WethMay21 _..........---))?- Wed. May 28 . . . _ . ' . _ . _ . GERITAL FOLLIES - HAMILTON Sat. May 31 . _ . . . I . . I . . . NIAGARA REGION WINE TOUR Wed. June 4 I GOING BANANAS - FAMOUS PEOPLE PLAYERS Wed. June 11 . . . I I I . . CREDIT VALLEY EXPLORER TRAIN Wed. July 16 . TALL SHIP CRUISE & TORONTO CITY TOUR Wed. July 30 TOM NETHERTON _ WALTERS FAMILY FARM Fri. Aug 8 I I I. I. I . . ' . GRAND RIVER LUNCHEON CRUISE Wed. Aug. 13 . . . . COUNTRY GOSPEL - WALTERS FAMILY Thurs. Aug 21 I I I ' ' AMISH vows IN PARADISE - BRIGHT Wed.Sept3 _.......,....,)))-))- Sat. Sept. 6 I I . ' I I I . . I CHI CHEEMAUN GOSPEL CRUISE - Wed. Oct. 1 . . . I . FALL LUNCH CRUISE - BRACEBRIDGE - pol Oct ti ' . . I I I BARBRA STREISAND TRIBUTE - MISS. iSat.Nov.8 .........-jERsEYBtW.s-T0RONT0- G Iesiir"utt'riii-i; May5-7 .I...II.I.......IOTTAWATULIPFESTIVAL-MZS Mayr8---DANlEL-l.AN0ASTER-$579 May8-11 . . I . _ . ' . . .. . . . I .HOLLANDTULIP FESTIVAL-$748 May 14-18 . . _ _ . . I . . I SPRINGTIME IN NEW YORK CITY - $789 Ame 10-13 I . . . . . . . MANITOULIN ISLAND ADVENTURE - $599 June 14-17 . I . . . I . MACKINAC ISLAND LILAC FESTIVAL - $548 June 23-26 . I I . I _ I I I . I I . .??? -MYSTERY TOUR _ ??? - $619 July 8-29 . . NEWFOUNDLAND 8: EASTERN PROVINCES - $3,798 August 4-7 _ . . _ I . _ . . IN THE BEGINNING _ LANCASTER - 3578‘ August 11-16 T . _ . . CAPE coo AND NANTUCKET ISLAND - $998) Sept 4-8 I I _ I . I I T I _ . . WASHINGTON oo & ARLINGTON - $678l Sept 10-14 . . . _ ' . T . . NATIONAL QUARTET CONVENTION - $849 Sept15-19 . . . . _ I T I . I IN THE BEGINNING - LANCASTER - 8715 Sept 22-26 _ I I I . _ I _ I I .AGAWA CANYON FALL COLOUR - $839 Sep127-30 . . . . EASTERN ONTARIO & ALGONOUIN PARK - $599 Sept 30-Oct 2 _ I I . . I I . I I _ .AMISH ACRES 8 FAIR OAKS _ $439 October 2-3 I . I I _ I . I I . I _0RlLLlA CRUISE AND STAY - $289 October 5-6 _ I MUSKOKA LAKES & CLEVELAND HOUSE - $449 October 8-12 . . I I I I I _ I _ _ _ , . .FALL IN NEWYORKCITY-$789 Oct24-Nov 16 _ . . _ _ . I _ I I I EXPERIENCE CALIFORNIA - $3.698 N0v14-16 I _ . I I . I . _ . _ . . . .FRANKENMUTH SHOPPING - $349 Nov 22-28 _ I . _ _ I . I . .BRANSON CHRISTMAS SPECIAL - $1,299 www.exeeltours.ea Suspension Parts . Ball Joints . Axle Boots Alignment . Brakes . Balancing . Sway Bars We tix all makes and models right here in the heart of Waterloo Give us a call to book your appointment R “M (7dk2 _ -ss alent Fd sl 'f'll?s'/'il',';el1lf. ‘ . ' _ Prices per person based on double occupancy. includes all taxes and U s, exchanos Please call the amen tor insurance prism For more information or to receive our tour booklet contact TAKING FRIENDS EVERYWHERE WE " Call us for your copy of the 'Wete" 2008 Brochure See the full list ot trips on our web site eXCeLTo tl rs 159 Erb St. W. (at Realm) 519-885-1810 N Bamn Place. WATERLOO, ON N2V 127 Phone: 519-747-1626 EXCEL TOURS Ayr Coach Lines Ltd, o/a , . . . T . V . . OTTAWA TULIP FESTIVAL -. ........DANlEL-LAN0ASTER ' _ I . . . . HOLLAND TULIP FESTIVAL . F SPRINGTIME IN NEW YORK CITY . MANITOULIN ISLAND ADVENTURE MACKINAC ISLAND LILAC FESTIVAL . F . , . . T??? -MYSTERY TOUR _ ??? travethto50008934 - $423 - $579 _ $748 - $789 - $599 _ $548 - $619; ti,msl - $578, l - $998 ‘ - $678 l - $349 1 - $715 i - $839 : - $599 L - $439 , _ $289 a - $449 ' - $789 $3,698 $1181 - $94) - $89) - $98, - $95 - $85 - $97 - $82 - $94 - $97 $129 $145 $106 - $96 $164 But McLean didn't dis- miss negotiations outright. He thinks H's important to have a hotel in the I.lrlll- especially when it appears that the priority at the Barrel- Yards devel- o p m e n t ' which was slated to have hotel, is building con- d o m i n i u m units. what I've heard, the hotel is not their priority" McLean said. __ A spokesperson for Auburn Developments, the BarrelYards' developer, was not available for comment. Pam Brooks, president of the UpTown Waterloo Busi- When You Travel - ISO-room g g u d ' t I Learning . Caring . Connecting TRAVEL SAFE! lan McLean Uptown ward councillor tTrT T tie," a»; C. .. 7rec"i'F:I'kTr72e Cs,ks'rti. 'id',iyti, mé‘ï¬wï¬ "There is a need and we absolutely support the con- struction of a hotel in the uptown," she "l-l. said. ering an unfair cost "This is a complex issue and we need to have more discussions' and understand all the details." “The bottom line is that there's a lot to talk about," he said. You are invited to attend a public meeting to discuss the enmtmerrt and boundary situation by the northeast area of ttaterttto. In Decembew 2007, trustees of the Waterloo Region Distrid School Board directed staff to undertake a boundary study fur the elementary schools of the northeast quadrant of Harm. The purpose of the study is to better hahnoé enrolment and serum program needs for a number of schools in the area. This study could have implications on boundaries. facilities and stamng fur the schools indicated: Lester B. Parson, Sundown, lawman, Lincoln "eistits. Winston Churchill, Bridgeport, Elizabeth light. MW ind Margaret Avenue Public Schools. Please mic that no iterisitms about bound-tics luv this ma have been made at this time. and on the infbrmattkm and Wind! gatheredattttis meetr'rtwewig6eee4oporteor m Immaw scenarios. which 'm be wanted at a second pobtir meeting. We look found ttt may with you. If you have mm at comm please call Oepartmertt at 519-5r0-00i" mm “19. Mandi.†It would be nice to see one up and running in the next 18 months, B r o added, Mc M C L e a n said he understands the need for the hotel, but doesn't want to see the city bul- lied into cow o Penny Hill pushed ninevmonth-old Quinn around Manulife Sportsplex last Friday at RIM Park as part of the Fit Moms program put on by Fitness 360. The program combines differ- ent cross-training methods for new moms and their new- borns and toddlers emphasizing fun ways to get fit in a sup- portive environment. . ,,,, a _ the Planning Baby buggy racing '0. MAC PHOTO