I . WATERUJO CHIONlClI-J . Wednesday, January iii, 2008 Several homes in your area will be given the opportunity of having a metal roofing system installed on their home at a reasonable cost. This lifetime product is capturing the interest of homeowners across the country who want to know this will be the last time they will have to re-root their home. Our product is environmentally friendly and comes with a lifetime, transferable warranty with an excellent. choice of colours to compliment your home and is going to be introduced to your local market. Your home can be a show place in your neighbourhood. We will make it worth the time to investigate the many benefits of metal roofing. Please call. “walnut-unlit A: F 'rtEiEafEtGWiEiiFLFiirPij yreE . '7 HEN-'9': - b, .3- WI; iiaaaarit-TarTiCiiiirWrii> 'iiu-iriqirV-ai - V - “-3-“ - ' TOLL FREE 1-866-956-1919 SEVERAL HOMES IMMEDIATELY [3:131:93] Giiiiiii fou- Camhd Mitsubishi 2211 "-,ee'tttellll'l1'l'l catamaran Retirement 6 Tax Spedalist [Tunas Ethnic m... l,"dtMtt 1"all, t1'tra'ltl'l'faTA1r6'llt iraTFiRWaiiiidia.- Edik" . rrCeiiiiaGFGiaiiEi aGFGiaiFii Type of fluoride used is not well known Continued from page 1 There's evidence that the addition of this compound can do more harm than good, according to Mina Doherty, a local dentist. "Dentists, as well as the public, are not told the truth about the source of fluoride in our water," Doherty told council. She only found out about the use of hydrof1uorosilicic acid Five years ago. Most of the public believes that the fluoride in water is pharma- ceutical grade, not industrial waste, she added. But the use of the acid is approved by the province and is safe, said Liana Nolan, the region's medical officer of health. Alan Dale, a farmer from the Town- ship of Norwich, has been te-elected to a second one-year term as chair of the Grand River Conservation Authority. Dale, who represents Oxford County on the 26-member board, was acclaimed at a GRCA board meeting iihaFirVii iii “Fluoride prevents cuvi. ties. It works " . by coating Dentis our teeth and as the making them stronger," she are Poi Nolan also addressed c o n c e r n s about height- ened lead and arsenic levels. "The level of arsenic is so low it is not detectable," she said. And while there have been cases of high lead lev- els, most can be attributed to poor piping, she said. Nolan said the main rea- son for fluoridation is simple - it prevents tooth decay. Dale has been a member of the GRCA board since 2000 and served as vice-chair in 2006. onlan. ll. "We have a rich and proud history, a grand history, and I believe that we have a great future ahead of us but we cannot rest on our 1aurets," said Dale. "We must continue to work hard and lead the way. We must strive for a healthy and sustainable natural envi- ronmenc" One of the challenges will be deal- e main rea- information on both sides of on is simple the issue, council was con th decay. M:ted about what to da tvents cavi- Coun. Diane Freeman " . proposed a Dentists, as yell .pltb.isci.te, be as the public, I'i"i,c,1i,tle'. SIX on s, are not told the while COP"- truth about the, Jan d'Ailly N . wanted to source of. 'fluoride hold off on in our water." the plebiscite and enter a - Mitra pew series of pub- tocaldentist lic informa- tion meetings to gauge pub- arsenic is so lic interest. WtsareorteotCanada's1amestpemddersotNatural GasartdE1ectritgtytM'thmterti0ysarsexpedeoce. WtsareexcitedtoothsrourtmmpetitiveuurtchRatesto CommetualandReslderttialeierttskttf%tehtto. orgycompensatitmptart. 1/trittuttPttattittetBatalitttiorResidtmtial (DoortoDoor)andCommeeeaiSahes. 'rwuansirtttm-tktiosrttrtgotsrtutm, tsmtsltyourmsurntrttt:cttr%i8gtotmttSt'tntrtem Call 519-635-9939 Now Recruiting in Waterloo WtaresmAirtgdyttttntie,enemeticartdtmtathm is coming to Waterloo Superior Energy peopletololnourSalesFa'oe. Weprovideartaggtessltmcttmmisslott Coun. Angela Vieth. on the other hand, wanted an immediate stop to ftuorida- tion.Vieth cited research that showed water fluoridation is ineffective, and only topical ing with the impact of climate change which will be felt in many parts of the GROWS operations, such as flood con- trol, water supply and protection of natural areas. Tivo vice-thairs were also acclaimed at the board meeting including Water- loo's lane Mitchell. Mitchell, a regional councillor, was elected to a second one-year term as first vice-chair. She has been a GRCA board member since 2003 and a regional councillor since 2000. application of the substance ptevertu?oth decay. _ "It's like going to the beach and drinking sun- screen so you don't get sun- burned," she said. Ultimately council decid- ed to go with staff's recom- mendation to hold the vote in 2010, with d"Ailly, Free- man and Vieth voting against the motion. Council also chose to support the formation of an Ontario Fluoridation Office, which would be an inde- pendent body that would study the effects of fluoride. "This has been quite a debate in the community for many years," said Mayor Brenda Halloran.