l’Hl l ltl ( it i (“BUNK Ll: ' Wednesday. September £1006 ' 3 Doors open to Waterloo’s newest elementary school BVCRH.‘ MacDomui '*" , up for a waste-free lunch program and stur _ ( lirmitcle stuff _‘ dents will be encouraged to recycle. ‘ ï¬ï¬ ‘ The greatest asset the school will have is Class was in for the first [trite this week at l its location, the principal said. ‘ \‘V’aterloo's newest school for about 500 "Being located in Columbia liorest is . students frotn the west side of the city. great. it's a beautiful area." Parliament said. i litina .Staebler public school. which had ' Staebler will also boast new playground ‘ its grand opening last week. will draw stu- equipment. which was paid for by the l dents from nearby Abraham lirb. Mary John» O fundraising efforts ofthe Clair Hills Commu- stoii, lilizabeth Ziegler and laurelwood pub- ' nity Association, lic schools. ' The organization raised more thati l'he two-floor facility. which is located on $30,000 and it was well worth the effort. Bernay Drive near the intersection of lirbr accordittg to the association‘s president. sville Road anti l-.rb Street. Will service David Robinson, kindergarten to(ir;ide8. 1 "We're the first community association Staebler is one of two new elementary , tin the areal to completely pay for a play schools the public school board is opening l ground to be installed and ready in time for this fall. The other will be located in Kitchen ' the opening ol‘a bratid new school." he said. er. l l'he campaign started out on a small Both wtll ser\e as test sites fora new i Ed . scale. with sales of hotdogs and other good dual~boot comptiter system. which will be .4 n3 StaEbl . ‘ ies, but that was taking a long time. able to run both .\lat ititosh and Microsoft . Pu bl' er â€Knowing the full ctist of the playground, operating systems. said lelf Parliament. t» ‘ lC SchOOl ‘ we thought it would be 2010 before we had principal at l dria Staebler. if ‘5 enough money." Robinson said “Most schools lust have Macs. btit well He anti the other boartl members have the best ofhoth worlds." he said. reached ottt to local businesses anti eventur Parliament envisions that the st boo] will - ‘ ally received fttnditig from the Bank of Mott live up to its namesake by having a heavy treal, l.rb and lzrb insurante brokers attti the fol its on writing _. developer in the area. “l tlna Staeliler: was a huge writer and 1 M33: lhe community association \\tll hold a think writing will be a big part of our ‘3 grand opetiingol the playground iii the next school." he said. u .. month to thank the donors Writing anti reading programs will he :7.“ 1?. In the meantime, Robinson is hoping augmented b\ a large library lat |lll\ In the " 50 " , that the tommunity's new school Will bring centre of the school 9 * ‘3‘ neighbours closer together. - Stat-bier. who was ati author and also 9 "Mom my perspective. having a school wrote tor ( zitiadtan newspapers anti magic butlt now in the community functions as a /int-s, was a big em ll'lllllllt'llltlllSl, thus common area or nucleus for tommunity the st hool Will lottis on green programs. acttvity."he said, Parliament said The newest school on Waterloo‘s west side is Edna Staebler public school named after the “lt will become a focal point and a plat e Stall and volunteers are alreadv gearing famous local cookbook author of Food that Schmecks out MAttriNAit-mritii for people to gather." Neighbours alarmed by proposed development at historic site BYGRH. MM Domâ€) ltilts Will be a little extreme [be t ttrrent official plan for Waterloo "Whether we want to or not we‘ve got no t htottu lt‘ SIN/l . 7 Shaw and her neighbours are toncerned deems the uptown tore as a place to ll'llOllSl' choice ~ we're not growmg out, we're growr I 7 if '7 7 7 W Â¥ about the traffic and shadow impacts that iv. but the land that the condo could be built tng up," he said, proposed l‘i storey tlevelopiitent on the HS-unit tower toulti on is zoned industrial. 'l‘hat doesn't mean. however, that count tl A\llrtll Street in uptown Waterloo has have on their quiet llt‘lgll' lhe ( itv is low on will agree with thedevelopers request aist-ti alarm in the neighbouring bourhood “is! outside til industrial lands anti has a "l'tn not taking a position yet." he said tommututies the uptown core H... ll"? need {0 [)tlllt‘} that it wont re/one ‘l'm goingto look at the fat ts \n applitation submitted to the titv to lheyre also contented I i ' I an} industrial lands. "We need to weigh the options anti develop a t ontlomtniiiitt tower on the site til .i bout losing heritage If“? ( 91“) â€UMP", But they're also looking at blew a balant e where the needs of every the t urrent ( liitario lable anti t ,hair hiitldiiig buildings. at cording to [haï¬g not at (In) to intensify thetore one are met " has made residents question whether or not Shaw Besides the ()titarto lhat means the devel lhat toiild mean approving the building. the ( it\ should allow a high densit\ building lable .ind ( hair litiiltling. expense 0f opt-rs woiilti have to go allowing the development but rt-dut mg the on a street that is not a major t orridor. said wlitt h was built during the hprffagp and (I! through an offit Ial plan number of store\s or deiiviiig it outright lleck‘. Shaw. who ll\t‘\ on Park Street near lirst World War. Shaw fig I ) ) ‘ ) ‘ ) altit‘lltlltlt‘ltl. said lreior \lt lean added the proposed site tires that three ironies slat t 1‘ (3,†â€5‘ 0f Hawkins. development Regardless of what li.tppt'tts with this Shaw. who moved itito her home in April. ed for demolition If the ("If [)ylauigl " planner for thetitv development, the ttlllllt'llltlr believes that isiit sure il a l‘i storey Slfll( line will fit iii proposal goes through ’ .'\Sl(lt' froin re Ioiiing intensification is coming with the neighbourhood were hiiilt around Hill "9"†“‘3Ԡthe land. the developer is “Waterloo is trying to be the most etni “\ou have an idea of what the neighbour “ lhe neighbourhood is ""“"â€â€"l "“"l"â€/ also looking to intrease ronmentally progressive (omitiiinitv hootl is going to be like when vou move Ill. not against development density on the land frotn intensification goes a long wav towards but all of a sudden a few monthsi later were we understand the idea grit! units per hectare to that." he said at a meeting telling us ‘a developt-ri wants to of urban sprawl. We‘re not to} it's the first appltca lhe informal publit meeting for the build what looks like a little l tnpirt‘ State against the iiiiettsif‘itation ol the downtown tioii to request that type ofdensitv. Hawkins development Will take plate on Sept 8 in . building tust down the street." she said tore." site said S.li(l touticil chambers She is not against the development til "lint we need to have development that‘s lhe ( l[\ Will be ret eivtng many more After that. the proposal will go batlt to tondos nearby, btit believes that a strut titre not at the expense of heritage .itid at the .ipplit ations like that as intensiï¬cation hap staff anti be brought bat k to totint ll at a that will lootn over the recently built Hatter eitpenseofour bvlaws " pens. said uptown wartit outi Ian Mclean later date //7 /1/ t q l w I 7 7 ' . I I l K ‘ -, W . ‘ 1 .‘ _ l > ‘ .. . ‘ 1,. . ‘f . i n“ ill. i ’9‘- wait . . . it A . Hp we “ a ‘5 I! . l ‘ . ‘