Mt . WAt FMI oo CHRONICLE . Wednesday, August th .500? "rji'r1i'/jij.tii: I _ W'll"'n 'tttt â€3932,9359 ii5i(ii?i,(iii,/r/i,,(,,,,,,,, 1,l,2,,, P5q9-ttati-ei50 The City 0")"er lhe (ll) of Waterloo has planted â€weal (ho-sand "Rum haul“ ards within the Fast few years. especially m newly developing midmlill If“: Although me City " resporusihle for most ofthe trees' maintenance II cam possibly cnsurt that the trees am “manually watered We need your assistance The "rest - Dry “mm" mdilions The dry summer condoms we have ban expenertcintp In Waterloo make it ditTicutt for young tree, to establish and thro e, and these same condmom also stress established trees As . Commtmity We haw mvested ume. energy and frnartcial resources mm estahlrshing an urban forest wathin our community Che urban forest. caudally than trees pin-mi within the pm! 5 years or so sitLO. lg m t at .'Ma. an pamculariy threatened by the drought-like condiuons we are amen“) expencnung The "can in your immediate (annuity any not “win without the 35mm: of your houseltold, WHAT TO DO: During the Inc's Grst year: J halt the trees two to four Minn mm: a week for the first lwn to three months and weekly Ihereaher .0: the During tubuquenl yarn: 4 Noah the Trees 1 . 4 hours "occ a month I At HON: II n heu lo any “ginning ltattth to prvvem Handing and to (mun: that the mob men: enough my gen lo perm“ growth / “an: trom your rum ham-ls any day' I only Mater your trees by means "I a hose orother attachmertt continued m the mumopal water system "hen all-Med In do w under the cum! water "strktioosihy-law tt9tt-tCt 4 hce thc Regina of “alcrlun Watering Schedule an Lug gum '13:qu ‘43me II" “I ("In mg ttere"""-"? I [raw suitermg hum lack ul “an-r (an be watered al any llmr: with a bucket frrst year rhe roots musl not he allowed to dry out “IKE TIP: Ik- “am-r bhtht" l 2mm go doggy/I Minus "to can dn: m droughl madman» PLEASI‘ WAFER THF. TREES'. etc, i5,t,?iii, Km: mt Nadia What l LOCAL TREES IN DISTRESS - PLEASE HELP 'our household needs to know durin ll youve like most people Inl‘lmanu. Vim remember exactly where vuu were when the blackout "r 24m happemti me Ill": Bladmui mmnd: us that tmergy umseruhun Is an "nporrantttoal tert all "artmumttes. Inuludlng ours PARTICIPATE IN A ON TUESDAY AUGUST M . Turn all mu! an cundmunrr . Tum on your lights . Avoid usmg any malor appliances Any not these actrvghes wall have an "npact on the amnum ot ekdnuh used that day But any step you can take to mummy may will help The Cm or Woodrstock has usual J challenge to "uuuopalrtes 1hroughout Onlanu to Nut» me rgy cunsumphun tor tius one Jar. ratsinr, awurerueis ot the importance ot electrical mm)“ RISE TO THE CHALLENGE AND TURN IT DOWN ON AUGUST ll For mun- t-nelgvfunsen mg tips vim w w w an?“ drucomiun mgcnergy . wwm T k w h ydro Eaiconrervatton J I Phu"p l'hmk about vtrttservattort measures we 1'iOt use even: dav to save energy and money. Mr“ numm<mn u‘mumk um arrTrteWx srmrarsmrrs aw To kee the Urban Forest Health) -somrr"toNxbrsMs lg the drv summer conditions City ofWaterloQPubljc Notice Notictris hereby gncn that the Council ofThe Corporation ofthe City ofWaterloo, at a meeting to be held on Angus! 27, 2007 in the Council Chambers, 3rd Floor, Water- loo City Centre, 100 Regina Street South, Waterloo. may consider amendments ofthe Slgn By-law to permit the following: I. Laurel Church Centre - 685 Highpoint Drive The proposed amendment will allow one ground sugn. 2. Camerco Holdings Inc. (Remax) - 180 Weber Street South The proposed amendment will allow six fascia Signs to be located on the westerly face (front) ofthc building. Development Services. 2nd Floor. Waterloo City Centre, 100 Regina Street South, Waterloo, Ontario. or by calling 747-8753. Marlq Gillespie. Development Services. City of Waterloo - - - - i CITY OF WATERLOO PUBLIC NOTICE DISPOSITION or PROPERTY FORMER SEAGRAM LANDS ERR STREET' WEST th FATHER DAVID BAUER DRIVE TAKE NOTICE THAT: . l . The Council ofthe Corporation of the City of Waterloo intends to consider enter- ing into an agreement with the Canadian Institute for Crovernance innovation. Wil- frid Laurier University and the University of Waterloo to provide the land for the operation ofa not-for-profit School of International Affairs and other non-profit University uses, and to provide for a lease in excess onl years with respecHo approximately 3.5 acres ofland located on the former Seagram property at the southwest corner orErb Street West and Father David Bauer Dnve. 2. If approved the lease agreement will provide for a term of99 years with the option of renewing for two further 25-year periods, for the sum of S l oo per year. 3. At a meeting held on October 20, I997. the Council ofThe Corporation ofthe City of Waterloo approved a resolution declaring the subject lands surplus. At a meeting to be held on Monday, August 27, 2007, in the Council Chambers. Council will hear any person who wishes to speak to this disposition and who has registered as a delegation with the City Clerk's office (519-747-8549) no later than 10:00 a.m. on Monday. August 27, 2007. Dated this 8th day of August. 2007. Susan Greatrix, City Clerk. City of Waterloo 100 Regina Street South, Waterloo. Ontario N214A8 sis-747.8705 - - - - __ WATERLOO MINOR BASEBALL ASSOCIATION REP MANAGERS/COACHES FOR 2008 SEASON co Albert McCormick Arena. 500 Parkside Dr. Waterloo, On. N2L 5J4 by Aug. IS, 2007 OR e-mail your application to robbiemuiderfg) JR Rookie Ball (b 2000) Major Peewee (b I995) SR Rookie Ball (b I999) Minor Bantam (b I994) Minor Tyke lb I998) Major Bantam (b I993) Major Tyke tb I997) Major Midget (b 1992, I99I,I990) Minor Peewee (b I996) Interviews for these positions will take place at the end ofAugust, Waterloo Minor Baseball will host AAA & A REP tryouts for divisions listed above in September. The tryout times will be advertised in the chronicle the lst week in September. I For forther information call WMBA 888.0244 evenings 7:00-9:00 pm. Waterloo Minor Baseball Association is accepting applications for the 2008 baseball season for both 'AAN & "A" REP managers for the divisions listed below. _ Please submit a written application stating your coaching qualifications and the divi- sion you wish to coaclv'manage and mail it to Waterloo Minor Baseball Association, In the past. the City of Waterloo has identireed problems with both old and new water valves, which requrre repair, If the valve 15 located m your driveway and a repair N necessary. It will likely require excavating an area around the valve, All unsightly with could mull in your brand new driveway, if you do no! call for In irtspection. If an excavation m a paved driveway cannot be avoided we will patch the area In the highest standard; however, we will not replace the entire dnx mu) Please call us three weeks prior to pavmg your drwcway so that we may Inspect any valve. whlch may he prcsenr Do not assume your drweway contractor will arrange this, Many “mes they don't Thank you I (Au. BEFORE vou PAVE 70-8513 PLANNING 0N GETI’ING YOUR DRIVEWAY PAVED??? PLEASE CALL US FIRST"..'.'