What's for dinner? New SupperWorks store is making it easier to answer that question 0w do (unite cut pork Hrhups ~[ullcd with apples. cinnzmmn and u little hnmn sugar sound [or mum-I Innighls’ Or what album checse [urlcllini topped with smoky turkey sausage and fresh basil in it vegetable. lama") saucc? [hose are thy kinds of meals lUra Bridger and Candace Wagn- cr's families will hr eating throughout the month of "ctober, when their mm wide Waterloo Sup- pcrWorks tianchise begins otfering its new fail menu. Working full time and raising two young children is what attract- ed the longtime friends to Supper Works in the first plate, "As much as I've always been an avid cook and l law: to cook. I just don't find lime to cook." Bridger said. So they began unnmuling to 1iupperWorks' Oakville location each month fur its easy-to-prepare entrees long before they owned their own franchise. BY lemma Omsum ( Jrronirte 5/4le Candace Wagner and Tara Bridger. from left. have opened a SupperWorks store on the east side of Waterloo BUSINESS tllltONl [mum ORMSYON more WAI Hill H ) CHRONICLE . Wednesday September ly, 2007 . " "We fell in love with the fund. the people and the tummy)! and just how can} it was." she said. "Wt- said. this is silly, why do brt' keep driving lo l takvitk?' And on Duly Hi, they opcned the company's Waterloo franchise at 28:! Northfield Dr. 1%.. 211 Bridge Street. simple. First, you go In its website __ at www.supperworks.com - and sclect the meals you would like to make from a list of 14 recipes. Whit h change each month and "We fell in love with the food, the people and the concept and just how easy it was." Thu process - Tara Bridger (114114 WW o/ 'iutrperNtrko Continued on page 23 at SupperWurk's is