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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 10 Sep 2008, p. 9

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â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"i ‘ WM t;iii.ooctmomcug -Wednesday. Mptembcr it). 2008 0 9 ' o ‘ s ’. . Candidates set for the election fight 3 i / l sun-t- 'I‘IIE sellout. min Continued from page 1 is trustworthy and in the last year iii the house he " i | "Pr 0" THE RIGHT "01"! really was the only it ) )osition. . . . Canadian polttti tans are looking to catth some “fie was willing [till stand up and say what be r. l Register (0’ lessons today and learn glillar. WW oi that lightning iii a bottle. ltut the four tnaior par- thought. and vote on what he thought while the ‘ drums, bra“! 5“"‘95' woodw‘Mk' “we and mom ties might also want to remember another famous others sat on their hands." . ‘ ‘ American politician l’iill (llinton. who touted the [here's also some excitement around the ‘ ‘ - phrase, “it‘s the economy stupid." about what‘s prospects for tlte (ireen party which recently had Ma ‘ most on the minds of voters. its first sitting member in parliament, and has high . , l ‘ And local candidates in the Km hi‘tit‘r'VVillt‘l'ltttl hopes that party leader lilirjabetli May will still be fly 4 ‘ riding seemed to he in agreement, included in the televised leaders’ debate, , < - ' ' ' lticumbent liberal candidate Andrew lelegdi. the local Green candidate is ('athy Maciellan, .« seeking his sixth itiiindate, said the economy, the who has a strong track record of turning green I.“ ~***“"â€"' ,_____._.______._ environment and health care are all wrapped up in technology into green industry as one of the , i” .4 RENT YOUR SCHOOL BAND INSTRUMENT ‘ the same package this election. founders of i‘iRlSl:Technologies.The publicly trad» .- j” l , . J ‘ H ,0 Q ‘ ‘ lie said the governing Conservatives have had ed company has worked to take solar energy many ~" ' . ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ' H ‘ " H h ”I“ ‘ quite a few ethical challenges in their 2 it! years in stream, and her family has lived that principle by E Long & McQuade ‘ ‘ 7‘ power - including election financing scandals living tn a gridâ€"tied solar home, MUSICAL iNSTRuMENTsO ' I ‘ . ‘ ‘ , . . l and the (Ihuck (adman affair .._ but with an Us. “l‘ni very interested iii energy issues and I . - I ~ - c n - . a - , s . n ‘ ‘ economic downturn the election timing is oppor~ aroutid renewable energy." said Maclellan. who â€". ‘ ' l ‘ “ tunistic. The Conservatives want to avoid the fall along with her husband Ian is building a solar Cell as King sue“ no 5198854215 ‘ " ‘ ' ' ' ‘ ‘l ‘ out to Ottawa's bottom line. manufacturing factory in Germany, one of the “i don't think that people are happy with the world's leaders in green power. direction that the country is gotng," said 'Ielegdi. "In the European Union by the year 2020, 20 per And while the Conservatives have painted the cent of their energy needs will be met by renew~ liberal Green Shift Plan as risky during uncertain able energy." CARPET ‘ LEAch economic times. leiegdi argues that it addresses all She said that’s part of a new economy that has the priorities of the electorate. created one million new jobs across Europe jig‘fij; egg/«’wa”; in «we “2“ ~ 2“" . :» :ikggvgfaiw‘? “The Green Shift provides its with all these “My argument is that you can‘t separate the fl»;,* '5 {3:95 f??? fry-2‘. it; of}, 2"}; 2 ‘ f L: ’MVL‘ :y 3,?” opportunities," said l'elegdi. “Having a green econ- economy from the environment â€"~ that's ridicu» " ”a” ’3 ' ‘ ’ "‘ "" ‘ ’ "V’ ” ‘ ’ " ‘ "i ‘7'” ' ' \ omy will mean that we will be able to produce a lot ions to do that," said Maclellan. “We don't have to MOVING ' RENOVATINC 0 N EW BABY ° AlLERGlES of jobs in this endeavour" ‘ , reinvent the wheel on this â€"”it's already been hap- I Stearnatic Cleanin reduces the level of . As for the current Conservative government. pentngm many other places. . bacteria, pet dang; 8 dust mites lelegdi said that Harper was a climate change While traditional sectors decline, the green , denier and fottght things like Kyoto and other industry sector should be pan of Canada's long- I Wall to wall “wants 8 area rugs Valerie international climate change agreements. term growth strategy. I Upholstered furniture Poulton Conservative candidate Peter Braid. who served “Where do people go now â€" they go to Europe - in the constituency office of former Waterloo MP because the incentive programs are there, the sub» I ASk about dud cleaning Walter MCI/:an before moving on to bethe director sidies are there and the workforce is ready and * A ‘ of operations at Sunlife Financial in Waterloo, said willing. They’re really interested in job creation." “u‘ W.MW the Harper government has set hard caps on Maclellan feels her party could have the STEWIC. greenhouse gas emissions and reduced the biggest breakthrough when people become aware total clcmin & restoration 519â€"893-w46 amount of carbon spewed into the atmosphere. of how expansive the Green party's platform is this ()n the economy, the Conservatives have election “W Nobody Cleans WT showed they are good money managers and have “I think we can do it in some jurisdictions," said, Tummy-,1" I968 Than Steamfic! kept their promise to cut the CST and income Maciiellan. “We're quite excited and i think the taxes for both individuals and families time has come to send some Greens to Ottawa” “We have the prime minister and gov- _______________________.___â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" emment most capable of managing our _ country and economy," said Braid, who Region Of Waterloo has already been building his name in the community for the better part of a F ' PU B LI 6 NOTICE year, "i think that's the key ballot quess /€ 6 Wdfu /‘ tion â€" which government, which prime y minister. which leader will have the ,/ ) ADV'SORY COMM|1TEE 0" COUNCIL COMPENSATION steadiest hand managing the economy l/l/(Mlglz ‘ g M CITIZEN APPOINTMENTS gscrflgizlsu'm’ 0’ “mm“ “0mm” A Citizen 5 Adi/usury Committee is being tormed to review the compensation of ..(.lwrl-§ this gowrnmen t h,“ an > Regional Council lot the next term of Council. It you are interested in being oonsrdered ‘ p , ‘ . ‘ lot this Committee, please submit a letter ot interest and resume to the Regional Clerk extremely strong retord of t’(t)l’l()ml( . management We‘ve helped pay down M an" than “numb." 30‘ m the debt. and we have one of the (3/1 a 1/ I M if) 17 Successful applicants mllbenotitiedbymail by November 7. 2008 strongest economies in the Grit." Applications may be Submmw to: ' Braid said it's time for a change in the Kris Fletcher mlmg ”f “mm"“MUM" A “we ",“ Director, Councrl 8. Administrative Service/Regional Clerk the government side of the benches wall Regional Munrcrpality 0' Waterloo truly make us .i worldrclass community " 2nd Floor 150 “Men“ Street , for Nl;l”('étll’(lltl'iltt‘ (ind!) layopsen. * Kitchener‘ON N26 4J3 sies trot) tint an 1 Nil on 't t' mitt = (Mm: ”f (”"80"de will”: ”n.1,“; ‘ m For further information please call Comm 8. Administrative Services, 519-575-4450 liitheran minister and family totinsellor ‘ f i. said it's behind her iltoite to run for the : I»! ’1 , Nlll’ and it part» founded by lotntm ‘ A i ‘ Douglas. another ( hurt it minister ‘ fi 1 T US UP 5 l 1' " ”its is ftatthkandrtyork. and ”lit “a: ., 1 ea 1 , GOLFDDRTH l in ”H” ' it'll in it)\(’ “With, \iIIi s . . .‘.".‘.‘,‘. ~‘xtifi'“4_)ni‘" 7’: l ,M.,,,*;w,,.L Sept 1 7â€" Oct 8, 2008 . . . for our , * And as someone who knows how to bCS‘ Nl C m be r S hip P [09 fa m yet! listen, she thinks the No 1 issue is the loin US fur 8 economy and the impact it has on lien . _ _ Play 1 8 courses for one great prlce". pie variety of workshops and seminars i “ll ' “ ‘ ' ' . HszommflbmSept andplay 1 pinih‘JiTiZJSlim; will; £213.32 focused 0" Women’s Health '5‘” me 1 - . " ‘ , . rest of the 2008 season FREE 1 of our neighbours With manufacturing l Job losses. it's most likely to get worse i before it gets better." she said. “i think § 1 _ 8 8 8 - 8 3 3 _ 8 7 8 7 l the New Democrats can really tombine ‘ economic and environmental issues [W Bonus.’ . together to develop strategies to create . i, . a H m ,. H ., i‘ , ‘ i i, l - ' . more green collaryohs” I , ‘ mm . The NDP are am) bolstered by recent “8 Belmont Ave. W. Kitrhener $19 ‘38) 1200 . “a” . polls that said that NDP leader lack lay- w ‘ ton would be then i hoice to be prime Please ( ”Wk OUV WWW“ if“ ‘ m ‘ minister only after the current leader of event times 8. details under New< ”an? the ( bnservatives - , w “I think people are tired of all the bro» www.affinityforhealtb.ca M“ ken promises «1er Harper," said lamb» In support of Dr Sat Dharam Kaur’s “his.” sen. Healthy Breast Program “I think lack is the type of leader who "FE- . , 7 _ _â€"_____â€"_â€"__

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