The clock is ticking for Canadians who haven't finalized their RRSP plans. Now is the time Io move on those good RRSP intentions. V VWherc should you start? Iirml and Young is offering some quick tips to help would-be investors get going. Quick tips - Short on cash? Consider using non-registered stocks and bonds. - Accrued gains will be taxable, but losses are not deductible. _ . Still low on funds? Consider borrowing. You can't deduct the interest paid on the money you borrow to contribute to an RRSP, but borrowing to make a contribution can be a wise decision in some cases. . Playing catch-up? If youve making a large "catch-up" contribution that brings your taxable income into a lower tax bracket, think about spreading your deduction over a couple of years to increase the related tax benefit. And if 2007 was a low-income year -- perhaps you were in school, on maternity leave or not employed for part of the year __ contribute any- way and claim the deduction next year, when the tax benefit will be greater. . Paired up? If you have a spouse or common- Canada's Technology Triangle Inc. is pleased to announce that the Regus Group, the world's largest provider of fully furnished and equipped offices with 950 locations in 70 countries, has cho- sen to open a new business centre in Kitchener. Block ticking ion fiittttMttg BBSPs The nearly 12,000-square-foot centre is located in the heart of downtown Kitchener on the sev- enth floor of the TD Canada Rust Centre Building at55 King St. W. The centre features 49 offices, 101 Mercedes Benz Dealer Authorized And if 2007 was a low-income year -- perhaps . What's next? Plan ahead. Make your 2008 DU were in school, on maternity leave or not contribution now -- don't wait until the start of mployed for part of the year __ contribute any- 2009. You'll gain another year of tax-free growth vary and claim the deduction next year, when the -- which, over the life of your RRSP, could amount tx benefit will be greater. to a signirtcant bump in the size of your retire- . Paired up? If you have a spouse or common- ment nest egg. q . Furnished office provider comes to area wmmmm Please Recycle This Newspaper Specializing In BMW PORSCHE JAGUAR @329 Meticulous Restoration Original Paint Finishes Unsurpassed Collision Repair 15 Centennial Dr. Kitchener FINE AUTOMOBILE BODY AND PAINT I)/lffElii 519-578-2052 law partner who isn't working or who has a low income, consider contributing to a spousal RRSP Even with the new pensién incdme-spiitting rules there are still benefits. . Excess contributions? Consider over-com tributing to your RRSP by the permitted $2,000 penalty-hee amount. _ - . You" won't get a tax deduction for the extra amount, but your earnings on it will grow tax- . Making other investments? The preferential tax treatment for capital gains and Canadian divi- dends doesn't apply to RRSP inyHtments, . It might maid iense to hold interest-bearing investments in your RESP. - V . Naming a beneficiary? Think carefully about who it will be. Naming your spouse, common-law partner or a dependent child or grandchild as your RRSP beneficiary could permit RRSP pro- ceeds on your death to be tax-deferred even longer. Bonk forget that you can also name a charity as your RRSP benefic)ary. - . - _ workstations, one board room and one videocon- ferencing studio: "Investment by an international business serv- ices company of Regus' calibre recontirms the ongoing re-energizing of our downtown," said Kitchener Mayor Carl 22hr. "Businesses want to be conveniently located close to the new develop- ments such as the University of Waterloo Health Sciences Campus" Give Your Heart A Helping Hand! '" By Reducing Your Cholesterol! health 'centres WAI HULK) CHRONICLE . Wednesday. February ll Senior's Day Every Wednesday Waterloo Town Square s 1 9-880-0249 "