"They love the trips," she said of the two-night, three, Participants generally enjoy the adventurous jour- ney component the most, Coyne said. Scott also fasted for 30 hours for charity at Water, loo collegiate institute, where he isin Grade ll. The duo did most of their service at the Forest Hill United Church, where Megan helped with the youth program, and both baked pies, worked the soundboard and lent a hand at its annual turkey dinner. Silver participants who have earned the bronze award must complete a minimum of 30 hours of community service over six months. said len Come. the program's co-ordinator. The Funkenhausers have now completed the Frrst two levels. which are composed of four components: com- munity service, adventur- ous journey. skills and phys- ical recreation. It is designed to help young people foster a sense of responsibility for them- selves and the community. The award has three lev- els - bronze, silver and gold - and participants can work their way up. The Young Canadians Challenge is a non-compel- itive youth award program for people between the ages of 14 and 25. Soon after, and with a lit, tle "encouragement" from his mother, her brother, Scott, decided to take part too. achievement for the Duke of Edinburgh's Award Young Canadians Challenge. Megan Funkenhauser. 17. became involved with the challenge a couple of years ago after reading about it by chance. Waterloo sibliglqs' journey to _ aclueve prestigious award pays all ( By lmmru Omsnm Chronicle Stuff Iwo Waterloo siblings recently received sil- ver certificates of vement for the Duke Megan pulled out her knitting needles for this component and made four pairs of mittens, among Participants can choose from a variety of skills,ziuch as playing a musical instru- ment, cooking or photogra- phy, and must consistently pursue it over six months. The "i-year-old enjoyed being in the outdoors -- especially when he came face-to-face with a moose. went on "a little circuit" l I hours of canoeing. The first day he paddled for eight hours. The next, he "The canoeing part of it was fine," she said of the 12 hours of paddling she did. Scott also went camping in Algonquin Park. She found portaging with all her heavy gear to be the most challenging aspect of the journey. Megan went on a group canoeing trip in Algonquin Park this summer. mandatory for silver panici pants. day excursions that are __ -He _.u- v! Lu" In"! all! playing musical instruments among their Scott and Megan Funkenhauser, achievement for the Duke of Ed auser, aged 16 and 17, are the recipients of silver certificates of of Edinburgh's Award Young Canadians Challenge. Both count s amonn thoir tice n; 5"».sz- Megan and Scott received their certificates - along with 79 other recipi- ents -- from Lt.-Gov. James Bartleman at a ceremony at Queen's Park earlier this She was also active on her school's track team; she particularly enjoyed the throwing activities. Scott played on a Water- loo minor soccer. team. completed his bronze medallion and cross, and participated on his sdiool's fdolball and track-and-field teams. For the physical fitness component, participants must complete at least two hours of fitness activities per week for 20 weeks. Megan, who is in Grade 12 at WCI, walked home from school and the bus stop periodically. Ll]F,j,lifi,rl?iLE And Scott played the piano, working on his Grade 7 in the Royal Conservatory program. other clothing, that were donated to her church's mit- ten tree. aged 16 and 17, list of hobbieZ . Carpet . Berber: . laminate . Ceramic The Area's LARGE†Selection "I've se/er, very positive changes in them," she said. And the siblings' mother, Judy, has already noticed her children evolving as a result of the Young Canadi- ans Challenge. "If you complete all three award levels. it's a great overall development," said Coyne. "I would say it gives you very strong characteristics and qualities to be leaders in society." The" Funkenhauség Fave already begun working on the gold level. She is impressed with how well they document their progress, especially since they are going through this program independent- ly as opposed to in a group. "They both . really seemed eager to be doing and completing the pro- "They both did an excel- lent job," said Coyne, who spoke to the siblings after the award ceremony. month JENNIFER OIMSVON H1010 . lot Just End Rolls Lmlaren are given free admission to the museum on Saturdays, but they must be accompanied by an adult. The Joseph Schneider Haus is at 466 Queen St. s., in Kitchener. For more information, call 519-742-7752. Joseph Schneider Haus is kicking off the winter season this Friday from I to 4 p.m. when a master baker will use the outdoor bake oven. Fresh baking will be available for sale until 4 p.m On Saturday and Sunday, Pennsylvania-German breakfast basics will be explored. Drop by for kinder crafts on Saturday from 2 to 3 p.m. Children are given free admission to the museum on Saturdays, but they must be accompanied by an adult. Museum welcomes winter with outdoor baking event To some people cohousing is a return to the best of small-town communities, There will be guest speakers from the Canadian Cohousing Network and the Ecovillage at Ithaca. An organic, vegetarian spaghetti dinner will be served. Admission is $5; children enter for free. The church is at 96 Dunbar Rd. S. For more information, call 519-888-6917. A cohousing information night will take place or Saturday at the First Unitarian Church, starting at 5 nm The Waterloo Horticultural Society will hold a November potluck dinner on Friday. Only society members are invited. but new mem- bers will be accepted at the dinner. It will take place at the Adult Recreation Centre, 185 king St. s., Waterloo. Bring a pre-cooked potluck dish. No cooking facili, ties are available. Doors open at 5:30 p.m.; dinner begins at 6:30 pm. For information. call 519-886-3407. l'he Women's Guild of the St. George's of bore Church will hold its 2006 Christmas market on 1 day from IO an]. to 2 pm. There will be quality crafts by parish artisans ing and gourmet food, gently used hooks. and n ing coffee and noon lunch, among others. The church isat321 Fischer-Haliman Rd For more information, call 5 19-744-475t. Learn more about cohousing at info night Horticultural group sets table for potluck Women's guild holds Christmas market . Hardwood ieurge's of borvst Hill nus market on Satur- 'd hooks. and morn huk