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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 10 Sep 2008, p. 32

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32 . WM ”(H N ) CHRONICLE ' Wednesday, Sepieltibel “£100“ Y" I VB " ! New ceramic Show at Harbin er . A _ g ’ l‘roni Sept. l2 to Oct. '5. Harbinger Gallery is Life, an exhibition oi recent work in jewelry by pleased to present a feature oi new ceramic works Kye-Yeon Son. n ‘ by [sit/sit Monostory [he changes in landscape that occur during ’ In the upcoming feature. Moriostory continues each austere (Ianadian winter serve as it rich ) ' to explore and he inspired by nature and human source of inspiration tor many and the same is .f d- .1 .. ,- '. relationships through her works in clay. true for Son. ‘. t f ’ * ‘33 . g I» f . ._ . ' ‘ 'v , ‘ 1 ‘ After presenting her porcelain veSLsels from the Son is "drawn to the beauty and empty feeling ’ ' r i ” 1- ‘ w“, " 2“ Nature lrail Series in this year‘s (Llay Exchange, a of leafless branches during the long Canadian . c, wait i v» a", . , group exhibition at Harbinger. the former biolo» winter" and presents work that evoke the resilient t: M A} * _ 1 ~13? 1" ‘ _, Wit- . a” _. gist with a PM) in genetics presents her Raku and transformative qttalitiesof nature. ‘ T ' ' ' _ ’ I‘M“: . . . X ‘ 2 Zebra box works, Son works with fine metal wire, a material that , - » v ‘1‘." . . T #55: ,... Commencing Sept. 11% until Oct. 4. two new is both strong and yet malleable enough to realize 7 1’3 ’4‘ , s“ 3‘2 w «)5 . 3’. ‘ and exciting exhibitions will be on display at the objects of both strength and delicacy through its: .. f; x $13. &... . ’ ; gallery. "volume. strength. colour and light." i ‘1 ' ‘g . ‘ ‘3'... , Asphalt and Concrete is an exhibition of new Son abstracts forms found in nature impaning . 4 «3;; . . . 0!”; mixed media works by Christopher Griffin. upon them qualities of "resilience. endurance Q I we -' . ," ~’ ‘ fl Inspired by the happenstance discoveries of and fragility." I , E \- 33 FE ' 2 } c _ *fi- , * "wonderful imagery in the asphalt patches on the Please join the artists at the opening reception SI SI (AVA? 1‘ j . ‘s at; ' sidewalk." on Griffin‘s daily walks to his studio on Sept. [3. from 2 phi-4 pm. ' %:‘E‘i.?~oi\\h\ i .2 - a?» . - . i over the past year. Comes an exhibition of mixed The gallery is located in uptown Waterloo. at 8‘35‘ A' TL . . IV N media pieces mainly consisting of asphalt and 221)upontSt. ii. , ‘ f}: l l .' g , ~ . J " ‘\ 1 concrete on canvas. To view the eâ€"invitations for Bursa Monosto- "’ r 2. ' _. \. 1,? Griffin continues to convey his interest in cre- rv, (Ihristo her Griffin and Kye-Yeon Son. lease . x 1‘ a... , . , . P P , 1: i? , .. i . ‘1 ating work from 'accidentals and unintentional go to www.harbingergallerycom/m/content/arttâ€" 2‘ ~. 11. z: ) imagery," which is evidenced in his latest deveIA cle.php?content id:362>. “ ‘ . opment of powerful imagery and further height- More information on the Harbinger Gallery The 4th Annual 2008 Explore the Bruce Atluemm a Paggpml has begun, ened through the materiality of the media he can bf; found online at the website mwwvharbin- ‘ r . t 2 n. ,2. .2 , l . ' w. .- ; uses». gerga ery.com. Jom 0”” 20 000 leilow udrenturer; ”ml hm" lUl‘lpielLd ll m pit-‘10“ 5. Also starting Sept, 13 through to Oct. 4 is Or call the wheelchair~accessible facility at seasons. Get your li‘lBflElS, family. neighbours and colleagues together Branching Out Reflections on the Rhythm of 519â€"74746“- ' lo iotkle this ultimate (littlleu e.We immune you will land lutuiions - , . 9 f9 1 . September 18 busy at the Button Factory on the Brute you rate never been be are Pan (2 weer. weekend or day ' E i" ll 8 Y All ' 5‘ 1, ll .. i (lime to the Button Factory for its September From Sept. l6 to Oct. 3. the Highland Glen 0 x9 “”3 ‘9 iU(€. .OUT an U"? . m 5 0"} events. Camera Club is having their members‘ photo ' ‘ “ ‘ ‘ ‘ The Sketch Club Art Exhibition opening recepâ€" exhibition on the second floor at the Button Fae . . .' . - tion is on Sept. 12 from 5 pm. to 7 pm. at the But» tory. Admission is also free. - can .T "3'! f” ,"r ”‘R"' Guy.“ mum at! ton Factory's RotatingGallery. For more information on the arts centre. go to ’ On Show are original paintings inspired by the wwwburtonfactorvartsca. .. .â€" .â€" . . i so. 2“ 383' Or exp'mmc.cc“ grou ‘syearl 'tri s. an studies and rejects. The Button Factory, which is located at 25 r P . _ ll P P . . Admissron is free. The show runs from Sept. to Regina St. 8.. can also be contacted by calling 519. to 011.3. 886â€"4577. '5 1 ‘1 2w... '. - . ‘3 . -_; iv r17».* as gas a; g: .1‘ ' , ‘9‘,“ ‘L. {5512' #1:" . a t {‘ ’5. :2) 1 r“ â€". ii? Eli §E§§§ ~ :3. or .. " f .. . 2 3'" â€" i ‘ " éiifi'élf‘i E . . ' .,.‘ .' “ «1 fix. ~ Ant.” 1 ; THE LEXUS GOLDEN. g g 1.3; yEVENT" . 1- my} _. .5 mason or n ”‘65,; d §€§3ii§§§§ w . 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