ll. WATERLDO CRrtoNtCu1 oWedneod-y. Mar t6, 2007 i . Grades 1,434 5, 6, 7, and s . I Tuesday, August 7 to Friday, A‘ugust24. w" I -da'c 8:30amt03:30pm ' -_' I Three View, full days building stronger Readingâ€: Writing and Arithmetic skills, developing better work habits and I gaining academic amfidence to begin the new school year. iitrontrts2strvoumxth-trattembaetto I Istaiiwsbamm"av3tr-ourmx*iss"-03"l '.srouretittrsptaasinteattstartscttutoaittettetttuntittttetuittonisreaseior I tttrarnaomr"l1tatt. oteyesyetrttry1ttt1tetttttPst"ude's"t0a. A workshop will be held this weekend exploring the insights of Native American spirituality and heal- ing pmggiges for the b_ody: _r_ngid and sgirlt "Gai He put on WM Our Relaiions, a charity dedicated to building a residential hospice and retreat centre in Waterloo Rayon. and the Opening lt will run on triday, from 6 to 9 p.m., Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 pm. and Sunday from 9 am. to noon at Luther Village on the Park, at 139 Father David Bauer Dr., in Watedoo. - "The cost for the entire workshop is $185. and $145 for students and seniors. m For kai, information or to register, contact Melba at cadwoman?g?ldenmet of 519-570-2536. N A portion oils, proceeds will go to All Our Rela- lions. ,ouwiitbenotttteionmedaetrtrttospotsareat-tse. mrmoteinmrmation,asusorretgshr cup-line at "r7tiiriiriisiisistttxtts # e-tttaodtttess ourttg-attend...theWatrsioosttttxc, mems,eiieristoe Workshop to look at Native American healing practices iiiiCi"iiiiCijiiiui or ii"iriiG'iiiii"i'iriiim l August Iittililhtletd Registration "arit'smrsGarGstName meme an...“ dun-hm AktieesandFattteesNstandt.astName Maximum 12 students per dass -rqtrktisadtressirtduttingpostrgaxte Kr, Right to Life is looking or someone with book- keeping skills, one day a week, at the office and to serve as a member of its boardofdimctors. Those who are dedicated to the cause and would like to be actively involved in directing and planning pro- life activities can call Jane Richard at 519-746-5433 or email kwrtl@golden.net. 1ltthttttttttrtt needed “IF a variety ttt rules The Waterloo County International Quilt Festival takes place from May 23-26 at RIM Park in Waterloo. Volunteer opportunities include meeting and greet- ing visitors. selling raffle tickets and distributing white gloves to protect the quilts. iikidns Oldest , Largest Fireworks Retailer 725 King St. N. Waterloo (King a Bridge) 51 tM88-727t, 51 9605461 31 Interested volunteers can call Naomi at 519-664-2728 or email volunteerpwater- looquiltrestivisl.com. . _ Visit the website www.waterlooquiltfestival.c om for more festival infor- mation. Participation House is looking for a volunteer who could practise sign language with someone who has a special interest in develop- ing this skill. The client has already taken a basic sign language course and would like to improve her skills. This activity allows par ticipams to be creative and have a lot offun. For more information. contact Elsa at 519-742-9424 ext. 204 or email eIsaéphwalerlooorg