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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 3 Sep 2008, p. 8

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â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"*i , , 8 - WA'l'thLX) CHRONICLE . Wednesday Septeritber L 2008 ‘ ‘ m Wetter St N , Sum.- 20 “$2.1:de Ontario N21 )Htt Sig-smith) PM SNEWHSM II I I -â€"~â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"v~j www watcrlrxichnimcle ca A‘ ‘ “ ‘ 3 i“ [I ( ”RiDy‘fl; Peter WINKLER l’l‘BLlSHliR EDITORlAl 6 9' I I ‘ Bob V‘RBANAC ~ ~ A~ EDITOR cu 229 " editorialtd‘n.itcrliiochroniule to \pOflska‘wdlcrltkl’hnlfllt’lf to t i Jennifer ORMS'I'UN 7 l REPORTER so 2m . I )ormston @‘Walclltxk‘hffilllClE to ‘. (316g MACDONALD , . REPORTER ext 2H gdiiiticdonaltltfl vuaterlutx‘hroniclt‘ ca , a . . i I I : f . , . 7. 4" \g"; “-“-::~' I: « AllVluKTlSlNU _ 3 . I if .357”, . I . «(7“ , " ‘ r /"' A (terry worm l: ext no ,7 It.” I" A ‘ l . ' 4” RETAll SALES MANAGER 4313®\:.\‘~\ _ ». I . , //« M â€"" mlestfl‘u.itt'rltiochronicle ca fifiâ€"v‘l)’ h‘am“ o“. '5; ' /‘- -' $190”. ‘0‘." ~ 3" ?- at" ‘ , ",9 o:’.’.:' "is 5 I SALES RtirRtasiiNtATm-s $34-69: }" iI;‘:."-;jf‘._l,v’:;;(,; . J “I- ' '3'?" ' " ""-"'- 1 ‘ / Norma (“i174 en 21‘ k » ' 'i :31”)sz " ‘ f i: ' ‘ " Mfl a I . ._-- ..,;r.,. .....â€"«!~ I . ,7-» ...-- ntytata WdltriilkhrnlllkiL ta - (Ibu‘! .I'r r 3' . I J , . i , . 7, L,;.(~4 ” . .» 1' i ."- 1,“, ' . , , t . , ’ .. "'~'." ‘ mt: HAMHTUN ett 13% t I ,' ( 5:3» 2 7;. ’ t , “7,4 “50-h“ , e5; 6', ‘ .~ ‘ ~ - / f 4’ fl . 1’ - . o, . ..- r , - A. .5- . Av]. _ .O. _/ A._ , v .,, ihdiniltontfl‘vtuterlt-Khronit le ca ,‘l.’ '.’ ‘ Q . w. . V. ’ “ :. 9' I :1, . . ’1 r I" ”'7; .' g a . r _ , A; ,. . A . , . I . I I“ ' 7' g‘ 55.5 r 41.»? ;' "fit-ta: '.."" 9C? _; (uriItthBSt'u W. \‘ttJ’l‘r‘£.‘(‘\ (‘ ‘ 'I.‘I”)“l cgihhsm waterimxhrtmixle to ’ ‘ '. 3 I' h ' ‘ I gt’t‘ " â€" N.‘ a may _ I «I [I m If {’1 z: Mt (TASMHILI) ' iiarh‘uifillti I. . " (‘1R('Ul ATIUN l? , ’” . <1» «tremor-rt 1!? Wk (modulo l‘uhlittttiuiix \Ltll his» Publication “\glk‘cnk‘ltl Vuriiber _.________..____I Misti-17s ‘ I I I , I z . mun-mi mm m i CHRON ”LE EDI TOR'AL l End Of summer (301111111111ng her Asst; um: 14 m Audued (‘irpttiiuun Haze: N I 0 i or the better part affirm 7 ' ' V weren't anv fender benders m V‘lé- 5“ 0 bro ell ”U [I]. 0 ”V S F year, my mind ire» H\ \[ ()\ among the people who were mâ€"â€"â€"--â€"- uentlv wanders to I v - t » deSperalely trying I” make elcome hack students of all ages as the doors got q ' : I i H ”I ( )( k S ace for the ambulances. M/ h I ' th h I ' tth- t rt f thoughts of the summer, P I , 0cm 0 II“ _ I I Tim )pen on anti er sc ()0 year a t s a 0 when sunny days, outdoor I , ”You can believe it. III“, A 1...! 5%.“; ‘ , , , k . h' h h I . adventures and long week I 101‘" I" a V3" began "311mg I“ w I . I“ l is is your opportunity (01118 L I _ IS t 9 SC 010' year ends fill my schedule. an ambulance dovm this Itch at;|’l;:;(\j\l;t:ll\;\t ir:1:k|l:\IiIll\:\;:i you want it to he, instead ofone of lost opportunities or I.“ with m many things in . makeshift fourth lane. \Iedl.i(irtmp I ta ' regrets. . _, I . . life, it seems the things you '3 ?fi , Everyone was honking. I Were speaking spetitically to the firstâ€"year students dream about just don't live I “:3 . actually laughed out loud at ONTARIO PM)“ (‘()[lN(‘l[ who have swarmed the City this week. and made Uni- u to 'our ex ectations. l ,9; :2" 1 the man's audacity I V V p . The Wall'rltlt t hmmtic IN a member versity Avenue a parking lot for much of Monday as they And at times this sum~ ‘ Soon someone drove "‘ m ”mm“ m“ ( “u““i- “m" got dropped ol‘fto school for the first time. ' 3' ‘ ' ’ th , . t h \t‘ttsldeh coitiplainix agdll’lki (“C") I I _ . mer has fallen In“) that catâ€" 4 t '3" Cal“. “059 0U 9‘) ‘3 NI ”Wimp?“ “I tiimpiflinl “its mil be the first real taste of freedom for some, egory couldn't get am“ further About new upmmnt mitt-mung in including some students as young as 17" attending our ”gm“ mention the JENNIFER By this point l had Umdml should lint he taken to the wellrregarded Institutions of higher learning You've ,, h h' l l' . ORMSTON turned on the radio Home» "c“‘PJW' "”0de UWWW" come here for a great education and this Community “(at er mt '5 co umn "s ~ 4 i an be minim m (lntant) Press I . . ' - best not to get me started on w -v 7 , , ~ ~ thingl Will do beforel leave Humor 2 (”ohm strum suite m” do ”T he“ I" help 3")” achieve that. it â€"â€" especially since the backup â€"~ and you travel at from now on) and knew Hmttmmm ovum or Heresthe rub though ~ With the freedom that warm weather has just asnail's pace until well after there had beenamajor acci- t‘omes WI ein n your )wn ere IS a so so e , r - - t (t iPYthiH‘l bl”: bf If: .0 ‘ d y. ,th I I d md arrived). passmg the mountains at dent. Which had closed the lhe tllnlt‘nh at [his new~paper are responsi ' ' l or mg a goo ““7?" m your at opte What's really got to me is Canada's Wonderland. northbound highway. along WWI“, I“ tt-mnghi and my he hometown. And for those of you gomg to school in your the driving. ' Two weekends ago. I had with two lanes going south, uwIt mi» tot “{Tlmfillhmmiuhman hometown you already know the rule â€" leave the place At the end ofa long week a lovely time at the cottage. People had been airlifted rid pllerNCK I» o er rig is are as you our“ 1L . . . , . . - mama and trimaran mi N it pm in case you forget local police and city officials will at work, I ve headed tip lt didnt-rairi once (if you can to a hospital in Toronto. hthitt‘tl To mitt- any list" oi tint h h» l t F I j d , Th 4 .II h ‘ north to cottage country on believe Ill. it was warm and And. it turned out, one material you must lint ohttiin the f “n at“ 0 "m3 remin )OU'V 8y Wt Have a no gevera] occasions_ the bugs had finally died ()fl: young man dledr permission oi the owner til the topy hr“k9“ mnd(‘ws philosophy and W1” fine 3'0“ 'f you for Each time a trip that I left around I] amt On It was an eerie feeling [0 right For l'urther information {on get that. V e ‘ d ' h wh I , , I I should take less than three Sunda .and hadm whole “V9 astt 8803M. "1‘ tall Boh V fixinh‘ [Anon “fart-nut Whats a no broken mndows philosophy? It was pop- hours has turned into a day plznned basedi'm the a battgmd SUV remained ( hm‘I‘M‘" “‘ “6"" 5‘ N ' Ru”: ulari7ed by former New York (Lity mayor Rudy Giuliani I ‘ I - ‘ d d h i r ff. ZlLWaterloo. Ontario NZ} tux , I seemingly nchr-endtng assumption l would get WWW“ 9 3 PO ICC“ | Who wanted to clean tip the streets of his City by target commute home before 2 P m cers. I I [:1113RSIICUIIH'V I I, “flavor; infractifon pOSSIhll’, , h h n ff Keep in mind i have my But those plans never l heard that road was “"5 it. a not mus tonmln i e t eory is i you cant get away Wit 1 (- sma stu Ii l 0 -(‘ r" . h m terialized. closed for many more hours , . , . I ttec rgi amiainte a , “m" ‘ ""1 "3'" "“3”” "“4"“ you wont even consider getting away mth anything on and who” numhet Addresses and - d _ l ‘ ‘ - back. so i have to stop after Even before lhad Ihat day. . WWW "when a" Nd ”Mi '0' ”a? or “a 9‘ I. , I. . a couple of hours to let her merged onto the south- And as mum a?“ put "1“ '"'r‘”""" "mm“ “d w" M R ,at same zero tolerance po “1' apples to this comr out and give her some water bound 400. traffic was slow- out. seeing the acctdent “1““le Nun“ M” "N N With munity for the month of September and beyond. If you and a bone ingd made me think about how M“ w“ "W“ 9" ”’1'" "‘ “M 6“" do something like public urination. you will be fined â€"â€" ‘ . ' - ' - d ous th oads are dense or reject any contribution low . Plus, as these trips goon That IS a really bad Slgn. anger C r ‘ wit,» or hall W “the“ my ”0 guest?“ inked: . . h I and on. I start to think It was stop and go to That‘s something You be :ittmtm-d hy mdm no 8086:0131 .ven ongtimc Citizens havent escaped t 9 (mg arm about snacks I could 89‘ even “I onto the highway. forget about as you're bar or y "Mil m 6 ”Will “I" of the law during this crackdown. But then again. we a! aft b l tellin along, countin Ioochromcle ca or by mail or rich» should a" be senin that exam if? in the firm lace (mg the Way. and often 5000- ET. am U ances 8 . 8 ered to Waterloo (‘hrnmclei 379 ‘ g p p ‘ and up munching on some were mug to squeeu down the minutes ll'ntll you Weber St N‘ , Suite 20. Waterloo. deepfn'ed “93‘s l don't “or, ‘hmuy‘ the three lanes of get to your destination. 0mm N” H“ mally eat. stopped traffic The end of the summer As l get close to Highway I got over to the left lane marks the end of this com- FAX 400 North. 1 start to feel ten- as quickly as possible to mute for me. and that s gust _ sion build up in my shoul- make way for the emer~ fine as far as l m concerned. so mom d 89 vehicles. which came Give me a few months i ers. “CY EMA“, That's the spot where the up on my rig“ side “ml-M" {I‘d I'll 5‘3" pining Momma traffic normally stem to l m surprised there for it 381““ , 7 _ ____â€"__â€"â€"â€"â€"#

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