m Mme 3 sgggggg mgggggas; 4‘ Apple of her eye 1625 1525 Emmi 2 m “we: 1335 ‘ Three-yearcld Alexis Cupolo, of Waterloo, enjoys the crafts at the annual Housecleaning/ Warm / pressway, m on. so a. Home: for Rent ‘ Applefest fall event at Hergott Cider Mill and Products on Saturday. . . . . m r . Jamal Jannonal 33.53.53: "a: __ 7 WWW... 5 5 is , 3* MOM To Quality Duct a]: l"""=-â€"â€"- ‘m522HҤe‘3m“m m H . p .._._..._. mammals. 1‘ a $011 unve S meaning inc. it»?h fenced ”groank yard gewtbpaymg rent’ Neg: . “ www.mnbonesxa M “or" “a we a? r :1 “YMWFEDMS "' ' . . ‘- O . g . --°-- ' 33“ “3‘33 ‘ H s M t fall xhlb t1 Pressure Clean. Power Grummh 'mffi'fiz‘xfi a: oriotiseDS.3:'ISSr1i 3%: ggsésgvz‘eisg‘f; M MN}: . V] r an e l on divenmaubrmhandudwommbmemt on “5193426288 mmmm % “fir 5; , H v» H d d I h g] d ., , _ l VMVV _ i, ; omer 'atson ouse an gree . sot . uttony. envy. pri e, He'bdmfiggflgngfisym â€"â€" he.“ Gallery proudly presents three and lust. mmironstone: yararhaddrmmalvvni m5 ms ms ' 3:53;}; W artists ina vibrant fall exhibition. The series is intended to be limited timeoffer Home; for Sale Home; for Sale mm ‘3 ’ ‘7‘“? ~ ‘ " 52 Alfred Villeneuve has created visually approachable but candid- SIWSZ Wham " ’19:: his own artistic language, called ly reveal a nonvliteral interpreta< dimmredequimmsea â€"â€" â€" â€"â€"â€"-â€"- E3523. and" .; Algonkin Mosaic. to reflect the tion ofeach classical sin. ”STRESS SALES W ” perpetual motion and fluidity of Fatima Garzan's work is about mf’mmwmc": 3 '. ~"’ ' art. He is separating the pieces of the joy of being in a continual â€"- _â€" Free liSthth lCS my} mgzngaggs‘ 12%“; m his subject, colour. smell. sound present and is a tribute to the con- test! run o_â€"â€"Lf bank foreclosures from 0, leasing; and texture and he is putting them cept of “living in the moment." Miscellaneous Miscellaneous 5250 000 to 51.000 000 u“ back together in a new configurao Garzan's art is generated by the WWW lion. application of circular. abstract â€"_ â€"â€" “.0 This is also an expression that geometry. This process is a medi- ABC Metal "WWW Cottages/ mu we on Earth are all constructs of tation that serves an intangible _ I'WM7‘OD‘2042 VWMRM the same pieces rearranged time space and therefore does not ReCYChng 22‘” “1- "- 5299.9!” m ”Is and again. belong to any specific time or 454 Dot) D ReMax Tmerthealtylnc. am. sleeps T 5 The Cayley Room hosts Sean place. the work becomes univer» be '- 03’“me Brokerage ML 0831539 away 5 4. . M. Puckett‘s exhibition named Sal. Top Dollar Paid for $3075in .3 mar ' Seven ~ a non-narrative allegori- The gallery, at 1754 Old Mill Mtypes/quantificsotrtml. Fnd “a IY t cal series illustrating the seven Rd.. in Kitchener. is open Tuesdays MismalContamer SennceAlsoAvalahle I 001 our /\ , deadly sins. Ira. Avaritia, Acadia. to Sundays from noon until 4:30 Mon. to F" 7 am. [05 ‘M ll â€"â€" ’ (iula. Invidia. Superbia and Luxuâ€" p.m. Admission is a suggested Saturday/58am. to 12 noon "cute '5 mm \\\\ A ria depict. respectively. wrath, donation of$3, 6351952391“ - __ ; * K-W Sym hon will launch 01111119 rs not coo-2" b I p y my a re 0 â€"---..m â€"â€"...., "WA-“Wave -°°m Mam ltS exciting new season Pam a. Painting a WSfl‘mW: . _ Doc . Doc . ‘ 519653.204 The Kitchener-Waterloo Sym- orchestra enter the stage while â€"___¢ â€"â€" Muywmmy manymgmhm “WWW“ m phony. led by mustc director playing. PREMIUM "w Edwtn Outwater. opens the 2008- Bohemia born composer Dvo- . . fl. ”I 2009 season with the first concert rak “839â€" 188” wrote his final solo ICUHST7(()MXPA_INTEBS first Tune Buyers can an mm M of the Signature Series â€" Pictures concerto. Cello Concerto in B . ' .- 3 . Why RentWhenYouCunOVn? “:13; mmf‘fi“ : . atanlbthibition. minor, Op. 104, in 1895 and it has RESIDEIHIAL xxx 4&2st ti m The KWS performs (brigliano's become more widely performed COMMERCIAL ‘ ‘ WW seem to go mam : 1w a“; , . Promenade Overture. Dvorak's and recorded than any other cello NEW HOMES ' ,_ L 1)me avmlablevnth no 23:“ "$35353 ' egg, , Cello Concerto. featuring world concerto. (“any or Interior . . » ~ , "m“EFdW“ ““de'slmm‘h mmmcm (a w. s‘ M“ class cellist Alban Gerhardt and Russian composer Modest my“ 1 ~ .9 . wwwKWl-‘ixflomeatm 0‘ Mussorgsky's Pictures at an Fxhibi- Mussorgsky (18394881) wrote Pic » ’ I“ ~‘;‘ .. , . ' tion. tures at an Exhibition. the most ““35"" W“"“‘°‘“ . L I 13003.34?” I: ms f i The performance takes place at popular of his piano compositions. .,. . . ' 12.4.1, Jung‘s” mm“ Pluto ' the Centre in the Square this Fri~ in memory of a dear friend and “ 5 'I 9 404-8 89 5 wwnmywqiusm Wont day at 8 p.m. and Saturda at 8 artist/architect (Victorllartmanl. I Y T , p.m. Upon viewing Hartman's work ‘ â€" _â€" Trâ€" T7;â€" m M The symphony proudly wclâ€" in a memorial exhibit, Mussorgsky 1 "a I“) . a“. Em a“ EM 1500451 2.32: comes Gerhardt, a worldâ€" becomes inspired to create a musi- ‘ RW/ RW/ “WM“ “WM” 3‘99”" '8‘ renowned cellist, famous for cal reaction tomofhis paintings. l M M .â€"â€" _..'__â€" .,‘ bringing new life to unknown The 'promenade" theme ‘ ‘ works and adding an innovative returns as the audience is taken on ‘ pLUMBING Thlnking of selling your home? [in i ' twist to well-known pieces a musical "stroll” through an art ‘ 1 k' ‘ bu w Wei-9W _ American composer Corigliano museum. and GAS MG ”0 mg n y ‘ meg‘g’ wrote Promenade Overture after After a very successful first seaM ‘ Residential and Commercial Call me. 1 would like to work with you! being inspired by Haydn's delight- son. Outwater says he looks for~ V “i ' I I I and ” ._â€"â€"_~ in! Farewell Symphony. ward to. ‘a dynamic new seastm of "OF"! M ROYAL “PAGE During the last movement of Signature concerts featuring grand 380; was. ”cm; 9001 * ENE! mm .‘ this Haydn work the players gradu- works. remarkable talent and the heaters. water meters, Wes M342 _ my . ‘ any exit the stage, leaving two vio- spectacular Kitchener~Waterloo ”an" A M n e lins to finishthesymphony alone. Symphony, This music is power- “1101;: |NEV‘.V.2I:.3QZ§:§J!,JQ, sag; " . 1‘ ‘ géngfisuo ‘ ' It became a compositional fuL” ‘13“. :I::l“h_‘d'“9_";”"“a: m ”gm ‘ 1 [Mia challenge for Corigiiano to reverse For more information visit " . up. ‘5 - “T. ' . W

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