Utill police (â€firms are used In nesting people with handcuffs. But starting mm week, some will he arresting theatregoers with comedy when they perform in Caught in the Act at the SI. lambs (inunlry Play- house Regional police ollicers trade guns for gusto in musical review Members of the Waterloo Regional Pulice liervice haw teumed up with “nylon Imierraiuutettt to present the vaudeville-style musical review in hopes of raising lunle In support a handful ot' local charities. f In doing m. the poticehave agreed to trade in their mgtmurks tor slapstick during lhe lwu-ku'uk run. "We wanted (u offer something completely dith.rrnt - something that would help ut, (mun-n more with the community." said Sm†Sgl. Hung Shep- pard of the Wuterluo rcgional police. "I dun} km)“ of am other police service [hank dune something like this PPV and l awnm‘ you, the audience will be blmwn away." though, ilk not the first time local law onimn'mrnl h.» hem we“ on slime. In 1999. mvmhcrsot the poiicts Nerv- ire - including Sheppard - per formed m the play lwvlu- Angry Men, which raised funds 1m Iwn area wometis shelters, But that show merHx involved act- mg. whereas, tim, our ftoturtss mung. singing and dam In}: "Wtr had .I Irmfu tow doing lurin- Angry \h-n." \hvppard mull "And .I l mlph- ot ll', “no alums ,tsk lug, AN'htm strrist'i',riirrp,iotlo H Ill u, again last ~4mm; \hn-ppurd shun-d the sun " vs hum- ul \mgmg "nother 1 han ty slum In “mum: I "tt.riiiir1truutt's MIN" dun-I Inn 1lcx “mud.“ "I lhmk u “as " karma Hung." yhep pard and “Mn hull .nlm Ina-n thinking of (1mm: " thunu dun“ tor tht. com Inunm m rm'ugmlmn ul Ilu- grunt 'sttt lt'NN hts Iuvunvss In.“ sew-n \hlsldlax pitrtttcrship, xx rlpl \ln'ppdrd wi/s hm-n Imnlu-d With (ummnnm (Munro for thc pm: “I \I-urs. helped run [hr .uulllum [mun-xx And what hr witnessed couldn't thl'n lust u-u-rylhlng um "mu-d trom By Awnu Bum f hronuhr stat) â€mm-(hawk suggcstrd " and oftcrtul In wrttt' thc Waterloo Regional Police Service members Les Pyke and Janet Fade rehearse a scene from Caught m the Act. a musical review staring members of the force. whith opens Feb. " at me sr Jacobs Country Playhouse hm " been mnn' surprising. "WV have Hi pmplr in the HM. whn .m- ull tttenthers of our wrvnu‘. and [hr mlrm Ion-Ix ol with m thvm arr um mrrt-dihk'." Sin-ppurd and "But when you think about it, most good police oWers are good actors. " '. tht. orally of titltutt hlexx Hl(' .mm .II llw audtttrms, “Bu! whtn vuu think idrout it. must good polio' affirms un- good aunts Ilu') hau- lo role play In rffectively dval with the rirtmmstartccs they're in. Man Sgl. Doug Sheppard Waterloo rrgmnul [min 4' ARTS FOCUS .. "use .m- polite "tiirers, who work full time and AW n-hrnrxmg hvsitles Hwy it. pm Illmam hundreds and hundreds oi hours nl thor nwn Imw mm making this show the high quality pmduu that m. gum); lo be .. Smm- own 'mrp [my the theatrt. whO they "w on dun .. lhm 'rt. n-hmlrslng a V ertt' with their guns on." 'iheppard said with a laugh "Alex Almmkass and that was a rtrst for hum F» But tht. hard “lurk p, [mung off. he added F Wr sound pretty darn good," ht Continued on page 16 [he University ofWaterloo's [illicit Avedon Muse- um and Archive of Games - a unique Canadian resource dedicated to researching. collvctirtg, pre- serving and exhibiting games and game-related ohjects -- is celebrating UW's Goth anniversary with an exhibit called the Spirit trt "Why Not?" - Games of L957. 'l he new exhibit. open to the public until the end of the year. features 50 artifacts including 39 games and such related information its magazines and hunks from the period when uw begun. Visitors will have the opportunity to play games that were puplb lar in â€:37. while listening to some of the hit records ofthe year, "While the world was busy with the space race. driving Edsels. listening to Elvis. at, well as inventing Velcro. AA batteries and 'l'ang. the game industry was also hard at work." says linhee Chung. museum technician and a graduate student in recreation and leisure studies. "Wham-n bought the rights to the Friuree. Board- game manufacturers capitalized on the baby hoom with Bridge Bingo and Stork Bingo. l'hey popularized gaunt-x based on the new medium. lelevisiun. with games such as Name That Tune." "Through the study of ganies. we can learn a great deal alum! human behaviour." says Run tohreaut, a professor of recreation and leisure studies who CO' directs lhe rrtu'A'um "Games reflect the cullurex in which they were developed and played. as well as ithvuratirtg thc diffusion and Inn-nu mm ot peuple 1hroughou1 human history _. [he museum“ puhlu gallery, Is located I" the ll t Mullhewx Hall. at [he t nlmuhm NIH-M enlmm e to the south tumpux h ls "pen Mondavs In lndayx. hum " a m m l pm. In hunk an individual ms“ ur group lnur. will Emma 4424 lhe muwum talk-(nun nnlmlex "lure than 1mm physical nhyeux - mum ofwhich "uxviteetsvxhihst, ed in tht. puhlil gallen “me HTI, Private. puhlu and corporate donations, have \umnmerl thc m um sition of nmlurh from .mmnd the world Chung says that Kames based on movies such ax Around the World in all "up. were produced. along with games based on popular icons of the day such as Nancy Drew and the Bohhsey (wins, trther games and nustulgia from the era will also be on display, I he mnwum\ ssvbsutr, W'v"rgitmesmu'st'ur" 1awutvrtoo l it. feattrres photo- graphs and documvmary Int about many Indnilhml items in the collection. I ach wrh [mgr m the virtual vxhihit includes, um- or more illustration of ohittts m the t ollection. 1hr mun-um v. operated hs the run-mum and 1visure stutiits tlepitritrumi. stirftt.d In graduate slu dents and (1mm sludrnh and administered by HW's lanllly of applied health sciences, School marks 50th year with fun and games WAI EMUUCMRONICUE . Wednesday lebmary 7, 2007 . " kw 'iemmt 'spe )0an {Jana